morianna19 — A Wish on a Comet (Luffy x OC) Ch 30 Part 2 by-sa
#luffy #monkeydluffy #onepieceoc #skyisland #skypiea #luffyxoc #strawhatspirates #onepieceoccharacter #onepieceocgirl
Published: 2018-08-07 02:05:42 +0000 UTC; Views: 2613; Favourites: 10; Downloads: 0
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Nami and Aisa scream in fright as they, Gan Fall, Rose, and Pierre fall into the snake's stomach. Before Pierre could do anything, the waver hits his head to knock him out and crashes into Rose.

Rose pushes him off her and catches the group just when they reach the pit of her stomach.

Gan Fall blinks at the safe landing before he sits down on a piece of stone to rest his ankle. He scans his surroundings to see broken buildings, treasure, and stomach acid everywhere. "Looks like we're in her stomach."

Rose nods as she looks to see that the bird's regaining consciousness and then looks to the girls. "You two didn't get hurt from the fall, right?"

Nami nods, but Aisa grabs a stick and points the weapon at her. Even though she's trying to glare at the wind girl, she can't hide the fear in her eyes from anyone.

Rose widens her eyes at the child's distress before she remembers that this little girl's the only one on the island, besides Eneru and the priests, that has observation haki. *She must've noticed my aura...*

She quietly sighs as she steps back to show that she means no harm, and flies off. "I'm gonna see if anyone else got eaten. You never know right?"

Nami blinks at Rose's retreat, and knits her eyebrows at Aisa's behavior. "What's the matter with you?"

The kid keeps an uneasy eye on the wind girl, as she keeps feeling her aura. "Her voice is so loud and strange. I never heard anything like it before, it's creepy."

Rose pretends that she didn't hear the child's comment about her as she spots a familiar straw hat nearby.

As she heads to her captain, Nami blinks at the complaint. "By her voice, do you mean-?"

"Quit digging into her sides Luffy!" Everyone freezes at Rose's voice when they hear Luffy's voice right after her.

"Rose, you came to the mystery cave too?!"

"This isn't a cave, you got eaten by a snake!"


"Yea, you've been digging at her sides this whole time! Come on!"

The others look in shock to see Rose flying towards them with Luffy by her side.

"You guys got eaten?!" Luffy asks as Rose lands them on the floor.

Nami doesn't answer, but instead pulls her captain's nose. "You got eaten too! And what was this about you digging into the snake?!"

"I was trying to get out..." Luffy says as Nami's pulling made his voice sound nasally.

Aisa, Pierre, and Gan Fall sweat drop at the exchange and wonder if he's actually serious.

Rose bites the inside of her cheek, to resist laughing at the funny face Luffy's making, before she pats the navigator on the shoulder to calm her down. "Take it easy Nami, we should be working on getting out of here."

Nami releases his nose, but Luffy looks at them in confusion. "Can't we just go out through the butt?"

"No way!" Nami says as she whacks him on the head.

Rose nods in agreement as she searches the area for wood. "Nami's right Luffy, we need to make a fire so that she'll sneeze us out."

"WE CAN'T DO THAT!" Nami yells as she whacks her on the head.

Aisa tilts her head at the brunette, who she was worried about, just a minute ago. *Is her voice just a fluke? There's nothing menacing about her...*

Rose chuckles at Nami's rejection as she rubs the back of her head and thinks it over. "Maybe you're right, I've only seen it work on whales."

"Seriously?!" Luffy asks in shock with her nodding.

The navigator shakes her head at the craziness, when the snake moves around and sends them all flying along with a few buildings.

Gan Fall gets on the back of his bird just before a ruin could fall on him, while Nami grabs her waver and starts it up. "Guys, get on the waver! I can navigate the rest of us out of here!"

The others nod to the plan, as Rose flies onto the back of the waver and grabs on Nami's waist. Luffy wraps an arm around Aisa and grabs onto the exhaust pipe.

"Let's get out of here!" Luffy says as the waver starts moving.

Aisa widens her eyes when she sees that the exhaust for the waver's wind dial is directed towards them. "Wait, that's-!"

It was too late, because when the waver drove towards the mouth at full speed, it sent both Aisa and Luffy flying back into the stomach.

As Gan Fall and Pierre reach the mouth, the knight looks back in shock to see what happened. "Pierre, get them back!"

He jumps off the bird to escape the snake while Pierre follows his master's commands by flying back into the snake's mouth for his friends.

When Nami and Rose leave the mouth, Rose creates a gust of wind so that they and Gan Fall land on the ground safely.

