Published: 2012-02-19 23:13:24 +0000 UTC; Views: 949; Favourites: 10; Downloads: 9
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Jackson. Lisa. Rain.What else can I say?
This one's been sitting on my comp for ages, really. I can't even remember when I started it, but it was not even half-done, so I speed-finished it. I really need to clean up that unfinished folder because it starts to be a monster..
Red Eye (c) Wes Craven
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Comments: 13
miraxterrik In reply to BlazeRocket [2012-02-24 15:04:30 +0000 UTC]
Wow, thank you! It's maybe because I'm a devoted fan of rainy weather
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IseeButterfly [2012-02-20 16:22:13 +0000 UTC]
Oh this is beautiful!
Love the rough brush stroke and all the color. The backround is nice and blurry, you can really see the rain. You're great at shading and coloring.
I'm glad that you're uploading again, I've really missed it. More Jack and Lisa, please!
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miraxterrik In reply to IseeButterfly [2012-02-21 09:18:44 +0000 UTC]
Thanks dear!
Good(?) news, I found another lineart, so when I get to it, I can finish and upload it in a few days
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IseeButterfly In reply to miraxterrik [2012-02-21 10:25:23 +0000 UTC]
That's great to hear!
And I'm impressed how efficient you are, still uploading and working on deviants even after carnival
90% of the people I know spend today lying in bed and sleep off their drunk from the weekend.
You know, Essen is next to Dusseldorf and Colonia, and those are like Germany's strongholds of carnival, so yeah... it's the same every year.
Do you have Carnival in Hungary?
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miraxterrik In reply to IseeButterfly [2012-02-23 08:46:49 +0000 UTC]
Hehe, actually, in the countryside there is a traditional way of carnival, but honestly, I dont know anyone who celebrated it during the weekend or at all. Especially since we dont really have special day for carnival (or nobody knows when it is), we usually call whole February the moth of carnival. So no, I didnt have anything to sleep off, maybe only my Moscow travel last week
BTW, this is the traditional mask from that part of the country: [link]
You celebrated? And how exactly you do it? Dress up, wear masks, or simply drink like hell?
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IseeButterfly In reply to miraxterrik [2012-02-23 15:58:00 +0000 UTC]
Btw, for spring break, my family is trying to decide for vacation to go either to Prague or -yes, drummroll please- Budapest! I know, right? My mom wants to see it, because all our friends are loving it, but my mom loves Prague so we can't decide. I'm voting to Budapest for sure
But do you know how cold/ warm it is there in april? Because my mom thinks it's REAAALLY cold there at that time of year?
Is is a very famous mask in Hungary? So like, a deep rooted part of the culture? And why is it I associate horses with Hungary? Like red horses running in slow-mo through red sand.... don't know
Yes, I did, of course, everybody did here. It's not like THAT of a big deal in Germany, but in our region, because we are so close to carnival centers. People come to Dusseldorf or Colone from all over Germany and we are only 20 minutes away from it so yeah
I did pretty much all of those things, only did I not drink SOO much. Well, I had to work on some school thingy the next day, but I dressed up - as a devil. well it should be a fallen angel, but nobody understood it and they all thought it was a devil... but I had no tail (and devils have tails!) and no trident, but red angel wings (really cool feathery wings actually) and horns and such..
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miraxterrik In reply to IseeButterfly [2012-02-24 15:24:38 +0000 UTC]
Oh wow!! If you happen to come here, and in case I'm not travelling somewhere else, we can have a drink somewhere if you will Though the thought makes me a bit nervous
Hm April... it's a veeery capricious month, it can be pretty cold or nice and warm, but i wouldnt think it is any different in CZ. Anyway, I'd say 13-15 Celsius in average. Why how is it there? Dont tell me it's 25+
Nah, it's just in that part of the country, but it's famous here b/c it looks very strange. But you wuldnt see anyone wearing such masks in any other part of the country.
I think the horse-thing comes from the way they, for some reason, promote this country. We are known being a horse-nation. 1000yrs ago, when Hungarians came to this land, they were good horse riders and kept this area in fear due to being confident in saddle, and fearsome with bows and arrows. I think this image was revived for the sake of fame.
Except for the red sand - I'm not sure we have such thing Imagine them running in vast vast green-brown lands!
Fallen angels, great! You know I've been planning to draw it for ages...!? Maybe this year..
I see you changed your avatar, so now i'm off to check your gallery
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IseeButterfly In reply to miraxterrik [2012-02-24 20:39:46 +0000 UTC]
sure, I would, I'd just have to think how to convince my parents . They would probably be TOTALLY alarmed if I told them that I knew you only from the internet. -.- And as chatty as I am, I am REALLY shy in real life so get prepared for awkward silence
Well, as it seems we're going to Budapest, I was getting some support from friends of my parents. They all love the city, so I'm having high expectations
We will be there from either 9th or 10th April, check that for business travels.
Maybe, do you know Skype? It's some sort of chat thing, only with webcams, so you can see the other person and talk to them and it's for free. It's on your computer, so you aren't doing it over the internet, therefore it cannot be seen by anyone but yourself.
