Mocarro — Makali

#character #characterconcept #characterdesign #characteroriginal #charactersheet #horseequine #horseoc
Published: 2021-07-23 10:07:17 +0000 UTC; Views: 821; Favourites: 17; Downloads: 0
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Description The ref sheet train goes on! This time is Makali's time, who is a very special girl - in my heart and in Hevos as well Tbh she was choosen next in line, because she is also a heavier horse, just like Cassius/Aemilius, so I could use their lines. The "problem" was Makali has odd-eyes - the other eye has a different colour - so I needed a closer, bust piece for that small detail. Originally I wanted to cell-shade it as well, but then I was like why not experiment around with it a bit and try out something new? I tried to tackle this kind of shading for several time, failing all the time, but now it started to come around better. Still not perfect, most of my shades are too deep, deeper as it should be - I have to be more gentle with that. And also have to re-check some anatomy details to make it as correct as I can. But as a start I love the outcome :3

She really fitted in the beach background, but her origin story is a bit different, so felt like a nebula will be more fitting :3

So, who Makali is?

Makali lives in Hevos as well and she is a very powerful creature. She is not really a horse - no-one now what she is, when she was born, how she was born, where she comes from - it happened such a long time ago, at the dawn of Hevos, no-one is being alive to tell stories about her origin. What the people know for sure that she is old and extremely powerful.

Over the centuries stories were born about her and those became legends and come together as one big folklore collection with poems, songs and stories to tell at night. Every foal heard about Makali from their mother and her stories are loved to told or sang over gatherings. She slowly became a hero, then a Goddess, usually representing all the good in the world. Some of the horses in Hevos think she is just a fantasy character, nothing more than a story. Other horses are truly think she is a deity, looking over Hevos from above with the rest of the Gods. Some tribes even think they originated from Makali herself, created or birthed their ancestors. 

The truth is, neither of those is true. Makali is a living, breathing creature, born such a long time ago she couldn't even remember how exactly she came to life. Maybe the Gods indeed created her or maybe she was just suddenly there, came to life by the call of magic. Maybe she was indeed born with the gods, who knows. It is not important anyway. She shared the young Hevos with creatures like dragons and chimeras and other magical things that no-one remember to anymore, except her. Just like everything back then, she also has strong, ancient magic in her veins making her the most powerful creature in Hevos after the Gods - but she is not one of them. Makali is a mortal, but her magic protects her from getting old and die and her natural death won't happen for the near future. Hell, maybe never, not until Hevos is also gone. But death can come from other reasons than natural ageing. Makali can be killed - she was wounded before and almost died more than once - but she needs to face an equally powerful or even stronger enemy for that. In the old times these were her ancient companions - it easy to decease by dragon fire - but in this modern era, as the last one member of the dawn of age, no-one can match her, so she is basically can be considered as an immortal, compared to modern horses and their magic.

Makali is not the first horse in Hevos - her species is not an equus. She is something else - no-one remembers to what she is by this time - but she looks exactly like a horse. But she cannot breed with them, cannot bring new life to this world anymore. Even her magic is different than the one magical horses are using today.

With this much power and standalone magic Makali feels like she has task to protect this world from chaos - therefore she has decided to guard the magical balance in Hevos. Things can quickly get out of hands when so much creatures can use Hevos' magic - mainly nature based type of magic, but there are different levels - and it is enough to have one corrupted soul to push Hevos into destruction. Makali is not guarding all the good things - she is guarding magic itself, the natural balance and in order of that, she also destroys, not just creates, because death is also part of the natural circle.
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Comments: 2

CougarHearted [2021-07-23 15:44:58 +0000 UTC]

👍: 1 ⏩: 1

Mocarro In reply to CougarHearted [2021-07-23 15:57:03 +0000 UTC]

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