Published: 2015-07-29 07:38:39 +0000 UTC; Views: 738; Favourites: 82; Downloads: 0
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Wow… I cannot believe I drew an adopt it's been what. *checks last date of adopt*… a year and almost a half April 13th 2014… wow.Anyways, let's get down to business.to defeat the huns
I accept both paypal and points!
You may resell, only for the same price or a lower price! Please notify me if you do!
There is no refund, trading and gifting is fine!
Please credit me for design.
Feel free to change whatever you'd like once adopted!
Please do not bid if you do not have any points/money
The auction ends 48hours after the last bid.
I do holds for a week max. ;; o ;;
I created the lineart and colored her.
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Comments: 42
FuwaFuwaPrince [2015-07-29 21:37:04 +0000 UTC]
OMFG! She is so adorable!
I love that cardigan!
And her hair is so HHHHH- //flails
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MoeMocha In reply to FuwaFuwaPrince [2015-07-30 01:26:44 +0000 UTC]
Thanks TvT
I'm really happy Rea adopted her, I know Rea takes care of all of her OCs. >w<
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FuwaFuwaPrince In reply to MoeMocha [2015-07-30 08:41:21 +0000 UTC]
Ooooooh Rea did!? So cool!
I bet she will get a great story and lots of friends ^3^
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MoeMocha In reply to FuwaFuwaPrince [2015-07-30 08:53:50 +0000 UTC]
Yep apparently she's making the OC, my OC's older sister x'DD
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FuwaFuwaPrince In reply to MoeMocha [2015-07-30 09:00:54 +0000 UTC]
D'awwww that's so cute!
Which OC of yours btw? xD
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MoeMocha In reply to FuwaFuwaPrince [2015-07-30 09:30:01 +0000 UTC]
Bean x'DD
Rea pointed it out when we were on Skype and I looked at it and saw the similarities. I must love the color scheme and the fluffy tail too much haha.
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FuwaFuwaPrince In reply to MoeMocha [2015-07-30 10:12:20 +0000 UTC]
AMG! Of course! haha!
Why didn't I think of that? xD
Nothing wrong with fluff though! ^3^
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MoeMocha In reply to FuwaFuwaPrince [2015-07-30 11:08:58 +0000 UTC]
Idk haha.
Nope not at all. I have Pomeranians and they're too cute and fluffy
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FuwaFuwaPrince In reply to MoeMocha [2015-07-30 11:44:15 +0000 UTC]
AMG! You do?
Pomeranians are like the cutest little fluffballs that people call dogs!
Like for real! They are so adorable!
How many do you have?
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MoeMocha In reply to FuwaFuwaPrince [2015-07-31 02:39:22 +0000 UTC]
Yesss !!
I have two cream ones, a mom and her daughter. TvT
And they're totally cuddly fluff balls too >w<
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FuwaFuwaPrince In reply to MoeMocha [2015-07-31 15:03:46 +0000 UTC]
AMG! So presh!!
At the moment I have a 15 year old cat.
4 years ago I adopted him from the shelter which I volunteered at because it was love at first sight.
No one else wanted him because he is old and misses his tail.
Poor bab.. I can't imagine not wanting him because he's the sweetest cat I've ever seen in my life.
He likes everyone (except my ex,, lol) and he loves to cuddle too.
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MoeMocha In reply to FuwaFuwaPrince [2015-08-01 01:53:38 +0000 UTC]
Oh wow that's a wonderful story! It's amazing of you to adopt an older cat too. QAQ
Well that works out for everyone, if he likes everyone else, huh?
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FuwaFuwaPrince In reply to MoeMocha [2015-08-01 09:33:44 +0000 UTC]
yeah, haha.
He acts like he's 5 instead of 15 though (aside from his napping,, lol)
Yeah. Everyone that comes to visit me gets his attention.
He's quite talkative when he sees or hears new people, which makes people like him ^3^
Most of them say they've never met such a sweet and cute cat.
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MoeMocha In reply to FuwaFuwaPrince [2015-08-01 21:14:22 +0000 UTC]
That's just adorable >w<
They're always perfect angels when they're sleeping xDD
Aww he's a talkative kitty?
That's awesome ^-^
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FuwaFuwaPrince In reply to MoeMocha [2015-08-02 14:06:36 +0000 UTC]
Hahaha! They are indeed!
Yupyup. He replies 9 out of 10 times when he hears his name.
And if you start talking to him he'll talk back almost immediately.
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MoeMocha In reply to FuwaFuwaPrince [2015-08-02 23:44:18 +0000 UTC]
Aww that sounds like my cat. He's talkative and so affectionate >v<
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FuwaFuwaPrince In reply to MoeMocha [2015-08-03 08:45:24 +0000 UTC]
D'awwww! <3333
What kind of cat do you have?
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MoeMocha In reply to FuwaFuwaPrince [2015-08-03 19:55:49 +0000 UTC]
Uhhh a old orange cat???idk I know we don't have a special kind that's for sure haha. x'D
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FuwaFuwaPrince In reply to MoeMocha [2015-08-03 20:04:53 +0000 UTC]
Hahah okay then. xD
Oliver is a European Shorthair. ^3^
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MoeMocha In reply to FuwaFuwaPrince [2015-08-03 20:05:52 +0000 UTC]
Oh so you have a special kitty xDD
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FuwaFuwaPrince In reply to MoeMocha [2015-08-03 20:13:09 +0000 UTC]
lol, European Shorthairs aren't that special though ^-^;;
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MoeMocha In reply to SilverTheCreator [2015-07-29 21:08:20 +0000 UTC]
It's so cute, it's fluffy!!
Thanks ^^
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ZarozAestoth [2015-07-29 11:16:44 +0000 UTC]
weeps man i love this bbu ;; she turned out adorable
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MoeMocha In reply to ZarozAestoth [2015-07-29 11:44:34 +0000 UTC]
Thank you so much man.
Thanks for bidding =v=
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