Once they're safe, the wind girl looks around to see that Aisa and Luffy are still in the snake. "Shit, they didn't come with us."

She starts flying back to get them when Gan Fall walks in front of her. "It's alright, Pierre is getting them. He's reliable."

She looks back at the snake for a moment and nods to the plan so that Aisa stays away from Eneru. "Alright, thank you."

The knight nods while Nami looks at their new surroundings. She widens her eyes in surprise to see that they're not at the ruins anymore, but in an ancient city. "Where are we?"

"It looks like we're under the surface." Gan Fall says as he as he gazes at the city. "I didn't expect this to be on the Upper Yard though."

Rose looks back at the snake, and sees that she's searching the city for something with a happy grin on her face.

Nami follows her gaze and tilts her head in confusion. "Is Luffy doing something to the snake again?"

Rose shakes her head. "I don't think so, it looks like she's searching for something." They keep staring at the snake only to find that she stopped and began crying.

The three of them cover their ears from her loud cry, before they see a ball of electricity in the air. The group looks to the snake in horror, when the lightning plummets onto the snake and electrocutes her.

"AISA!" The group looks to see Wiper at the nearby square and yelling in horror at what could happen to his fellow Shandorian.

"NAMI! ROSE!" The girls widen their eyes at their names being called by the swordsman, just behind the wall next to them.

When they look over the wall, they see not only Zoro, with an unconscious Chopper in his arms, but also Robin looking to the snake in worry for their friends.

Rose chuckles at their worry as she waves at them. "Don't kill us off just yet."

The pirates look at the girls in shock to see that they're alright.

"When did you get out?" Robin asks as Nami, Rose, and Gan Fall go over to them.

Nami looks over the snake worriedly. "A couple of minutes ago. I'm more worried about Luffy though. He's still in the snake."

Zoro widens his eyes at this. "When the hell did Luffy get in there?!"

Rose raises her hands defensively. "Don't ask us, he was in there before we were."

"ENERU!" The group turns to Wiper's furious voice to see him trying to blast something on the roof of a nearby building, and they look in shock to see that it's the island's ruler.

As Eneru jumps to dodge the cannon fire, Nami takes Chopper from Zoro and runs to hide behind a ruin.

Gan Fall and the other pirates glare at the electric man as he casually stands in the middle of the square with the other survivors.

Eneru chuckles at the glares he's receiving from the survivors as he casually smiles at them. "Looks like our game is reaching its end."

"Did you just call this a game?!" Wiper angrily asks but Eneru ignores his rage as he answers him.

"That's right, and we're all contestants. Including myself, to see who would survive on this island."

*This sick fucker...* Rose bites back the many insults that are begging to come out of her mouth as she tightens her fists and listens to him.

"I predicted that after three hours, there would be six survivors."

Nami widens her eyes at the prediction, when she realizes that besides herself there are six people at the square. *Maybe he didn't notice me!*

Eneru grins at the survivors as he looks at the ruin that the navigator's hiding behind. "There seems to be a problem though. Since there are seven survivors instead of six."

Nami jolts at his comment and cries comical tears at knowing that he noticed her after all.

The others however, keep their guards up when they hear Eneru's solution. "My predictions can't be wrong, so someone has to be eliminated. Will you all decide who dies or should I?"

The group looks to each other when Zoro turns to Robin and Rose. "What do you think?"

"No thank you." Robin says with a casual grin.

"Hell no." Rose says with Zoro nodding in agreement.

"I'm not either."

"I'm not dying." Wiper says.

"I refuse as well." Gan Fall says when they look at the ruin that Nami's hidden behind.

The navigator jolts when she feels their stares on her. "W-wait, I-"

"We choose you." The warriors say at the same time, as they point their weapons at Eneru.

Eneru chuckles at their impudence. "It looks like none of you know what it means to be a god."

"That's enough Eneru! What are you trying to accomplish with all this?!" Gan Fall asks furiously.

"Isn't it obvious? I seek to go to god's land. A land of limitless earth. I'm going to discard this lousy piece of land and head off to the place where I belong."

Wiper and Gan Fall narrow their eyes at the explanation. "Discard it?"

Eneru nods as if what he's saying isn't wrong. "I have no use for this land anymore, so once I leave this island I'm going to send it back to the world below. Even if that means destroying the place."

"I WON'T ALLOW IT!" Gan Fall yells as he charges the man, while he ignores the pain in his ankle.

Eneru chuckles at his defiance as he transforms himself into lightning and reappears right next to him while he points two fingers at him. "Thirty million volts!"

