Mojo1985 — Alice and the nine reindeers of Santa claus

#alice #comet #cupid #dancer #dasher #disney #donner #prancer #vixen #ruldolph #biltzen #aliceinwonderland #christmas #reindeer
Published: 2023-10-22 03:10:04 +0000 UTC; Views: 5081; Favourites: 15; Downloads: 1
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It's Christmas eve and the nine reindeers of Santa Claus (Dasher, Donner, Prancer, Blitzen, Comet Dancer, Vixen, Cupid and Rudolph) were flying all over the houses of Saint Petersburg Russia until they reached over to a palace and stopped because soft music was playing from somewhere. Comet asked: That's odd who's playing music and where does it comes from? Dasher being the leader pointed at the window of the palace saying: I think it comes from there. As the reindeers approached they saw a wooden table with a white tablecloth decorated with Christmas decorations and up on the table next to the milk and cookies for Santa was a beautiful golden -green oval shaped music box with an elegant regal swan and in the middle the figures of the last Russian emperor and empress were dancing. Cupid said: Oh my it's a beautiful music box but to who it belongs? Vixen says: Whomever is the owner of this music box I would like to congratulate her she has a taste in fashion. Just then the door of a bedroom opened and a young woman dressed in dark blue gold dress with red sash and silver kokoshnik tiara walked towards the table and sat on the chair enjoying her music box as Donner said chuckling: It looks like we found the owner of the music box. The young woman whose name was Alice was the sister of czar Nikolai Alexandrovich and czarina Alexandra Feodorovna who were the last Russian emperor and empress. She was a little upset because her brother and sister didn't believe in santa claus and she wanted to get them to believe. She looked at her music box and remembered the lullaby their mother dowager empress marie feodorovna sung to her: On the wind cross the sea Hear this song and remember Soon you'll be home with me once upon a December.  However soon her look fell on the window and she saw the nine reindeers of Santa Claus looking at her and she said: Oh my Santa's reindeers are really here at the imperial palace. She approached the reindeer and did a low curtsy: Good evening I'm grand duchess alice of russia to what I offer the visit? Dasher said: Pleasure to meet you madam Alice I'm Dasher the leader of Santa's team. Donner approaches and said: And I'm Donner the second of the reindeers. Prancer said: I'm prancer the fastest of the reindeers. Blitzen said: I'm Blitzen the second fastest. Comet says licking the duchess's hand: I'm comet my lady the third fastest. Vixen approaches and says: I'm vixen the beautiful reindeer of Santa Claus I must say young lady your music box is so fashionable you've got a good taste in fashion. Alice chuckled and said: Oh thank you Mrs. Vixen my mother gave this to me before she went to Paris. Cupid said: And I'm cupid the most romantic of the reindeers enchanted to meet you my lady. Alice blushed and said curtsying: Enchanted to meet you (looks at Rudolph) and you must be Rudolph the red nosed reindeer I've heard about you. Rudolph said: Yes I am but what's the matter Mrs. Alice why were you upset? Alice said: My brother and sister despite being the last Russian emperor and empress they can't believe in Santa Claus and I'm trying to get them to believe in him can you help me? The reindeers took pity in her and dasher said: Climb up on Cupid's back Mrs. Alice we'll take you to the north pole and your brother and sister will go with the polar express. Czar Nikolai and czarina Alexandra woke up and went to see what was going on due to sleigh bells of the reindeer's harness ringing and they saw their sister on one of the reindeers flying to the north pole.

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jwilli3642 [2023-10-22 18:15:51 +0000 UTC]

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Mojo1985 In reply to jwilli3642 [2023-10-22 20:17:15 +0000 UTC]

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chaseC2323 [2023-10-22 17:28:57 +0000 UTC]

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HiroHamadaRockz [2023-10-22 14:50:26 +0000 UTC]

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Mojo1985 In reply to HiroHamadaRockz [2023-10-22 16:34:26 +0000 UTC]

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chaseC2323 [2023-10-22 14:47:07 +0000 UTC]

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Mojo1985 In reply to chaseC2323 [2023-10-22 16:34:43 +0000 UTC]

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UnknownRussainRat [2023-10-22 12:31:47 +0000 UTC]

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Mojo1985 In reply to UnknownRussainRat [2023-10-22 16:36:50 +0000 UTC]

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SBMArts [2023-10-22 03:34:50 +0000 UTC]

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