Published: 2006-05-23 00:40:02 +0000 UTC; Views: 537; Favourites: 16; Downloads: 53
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wow, haven't done a full oekaki in quite a whileno one can figure out who he is TT-TT
it looks like a he right? just because I want him looking transgendered (since it's not necessarily a 'he') but at least have a little bit of that masculine/power look...
btw, ignore the collar bone please ^^() that was getting really irritating so I just kinda smudged it in there =/
This is for for the 3000th hit =3 Hope its dark enough for you...being that it's *cough*Lucifer*cough*
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Comments: 45
jarmitc2032 [2006-06-27 20:03:08 +0000 UTC]
I love how the background works well with drawing of the cartoon
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Teddypotts [2006-06-27 03:19:24 +0000 UTC]
that is really good, really damn impressive, love the wings!
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akasora [2006-06-24 00:25:54 +0000 UTC]
beautiful person with wings. @-@ i can now die happy! Very good work on this however due to the position he is sitting in the wings should really be coming out of his back in different directions rather then both going to the right.
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Misakochan In reply to akasora [2006-06-24 00:43:52 +0000 UTC]
well, one was actually straightened up, but it got cropped and looks like its going to the right, but thats just the upper part of the wing..y'know?
yeah, I know it looks messed though ..I'm mad I cropped it like that..>.<
thanks though, I'm glad you like it xD
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akasora In reply to Misakochan [2006-06-24 00:56:33 +0000 UTC]
I see that makes much more sense! sorry about that!
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Misakochan In reply to akasora [2006-06-24 01:11:41 +0000 UTC]
not your fault...its mine actually xD;;
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elphin-art [2006-05-25 12:12:03 +0000 UTC]
wow, this is beautiful. Amazing detail in the wings
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Misakochan In reply to Virus-Tormentor [2006-05-24 23:59:24 +0000 UTC]
x3 thanks I'm glad you like it lol, I <3 your avatar btw
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faerietithe [2006-05-24 21:13:34 +0000 UTC]
Haha.. I remember you telling me about this "I'm drawing the most beautiful person in the world."
*tries to guess like, 20 times* "he fell." "SATAN!" Haha.. good times.
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Misakochan In reply to faerietithe [2006-05-24 23:12:48 +0000 UTC]
lol, yeah, you were pretty slow xDD
So do you think he looks beautiful? =3
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L2Mc [2006-05-24 21:02:48 +0000 UTC]
really nice work with the colors. You really get a sense of depth, especially in the wings
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vero- [2006-05-24 00:00:01 +0000 UTC]
He looks so pretty! I especially love the face and the hair
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Misakochan In reply to vero- [2006-05-24 01:43:00 +0000 UTC]
thanks ^^ and thanks so much for the fav! =3
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yukasha-nori [2006-05-23 22:06:22 +0000 UTC]
I already told you, it looks so beautiful. But I dun mind saying it again 8D
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ilsung [2006-05-23 16:23:24 +0000 UTC]
shweeet i love how soft and fluffy his wings are...
*hugs the wings and gets sent to hell*
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Misakochan In reply to ilsung [2006-05-24 23:19:49 +0000 UTC]
lol, thanks xD
:wants to hug too*....ah, why not, I already read Harry Potter xD *hugs and falls downward like a rock*
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GlxyDs [2006-05-23 03:37:31 +0000 UTC]
Very nice. I think his wings should be worn and dirty.
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Misakochan In reply to GlxyDs [2006-05-23 21:43:24 +0000 UTC]
Oh I experimented with them and originally had them worn and dirty, but a) he hasn't fallen yet, so they're first slowing turning darker, but not all blech yet. b) when you try to blend colors like that on oekaki it just doesn't work too well, pinks and greens start to crop up out of no where...so dirty white wings with a red sky didn't really work that well =/
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GlxyDs In reply to Misakochan [2006-05-23 23:21:22 +0000 UTC]
Ah I see now. Either way its awesome.
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demented-gummy-frogz [2006-05-23 01:03:53 +0000 UTC]
Oh. And I really do adore the expression. It's exactly how I would picture Lucifer's features. He looks so hurt and filled with vengence, but in a delicate, attractive way.
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Misakochan In reply to demented-gummy-frogz [2006-05-23 01:06:13 +0000 UTC]
xD thanks =3~~ heh, I'm glad you can find all the little things in my pictures ^^
of course, thats what a poet is for, neh? xDDD
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demented-gummy-frogz In reply to Misakochan [2006-05-23 01:10:56 +0000 UTC]
XPPP I ish teh awesome!
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Misakochan In reply to demented-gummy-frogz [2006-05-23 01:14:27 +0000 UTC]
and so be I! ....>.> <.< >.>....yes!
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demented-gummy-frogz [2006-05-23 01:02:45 +0000 UTC]
When I first saw it, before you explained who it was, I thought "Krad" ^^() But, no, definatly looks more like Lucifer. He could be a women, but... he really does look male. Makes a much better male. Hehehe.
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Misakochan In reply to demented-gummy-frogz [2006-05-23 01:05:06 +0000 UTC]
yes, but I always thought Lucifer could change with the situation, male to female. He has to be tempting to all of course and fit all the 7 deadly sins, so I tried to make it look like he could be female but his power and greed seeps through, making him seem far more seme xD
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demented-gummy-frogz In reply to Misakochan [2006-05-23 01:08:30 +0000 UTC]
I could say something really horrible about Jesus being uke, but I'm already going to Hell....
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Misakochan In reply to demented-gummy-frogz [2006-05-23 01:12:39 +0000 UTC]
lmao...if you're already going to hell, then why the hell not?
lmao " *just recieved confirmation* Holy shit, Thank God THATS over." xDD
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demented-gummy-frogz In reply to Misakochan [2006-05-23 01:15:20 +0000 UTC]
Yeah, but I'm not going to the same section as everyone who's read Harry Potter.
I'm going to the special section a level lower for those who read the series in German XD;;
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Misakochan In reply to demented-gummy-frogz [2006-05-23 21:44:27 +0000 UTC]
lol. Stupid German! xP
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row [2006-05-23 00:47:41 +0000 UTC]
isi t Krad? XD I hope thats who it is, though he looks too nice here to be him XD. Pretty face and hair O.O!
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Misakochan In reply to row [2006-05-23 00:54:14 +0000 UTC]
lol, well, actually thinking of who krad represents I can see how you mistake it. lol and that resemblence what completely unintentional, though now that I look at it, its definately there but no, it isn't krad lol
he looks nice i-i lol well, I guess it isn't that big of a deal, as he's decieving. I'm certianly glad he's pretty though =3
ok...my rambling is done. Thanks ^^
oh, and its Lucifer lol, the ultimate temptation who has yet to become a fallen angel in this pic
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Misakochan In reply to Melethnein [2006-05-23 00:41:48 +0000 UTC]
oh! thank you very much =3
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