The others can only watch in horror as Eneru electrocutes the knight. Once he stops his power, the elderly man immediately falls unconscious with electrocution marks all over his body.

Zoro grips his swords tighter to hold back his rage. "He's a devil fruit user?!"

Robin nods as she narrows her eyes on the man. "It must be a lightning devil fruit. That means he's a logia user."

Eneru could care less about his defeated opponent, as he looks to the remaining survivors with a smile. "Yaahahaha, looks like we have the right number of survivors now. I would like to congratulate you all on making it. Now, come with me to god's land."

Wiper raises an eyebrow at the order at he keeps his guard up. "What are you talking about?"

The electric man chuckles as he explains his plan. "I've used this game to select the chosen few who are worthy to come with me to god's land."

"And if we refuse?" Robin asks as if her life isn't on the line.

Eneru loses his smile at the question, and looks at her in confusion. "Why would you? If you stay, you'll die like the rest of them."

Robin casually grins as if this is a regular conversation. "It's true, but if you destroy the country, then you could lose the golden bell."

The others look at her in confusion, except for Eneru who chuckles at her argument. "I already have the bell."

Robin widens her eyes at his claim as he starts charging up his arms. "It seems you underestimated me. How shallow."

He points an electrified finger at Robin and fires his electricity at her. However, what nobody expected was Rose to go in front of Robin and push her back.

Before the lightning could strike her, she creates a whirlwind around her, just like the wind barrier she made when she fought with Ace in Alabasta.

Everyone widens their eyes at the barrier, because the electricity got redirected into the wind. Rose cringes at how hard it is to maintain it with the electricity before she cancels out the barrier and stops the lightning.

Rose lightly pants from exhaustion, but she can't stop the small victorious smirk from coming on her face.

"How did you know that would work?" Robin asks, but Rose just shrugs.

"I didn't. I saw Eneru do the same thing to my tornado and thought I could do the same."

Nami blinks at the explanation when she remembers how wind can be used to create electricity. *With her power, she might be able to take him down.*

She grins in hope that she could win, but Eneru's not pleased at all.

He narrows his eyes on the brunette as he grips his staff. "Even you're siding with the humans?"

"Never said I wasn't asshole!" Rose says as she and Zoro charge the god.

He sighs in disappointment, as he easily dodges their wind punches and blades, and jumps into the air. Wiper takes this chance to shoot his bazooka at him.

Eneru turns his body into a flash of lightning, and easily dodges the blast. The Shandorian clicks his tongue at the dodge when he sees him reform on another rooftop.

Robin summons a group of arms to lock him onto the roof, so Wiper fires again. However, Eneru turns himself into lightning again to avoid the cannon.

Everyone searches for where he'll reappear next, but they can't find him anywhere.

"You're all fools." Everyone widens their eyes to see that he's re-appeared behind Robin, and has her in a headlock with one arm while he's pinned her arms behind her back with the other.

"Robin!" Zoro, Nami, and Rose call out in worry as the swordsman and astronomer run after them.

Rose starts creating wind to send Eneru flying, but it was too late as he electrocutes Robin.

Once he's done, he turns into electricity to avoid the pirates and leaves the archaeologist to fall. Zoro manages to catch her in his arms while Rose goes after Eneru.

"Get back here, you bastard!" Rose says as she turns her arm into hot wind and fires at him. Eneru chuckles at the attempt as he turns his arm into electricity and counters her wind. "You're wasting your energy."

While he's distracted Zoro strikes him, but his blades are blocked by Eneru's staff. The god kicks him with an electric foot to send him flying backwards while he continues his lightning strike towards the girl.

Rose widens her eyes at how his lightning is overpowering her arm, so when it approaches her, she flies up to avoid the blast. What Eneru wasn't expecting though, was while he was busy attacking Rose and Zoro, Wiper abandoned his cannon to run at him.

Just when Eneru drove off Rose's attack, Wiper jumped at him with his reject dial in hand. While Eneru keeps on a poker face, he's genuinely surprised on the inside that Wiper's touch didn't go through the logia user. "What do you think you're doing?"

"Do you know what sea stone is?" Wiper asks which surprises the blue sea pirates.

Rose grins at the sneak attack as she and Zoro stay back.

Wiper makes sure that his shoes are in contact with Eneru's skin as he keeps explaining. "I added some to my shooters. You won't be able to use your powers now."

He was right, because all of Eneru's strength has been drained to the point where he had to fall on his knees. Eneru begins to worry about what will happen, when he sees the reject dial in his hand. "Wait, you can't be serious! If you use the reject dial on me, then you'll die too."