Well, I dunno, I guess if you don't have FB, you don't have Skype either, but if you want you could download it (it's like ICQ if you know that, it's at least really popular in Germany), because we could actually talk to each other and it would be for free, so cool!
Just think about it, I would send you my totally embarrassing nickname via msg (I was twelve when I created it...)
Yeah, for me not only is Hungary like associated with horses, but horses are also immediately associated with Hungary. I don't know I imagine it kind of "red"
I have NO idea where that's coming from, I'm crazy
Yess, I love the whole angel, devil, demon, fallen angel thingy. The only thing cooler than an angel is a fallen angel Some tragic, ironic thing I guess.
I would SO love it if you would draw something about that!
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miraxterrik In reply to IseeButterfly [2012-02-25 21:02:04 +0000 UTC]
w00t! Okay, guess i'm travelling from 15/16 April, so the week before it, I should be at home..
Oh my, don't be shy, because shyness is reserved solely for me!! You MUST be chatty, otherwise it really will be an awkward meeting
I hope your parents dont think in real life I'm some lunatic running around with an axe
I have to think of some nice places, if you have so high expectations.. I really don't want the city to disappoint you too much. It is sooo damn hard to assess how your own city looks like to strange eyes as you are used to all its positive and negative sides.
Of course, I know what Skype is but I *surprise, surprise* dont have it. I think I have MSN on the other computer, but I'm not really into this webcam thing - I look way too bad (like a murdered with an axe... haha, kiddin').
Okie dokie, I try to get to it and draw one. It will be dedicated to you then I remember the idea is at least 2 yrs old, born on one of my trips to my beloved Italy.
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IseeButterfly In reply to miraxterrik [2012-02-27 04:07:56 +0000 UTC]
I KNOW, it will be horrible with my parents, but there is no way they would let me meet a person from the internet in a strange city like Budapest all by myself. I think the only way I could convince them to meet with you if they are there with me and make sure you are not some pedophile Especially when I tell them that you're like ten years older than me, they will be alarmed!!
But I think if they join me to see you, then they'll probably allow it.
My mum is very strict about the whole internet-meeting thing
But maybe they could drop me off somewhere in a cafe, wait until they see you (and assure themselves that you NOT look like an axe swinging murderer - so do your best! ) and then leave
I hope it's not so much of a problem? (<-- okay don't really know what it has to do with that smiley, but it's funny as hell xD)
Well, I'm sorry, but I WILL be mute and I'm horrible at breaking the ice...
you will have to do all the work
No, but we can make it, if we try!
Actually I have MSN, I downloaded it when I was 14 because it felt like such a grown-up thing to have MSN but I don't have a single contact, because I'm the only one of my friends who has got it
So, yay, no I can finally use it! I send you my msn via msg on fanfic.net
haha, no, I don't think anyone really thinks you're riding on horses when you're going to school (at least noone in Germany) but Hungary is such a horse land I don't know It's a kind of stereotype that the best horses are from Hungary.
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IseeButterfly In reply to miraxterrik [2012-02-25 22:08:16 +0000 UTC]
Yes, well I AM chatty here and when I know people for a long time (actually I DO know you for at least a little long time now - but only on the internet) but not when I like meet someone for the first time. I'm the one that contemplates every answer, because hell I want to appear nice, and who is absolutely, horrobly unable to do small talk. I can be charming, but only while ordering a glass of water or asking for the way. If I am to indulge in a real conversation with a stranger I'm.... mute...
so, it would be SOOOO cool if we could meet, but we have to prepare for awkward silence.
Well, actually I haven't told my parents that I have a kind of e-mail friend whatever on the internet, not because it's a secret but just because I didn't see why I should bring it up. I tried once and my mom was screaming pedophile immediately So yeah, I will try to convince them, but if we really meet they would be there 100%ly . So that would make the whole thing even more awkward
But, still, we got to do it!!
Ah, too bad, because it would be great if we could talk to each other. Actually (don't want to sound like i'm super convincing, but...) there is a function where you can only "hear" the other person not see them on skype, for people with only a headset.
It would be great, because we could talk to each other before we meet and that would make it easier I think?
aaaah, well think it over, I know how stubborn you are, really unconvincable, but it would be great. I actually haven't skype on my computer anymore, but I would reinstall it for you (isn't that just lovely? Come on, you must be convinced!)
Funny, I was looking at a travelling guide for Hungary today and you know what was on the cover? Red horses running through sand. I was like, "HA!".
So it isn't only me...
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miraxterrik In reply to IseeButterfly [2012-02-26 22:25:24 +0000 UTC]
Oh come on, you dont have to try to appear nice! As you said, it's like we really know each other for long, so you shouldn't feel like you're meeting a stranger. You even saw how I look like!!
But well, erm, that really would be awkward to meet with your parents How would we go into teenage squeals about CM?? (Just kidding, I don't plan to... I guess
You dont have MSN? Or gmail account? I think they have a feature of Audio chat there, without having to download anything, I believe... never tried though)
Damn those horses!! They think we live in tents and do to school on horses (No kiddin' with this one..)
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