Morning1 — Darknes Slow Journey.. wedding

Published: 2005-03-27 15:16:59 +0000 UTC; Views: 2944; Favourites: 22; Downloads: 44
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Description Okay this is from one of my earlier fics.
I must again apologize for the way it scanned. Resizing bluring and the color distortion aren't things I know how to fix. I still liked this pic for what I hope was the emotional feeling of what happened in the story.

At sunset Charlene Davidson stood arrayed in the white gown looking like a vision of splendor and grace. The soft white garment lying demurely off her shoulders and her hair lifted just slightly, held in place by the crystal-jeweled barrette.

Lydia, Throttle's mother, adorned in an elegant, black, long sleeved, gown also of soft smooth velvet, she took hold of Charley's shaking hand and gave her a smile of confidence. "Are you ready?" Charley took a cleansing breath to get herself centered, looked into the eyes of the new mother she very dearly loved and nodded in the affirmative.

As they walked through the corridor passer-bys smiled and politely whispered how very beautiful the earth woman looked and gave words of congratulation. Charley understood that no one but the immediate family was allowed to attend the ceremony and even they only to a point.

It took some time but they finally arrived at the long hallway that led to an elaborately carved blue wooden door. At its entrance stood an older mouse Charley had never seen before, Stoker, Vinnie, Modo, Hari Odo, and of course Throttle. They were all dressed in garments that reminded her of medieval times. King Author and his knights couldn't have been more dashing. Each dressed in black tunics of different styles and materials, black leggings, belts and leather boots, that is all but Throttle.

If she had imagined for the rest of her life it would never compare to how he looked at that moment. No prince in any fairytale could have been more handsome. Just as she, Throttle was draped in all white; the soft leather tunic, leggings, and knee-high boot fit him like a custom made kid glove. His wild bangs still fell into his face and the rest of his hair was hanging loosely around his shoulders flowing free like gentle flaxen waves.

Charley felt as if the walk up to meet him would take forever but once there, Lydria placed Charley's hand into his. Throttle's elated mother reached down and took another bracelet from her arm; this one was made of pure gold and put into Throttle's hand. After kissing her son she stood next Hari Odo.

The older male took Charley's hand then Throttle's. "This is a time for great rejoicing among our people. One of our children has found the longings of his heart. He has brought to our world the daughter of another. May the joining of these young hearts be as eternal as the red of the Martian sand, loyal as the sun's light and true as the Creator's love. Do you have an outward sign of your bonding?"

Throttle took the golden bracelet and slipped it onto Charley's wrist joining it with the silver one that was already there. Charley looked lost for a moment then smiled as her thumb felt the ring on her index finger. She knew her father would approve and she took it off and slipped it onto the finger of Throttle's left hand.

"Let the bonding take place." The older Martian opened the large door and escorted the couple into the room closing the door behind them.

Charley was awe struck and held tightly to Throttle arm too scared to take another step. Throttle chuckled a little, "tell me what you see."

"It's magnificent. It looks like the inside of a cave only the walls seem to be strangely smooth like they were covered with glass. The floor is like polished rubies and in the center of the room there is a large platform and on that is a large pile of pillows.

"Guide me over to that spot." Throttle instructed.

Charley did as he requested and once near the platform she saw three stairs that lead up to the pillows. She and Throttle climb them and he laid down beckoning she follow him.

He lay on his back and pulled her close to his chest.

"This is a little scary." Charley voice quivered.

Throttle increases a gentle hold on his unsure soon to be consort. "You have nothing to be afraid of my heart. I would die before I would let anything hurt you. Do you trust me?"

Charley settles into his reassuring embrace. "Yes, I trust you with my life, with everything I am now or will ever be."

He smiled and began caressing her hair. "So it begins", he whispered softy. Odd but magnificent music seemed to be emerging from every part of the beautiful red room. Charley closed her eyes and felt like she was floating as an extraordinary warm feeling began to emit from Throttle. It enfolded them and it was as if they were melting into each other. A dazzling light began to descend from above and before long it too had enclosed them. Everything that existed seemed to disappear as time and space held no meaning; nothing was real except for the two lovers merging together. It was beyond joy, beyond ecstasy, beyond any mere words or feelings. They were becoming and would soon always be Imza-ti-uar, different sides of one heart.

From outside the door everyone waited, they waited until the glow from the tiny portal just above the large blue door began to diminish until it was gone. The older Martian smiled and uttered softly. "It is done, they are one."

No one spoke just nodded and began to leave. The older Martian smiled and locked the door, barring any one from entering the room and giving the new couple the privacy to consummation their new union undisturbed.

With one hand Lydria held on to her cherished Hari, they having bonded in a dirty cell on the Plutarkian prison. With the other she lovingly fondled the small locket, how grateful she was that Hari could understand and accept the love she would always feel for her late husband. How did he fraise it, "My heart is large enough to embrace thy love and find joy in the love ye still cherishes with thy lost mate." All the tears she had shed, all the heartache she endured, was lost in the glorious moment she was bless with today.

Modo happy for his bro but just a little sadden thinking back to the day of his bonding with his beautiful Sierra. He wasn't ready to let go of her love and was content to let her stay fresh in his mind and have her memory to warm his soul.

Vinnie looked back briefly thinking how fortunate his cousin was and if ever he would find a love so complete. Then quickly pushing the serious thought away began concentrating on which young lady he would grace with his presents that evening.

Stoker slapped the shoulder for the other elder Martian. "Well looks like we got some hope after all, these two and hopefully others will follow." The other male simple nodded in agreement and walked away.

Stoker turned and touched the door tenderly his thoughts floating to a pair of big blue eyes, warm tan fur and a bright smile, to a beautiful young girl that was snatched so viciously from his life too many years ago. The mentor, teacher, main heart of the Martian resistance walks away to find some peace in the company of the friends and family he still had left.

In the now silent bonding chamber two figures lay exhausted both emotionally and physically. The next step was obvious and would follow the natural line of events to further solidify their new relationship. Charley no longer worried about that step and when it happened she knew he would gratefully accept her most precious gift. But for now sleeping curled in each other's arms was enough.
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Comments: 5

CCB-18 [2016-09-12 08:27:56 +0000 UTC]

For a moment, with that long hair, I thought it was General Carbine, or some other female Martian mouse...

(I'd always put Charley down with Modo and Throttle with Carbine)

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Ljubwen [2011-04-11 23:58:49 +0000 UTC]

sweet!! I want to read the whole story!!!! where???[link]

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

delunatic [2010-03-18 22:16:43 +0000 UTC]

i always loved that part of the story and now that I can actually see your take on it...wow!

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

sunshynne [2005-03-30 13:43:13 +0000 UTC]

I've always loved this picture The coloring is gorgeous
I like the writing too, as always

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

yugiohlover22 [2005-03-27 23:37:24 +0000 UTC]

This is a very pretty picture of Charley & Throttle's wedding day. ^-^ You should be proud of it.

👍: 0 ⏩: 0