"As long as you die with me then I don't care!" He hits the reject dial on Eneru's chest without a care for his own life. "REJECT!"

The pirates take cover from the blast as a strong wind blows over them all. When the smoke subsides, everyone looks to see Wiper standing up proudly with Eneru dead on the ground.

The Shandorian smirks in pride as he smokes his cigarette and steps away from Eneru. "It's finally over."

Rose widens her eyes as she remembers how he survived in the manga, and yells to Wiper as she runs to him. "KEEP THE SEA STONE ON HIM!"

The others look at her in confusion, before electricity starts surging on Eneru's body. Wiper immediately understands what she's talking about, and goes to put his sea stone shoe back on Eneru, but it's too late. Electricity blasts out of him in all directions and sends both Rose and Wiper flying away from the body.

They both catch themselves before they could hit the ground and look in horror to see Eneru standing back up again.

"D-did he just restart his heart?!" Nami asks in pure despair of their situation.

Almost everyone is paralyzed in fear as he wipes off blood from the corner of his mouth. "This part of the game has gone on long enough."

Nami starts shaking in fear as Rose charges at him.

"You're the one who started this!" Rose says as she turns her arm into air to hit him, but he jumps to dodge while Wiper jumps right behind him.

"I won't let you ruin my ancestor's land anymore!" He goes to kick him with his sea stone skate, but Eneru uses his staff to break the skates off his feet.

"That won't work on me this time." Eneru says as he lets Rose use her wind to send him flying to a building while he charges his electricity. "Thunder bird."

As soon as his back hits the building he releases a bird made of entirely electricity that flies straight to Wiper in the blink of an eye.

Rose tries to use her wind to move him out of the way, but it's too late as the bird flies straight through the Shandorian. Wiper screams in agony of the electrocution before it knocks him out.

Rose catches Wiper before he hits the ground, then sets him on the ground, before she glares at the thunder man and flies at him.

He shoots his lightning at her again, but Rose doesn't dodge as she transforms her arm into wind. This time though, she changes the wind on her arm so that it's like her arm is a tornado and blocks it against the lightning.

Eneru widens his eyes at the surprising move as the electricity morphed with the wind and punches him in the gut. The tornado punch managed to not only send him flying, but send him spinning into a building.

Rose lands on the ground, and flinches from the electric hitting her arm as she turns it back to normal. She catches her breath from the experiment, as she forces herself to keep standing on trembling legs.

Zoro widens his eyes at his crew mate's exhaustion before he finds the broken skates at the other side of the plaza, and runs to get it. *That sea stone's our only chance.*

From inside the building, Eneru chuckles at the swordsman's plans as he creates another electric animal. "Thunder beast!"

Rose widens her eyes at the electric wolf that jumps out of the building and bites down on Zoro as if it was a real animal.

Rose flies over to Zoro and blasts her wind at the animal, but it couldn't stop the electricity from harming Zoro until he fell unconscious. Once the animal vanished, Rose catches Zoro by the shoulders and lays him down.

Eneru chuckles at the wind girl's compassion as he jumps out the window. "Now you see how pointless it is to side with humans little one? You're much better off-"

"SHUT UP!" Eneru blinks at Rose's outburst she turns around to give him one of the most frightening glares he's ever seen.

Even Nami jumps back in fear when she sees the fury in Rose's eyes, and it's not even aimed at her.

Rose doesn't notice her navigator's fright as she flies in the air. "The only thing you've done is completely piss me off!"

She flies straight at him while Eneru turns into electricity to dodge. He reappears on a roof while Rose flies up, turns both her arms into wind again, and aims them at random directions.

Eneru looks around for where they will hit, but it's too late when they send him flying off the building. She creates a gust to swat him to the ground, but he turns himself into electricity to avoid the attack.

Rose looks around for her prey when she sees the sea stone. She uses her wind to pick it up, without touching it, when she hears electricity in the air. She looks to see that another electric bird is coming at her, so she flies up to dodge.

She managed to dodge the main blow, but the electricity grazed her legs and made her stumble in the air. She sees Eneru smirking at her as he turns both his arms into lightning before he fires them straight at her. She makes both of her arms into tornadoes as she blocks the blows.

Eneru's electricity however was stronger than the last time and began to overpower her, so she lets her wind throw the sea stone at him. Before it could hit him though, he turns the rest of his body into lightning and flew up to avoid it while he continues his attack.

Rose widens her eyes at the dodge as she keeps blocking the blow as he flies above her. "It's over."

He doubles the strength in his lightning and sends her falling. Rose flies forward to dodge the lightning from completely roasting her, and rolls on the ground as her arms turn back to normal. She tries to fly again, but her wind won't work anymore from the exhaustion.

