Mosshrooms — Charlene Application [C-C]

#charlene #naga #animalcrossing #creaturecrossing
Published: 2019-10-26 19:12:07 +0000 UTC; Views: 790; Favourites: 11; Downloads: 0
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Wait, I can explain.

...Ok, no I can't. I just wanted one of the Halloween adopts. So I got one. And reworked it to fit into my storyline. Don't expect me to get around to her role soon though; truthfully, I'm just uploading her now so I can get extra fountain rolls *wheeze*

Name: Charlene Sparks

Species: Naga
Birthday: 11/13
Height: 8'0"
Villager Type(s): Snooty/Smug
Catchphrase: "Frangs"
Address: 242 Lakewood Subdivision, Lilypad, ME
Quote: "Fangs for coming out tonight, I know you're gonna love me~."
Age: 32 (As of 2022)




"Childhood was some of the best years of my life. I had big dreams of making it on stage, and oh, did my dear mother relish in that. Her every attentive moment was poured into embelshing my asperations. We practiced my singing, my performance, my dress. Together, we were going to make me a star; the biggest the world had ever seen!"

"..At least, that was until she came along."

"I had just turned 8 when that wretched little brat was born. It was only a week after my own birthday, so already from the start, she was pulling attention away from me when I rightful deserved it. At first, things were normal, I suppose. She still took mother's attention away from me to a degree, but it was tolerable at least. Mother and I still did our practicing every day when she didn't have to deal with the guppy. No, it all began to go downhill when I was around 14. The brat had just turned 6, starting to wander about on her own. She started coming into the room as we were practicing. She would try to sing along with us, dance beside us. In reality of course, she was doing the six-year-old's equivalent of all that; screaming and falling on her butt. It was pitiful. But for some reason, it wasn't to mom."

"Time went on. The brat continued to join us in practice, slowly but surely driving mom's attention away from me. Eventually, mom was making sure she was in the room, making her practice with us every day. Except it wasn't really us. It was her and mom. I had become an after thought to my own mother. Now, mom put all her focus on training her, seeing something in the brat that she apparently didn't see in me anymore. I was still there, I was still participating, but only in the sense that I was following along to the instructions being given to her."

"That little punk stole whatever chance at the fame and fortune I worked so hard for away from me. She stole my practice, she stole my training, she stole my attention, and she stole our mother away from me. Even after she wisened up enough to bless us with running away, things didn't go back to the way they once were. Mom's still too preoccupied with her missing little star to give her actual star the time of day. So one of two things is going to happen here. Either I'm going to finally strike it as big as I deserve to? Or I'm going to make sure that brat knows how much she's ruined my life. For the rest of her own.

Charlene is the epitome of spoiled entitlement; born from the fires of her mother's ego. Her mother raised her to believe she would be the next biggest star, and Charlene ate it up. As the years went on, she developed the same sense of narcissisim, believing that not only would she become famous, but that she rightfully deserved it. The universe owed this to her. Her mother had given her everything she had ever asked for, so she believed everyone else should follow suit.

At least until Marcilene came into their lives.

Marcilene shook everything up for her. Their mom slowly but surely began to focus on the younger daughter over Charlene, leaving her very suddenly faced with the reality of not getting everything she wanted, and the realization that her life's goals may not pan out like mother had promised. These facts stuck in Charlene's head, but not in the way they should have. Her perception of how the world works was already too warped. In her mind, all of this was Marcilene's fault. If she hadn't come along and stolen mom away from her, she would still be getting what she deserved, she would still be on the path to fame and fortune. Marcilene represented everything that stood in her way, and it made her bitter. Bitter and angry. Bitter, angry, and desperate to fix the problem in anyway she could.

Proof of the adoption purchase  for the original design, and of her approval .
Forms/Outfits List

  • Is very much convinced an interaction involving herself should revolve around her, and will take it as an insult if it does not.
  • Her singing voice and performance skills are actually pretty good, and her work in improving them is apparent, but they aren't as magically flawless as she's convinced they are.
  • Uses "fangs" as a replacement for "thanks".
  • Isn't convinced her mother was manipulative like the rest of her family believes. If she had dreams or asperations before the brainwashing, she doesn't remember them, and is convinced because she wants the same things as her mother, she can't have bad intentions.
  • Will take any opportunity to try and one up someone if singing is brought up.
  • Snake form is approximately the same size as naga form.
  • Human form is used under the stage name of Dolly. Is 5'7", and claims to be a Drow to cover for the odd skin tone.
  • "Script MT Bold" Font

Potential Clothing Articles:

Potions Applied:

  • N/A

Abilities and Powers:

  • Bodily Plant Manipulation - Can control the growth of the fly trap on her body, allowing her to grow or shrink it within reason at will.
  • Venomous - Bites may have some level of venom if she so chooses.
  • Transformation - Is able to turn fully human or fully serpent.

Character Log:

  • (8/18/19): Full Redesign  package applied.
  • (3/27/23): App updated to new format. Log started.

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Comments: 3

ErrorVittra [2019-11-01 11:11:27 +0000 UTC]

She's beautiful! 

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Mosshrooms In reply to ErrorVittra [2019-11-02 06:14:20 +0000 UTC]

I'm sure she appreciates that; feed into her ego~.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

ErrorVittra In reply to Mosshrooms [2019-11-02 09:14:42 +0000 UTC]

Very well! I wonder how she and Kami (my CC oc) would interact, Kami being a sweet ball of compliments and fur XD

👍: 0 ⏩: 0