#haley #stardewvalley #stardew_valley #stardewvalleyhaley #sdvhaley #sdv_haley
Published: 2018-05-20 09:08:11 +0000 UTC; Views: 8984; Favourites: 88; Downloads: 21
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So far, out of the girls, Haley is my fave. Which is odd coming from an Edgelord. But idk what it is about her that just likeΒ . Like she's just gorgeous, and her personality is super cute and I just asldfjasldkfj love her....Anyways.... I tried some new stuff with this one and I like the result sorta ish. Still parts here and there that bug me but that's alright. I liked the end result.Β
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Comments: 12
MagicallyClueless [2018-05-22 06:58:55 +0000 UTC]
I really love the vibrant colors you used and AHHHH her hair, you did her hair so nicely. The coloring is so soft too, very lovely work!
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MisheruSan In reply to MagicallyClueless [2018-05-26 01:12:40 +0000 UTC]
jjjjjjjjjjjjjj thank you ;u; (I spent like almost an entire workday on just her hair, it's so long jeeb) but I'm really happy it turned out nice! Thank you so much! : DD
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MagicallyClueless In reply to MisheruSan [2018-05-26 01:13:18 +0000 UTC]
aw, no problem! <3
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Cranberryduceus [2018-05-22 05:26:51 +0000 UTC]
You're SO good at drawing I just stare anytime you post something. ;__; She's so pretty, I already love her and I haven't even gotten to playing the game yet. <3
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MisheruSan In reply to Cranberryduceus [2018-05-26 01:11:09 +0000 UTC]
hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh thank you so much, thats like the nicest thing im criΒ Β Β
Isn't she though? ;u; (she's a little mean at first though but she gets over it lol; )Β
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Cranberryduceus In reply to MisheruSan [2018-05-26 01:25:42 +0000 UTC]
You're very welcome! <3
;w; She is! (I have a soft spot for charas that start out mean or such and end up nice <3 It's so adorable-)
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MisheruSan In reply to Cranberryduceus [2018-05-26 05:27:30 +0000 UTC]
I don't blame you! Those kinda charas are cute af c:
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MewMizu [2018-05-20 10:53:36 +0000 UTC]
She's soooo rude in the beginning of the game :'D But I'd be lying if I said I didn't start loving her too when getting to know her more. They way she starts liking the player is adorable!
Also this is probably my favorite fanart of Haley! I love how you drew her, she looks so good in your style >u<
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MisheruSan In reply to MewMizu [2018-05-21 20:31:14 +0000 UTC]
I feel you! She is super rude at the beginning but it's okay she gets nicer. xD
Ahhh, thank you so much! ^w^
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