As she stands up, Eneru reappears next to her, picks her up by the neck with one hand, and enough slack for her to breathe, then slams her back to the wall. "You could do so much better than this little goddess. Why are you resisting?"

Nami knits her eyebrows in confusion as she fearfully stares at the two logia users. *Did he just call her a goddess? Maybe because of her devil fruit?*

Rose grits her teeth as she grips his hand with one hand to struggle, and tries to use her wind with the other, but nothing happens except for her fist going through him. "For the last time I'm not a god, you delusional prick! We're both human!"

He chuckles at the claim as he looks at all the buildings they destroyed. "You're the one who's delusional if you think this destruction can be made by two humans."

She continues to try punching and kicking in his grasp in hopes of her wind doing something, but gets no results as he pushes her back against the building harder, and looks her in the eyes with a devilish smirk. "It's time that you grow up and face the truth. No matter how hard you try to blend in with these pirates, you'll always be different from them. Your mantra should be enough proof of that."

Nami widens her eyes at what he said when she remembers Aisa's reaction to Rose, along with the priests acting strange when they were at Upper Yard together, and realizes that her mantra's different. What she doesn't understand is why though? Could it really be because of her devil fruit?

She continues to nervously watch as Eneru keeps lecturing the brunette. "You need to understand that as gods, we're always going to be feared. It's pointless to try being friends with these humans, because deep down they'll always be afraid of you."

Rose widens her eyes at the claim, that holds her fears for if the crew knew the truth, before she frantically kicks and struggles in his grip. "You don't know them!"

He chuckles at her denial as he looks to the scared navigator. "Just look at your redhead friend if you don't believe me. You really think she's just afraid of me?"

Rose freezes, and timidly looks to see that Nami's face is holding complete fright. The wind girl slowly shakes her head, and looks away from the terrified look that's all too familiar for her. "S-she's not- AAAH!"

She screams in agony when Eneru finishes their conversation by electrocuting her.

Nami can only stare in horror as the last hope for defeating Eneru is taken down. *T-there's no way we can win...*

When Eneru saw that Rose lost consciousness, he stopped his electricity and picked her up over his shoulder. He lets her head, thin arms and legs hang in the air as he carries her. "You'll learn the truth in time, child."

Nami could barely move her shaking legs as Eneru approaches her with her crew mate. When he doesn't do anything to her yet, she nervously smiles up at him. "Umm, can I go with you?"

He raises an eyebrow at the request, but stays silent as she asks again. "Can I go to the dream world with you please?"

He looks at her blankly for a moment before he smirks at her. "Yaahahaha, sure, you can come with me." He looks to Wiper's second sea stone skate that's lying on the center of the plaza, and points to it. "I need you to take that sea stone with us. That way this one won't get any ideas."

Nami jolts at the plan as she looks at the sleeping wind girl. She hesitantly nods as she takes the skate and puts it in the abandoned waver. "Would it be alright if I take this with us too?"

Eneru tilts his head at the request, but he shrugs it off as he walks off with Rose. "Do what you want, let's go."

Nami nods as she looks back at her unconscious friends, that are being left behind, once more before she follows Eneru. As she walks behind the electric man, she looks at Rose's unconscious form in guilt for not denying what Eneru said to her in fear of being electrocuted. *I'll try to get us out of here. Just hang on…*

She grips the handlebars of the waver and tries her best to think up a plan to escape as she follows the lightning god to his dream world.


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Comments: 4

LRowling [2018-09-03 22:39:27 +0000 UTC]

Hello friend, I came up with a funny idea in a part before that Skypiea arc ends, where Rose and Luffy make a joke to Usopp and Chopper with a bear made of nuve that wake up in the morning jump out of the scare and Rose Take the picture of them while she and Luffy laugh at their reactions, I came up with that idea in this video, hahaha,
what do you think? www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hva3Ba…

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

morianna19 In reply to LRowling [2018-09-03 23:57:41 +0000 UTC]

I'll have to think about it, I don't think Rose would do it to Chopper but definitely Usopp.

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

LRowling [2018-08-07 23:25:24 +0000 UTC]

Oh my-! Now if I'm super worried, Rose was taken by that crazy god Eneru and thinks that she and he are gods, and Nami seems to suspect, it gets good and interesting, I like how the story goes.  

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

morianna19 In reply to LRowling [2018-08-14 01:11:41 +0000 UTC]

You're not the only one who's worried. It only gets more intense from here.

👍: 0 ⏩: 0