Published: 2011-06-02 22:05:15 +0000 UTC; Views: 2197; Favourites: 35; Downloads: 31
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What eventually betrayed him was ironically his heart. She felt it beat away a thunderous rhythm under her palm, the only thing he couldn’t control, and though it wasn’t clear for her why he was upset, she smiled. She liked it, the drumming, the rebellious speed, the defying dance of valves because it said he had a heart, not only in physical way.Again, from Uprooted: [link]
I always loved rough brushstrokes but this one is another step in the experiment, heavily inspired by the great =alicexz
I'm really happy with the outcome, loved working with the wide range of colors and the mess of brushstrokes. Unfortunately Lisa looked more like Kristen Stewart on some points, and I'm not sure if i managed to get rid of that look entirely, so she definitely doesnt wholly look like Rachel McAdams. But I'm still proud of this.
Used some screenshots, of course.
5 hrs in PS CS2.
Jackson, Lisa, Red Eye (c) Wes Craven
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Comments: 89
Hannu-Illustration [2016-10-18 23:40:09 +0000 UTC]
I adore your fanfic. I'm reading it now, and I saw the picture on it and tracked you down.
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miraxterrik In reply to Hannu-Illustration [2016-10-19 07:13:10 +0000 UTC]
haha, nice stalking Thank you very much, I hope you enjoy the fic
I really loved writing it.
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Hannu-Illustration In reply to miraxterrik [2016-10-19 17:28:19 +0000 UTC]
Just finished it, really lovely. You kept them very much in character, and I loved how you delved into each of their points of view. WONDERFUL JOB!
Plus, your fanart is just scrumptious.
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miraxterrik In reply to Hannu-Illustration [2016-11-03 10:15:09 +0000 UTC]
Thank you so much, it made my day It's always a challenge to deviate from the canon and still keep them in-character but this story was just screaming to me to write it
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Hannu-Illustration In reply to miraxterrik [2016-11-03 20:30:45 +0000 UTC]
I understand. I'm doing one of my own right now, trying to keep with Wes Craven's idea for the sequel...difficult to start, but really interesting to get them together in a tense situation again.
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miraxterrik In reply to LexifiedArt [2016-10-19 07:13:56 +0000 UTC]
Thank you so much, I'm happy you like it
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miraxterrik In reply to MoonPriestessLaguz [2012-08-11 22:52:56 +0000 UTC]
yep, it is him. It's only from another movie of his, called Red Eye.
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AlmaClara [2012-06-28 13:39:25 +0000 UTC]
The most beautiful fan art of Red Eye I ever see! You make they so cute and lovely...I love this!
However for me she don't look like Kristen Stewart, when I was looking at Lisa she didn't remember me that actress.
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miraxterrik In reply to AlmaClara [2012-06-29 09:39:09 +0000 UTC]
Wow, thanks a lot. I'm still satisfied with this pic, which happens very rarely
You know, till this pic it has never occured to me Rachel looks anything like Kirsten, and I still think she doesnt, but I somehow screwed up something here, and on this pic for some weird reason she reminds me of Miss Twilight
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AlmaClara In reply to miraxterrik [2012-06-30 12:52:51 +0000 UTC]
Don't worry. McAdams in her expressions is happy and joyful, while "Miss Twilight" is dark and -for me- an expression always angry, also in many of her photo out of her Twilight's character (I admit, I don't like Twilight).
And the Lisa you draw have not a dark expression, she is relaxed and romantic, she is not like Bella
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zanephiri [2012-02-23 18:30:34 +0000 UTC]
I love the colours in this! I hadn't noticed the Kristen Stewart resemblance before you mentioned it, so it can't be that obvious
Anyway, this is lovely!
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miraxterrik In reply to zanephiri [2012-02-24 15:06:41 +0000 UTC]
Oh thank you! Esp. the Kirsten part of the comment because all I can see it that
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zanephiri In reply to miraxterrik [2012-02-24 16:45:25 +0000 UTC]
You're welcome And it's probably because once you've seen it, you can't ' unsee' it
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ConnyChiwa [2011-06-27 13:15:42 +0000 UTC]
This is so stunningly, breath taking beautiful !!!
I absolutely LOVE the colors and the drawing style you used. It's dynamic and vivid and rough.
The way of Rippners look, his eyes... they have kind of a eternal beauty.
And Lisa looks so sweet ! In her face there's pure love.
An impressive piece of art !
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miraxterrik In reply to ConnyChiwa [2011-06-27 14:48:29 +0000 UTC]
Oh, thank you so much! This is my new personal favorite I really liked doing it, and I was positively surprised how quick it was.
I really wanted to give the real quality to his eyes though I'm not sure the color is right. PS cannot make that color
Thank you again
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ConnyChiwa In reply to miraxterrik [2011-07-07 19:43:35 +0000 UTC]
Haha ! You're right. NO Painting program can make the color of Cillians eyes. LOL
But the creative hands of talented people can, such as you ! ^___^
So don't worry: you DID gave his eyes real quality !!! They are as beautiful as Cillians ones. (or should I say as beautiful as Rippners eyes ? For they always seemed to be a little lighter than Cillians
XD )
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miraxterrik In reply to ConnyChiwa [2011-07-08 09:14:41 +0000 UTC]
So it's not only me who thinks it! Really, Rippner's eyes always seem to have a more vivid color, absolutely penetrating. I thought i was crazy or something Somehow Cillian looks totally different from himself as Rippner
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IseeButterfly [2011-06-05 14:26:34 +0000 UTC]
Oh my goooood! This is the best you did ever!!! Absoluetely breathtaking!
It's a little bit impressionistic, with the light points and the rough brushstrokes and everything. Really amazing, they look so real!
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miraxterrik In reply to IseeButterfly [2011-06-05 18:40:20 +0000 UTC]
Oh, thank you I really liked this style, and it's much easier than doing it with invisible brushstrokes.
And thank you so much for your long review on the chapter, I was grinning like an idiot while reading it. You are really too kind^^ Calling it an official sequel made me laugh. I'm so relieved that the character development seems okay. Thank you again
How was your holiday? Hope you had a nice time and weather
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IseeButterfly In reply to miraxterrik [2011-06-05 20:54:23 +0000 UTC]
what are invisible brushstrokes?? Isn't invisible kinda pointless while painting? (technical fail
OH my god, the chapter. It was unbelievably good. I kinda developed a strange habit, the day before your update I always buy a packet of chocolate raisins and eat them while reading your chapter and I was soo happy that there was still a packet in the kitchen, since there was no time for me to buy some before ^^ So yeah, without chocolate raisins it's not the same and everytime I eat them I have to think about your story now It's a little weird, but I am so in love with that story (see review)
You really should consider sending it to Wes, I mean just for fun, he surely would be fascinated
Oh and COME ON. The character development isn't OKAY. It's perfect. Just that. Not too slow (because that would be boring) and not too fast. Realistic, understandable, perfect.
The holiday was absolutely amazing, I don't know why but god seems to like us, because the wheather was absolutely amazing. 32° C and we were on a beautiful beach (well, a beach of a lake, but a really really huge lake, so it was like an ozean ) and swam and read and aaah it was great!
Thanks :****
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miraxterrik In reply to IseeButterfly [2011-06-06 13:49:57 +0000 UTC]
Oh, sorry. I meant: you cannot see the brushstrokes because the colors are nicely blended together. So no rough paint, no dots, not strokes, only the nice, smooth colors.
I'm more into rough things (surprise, surprise)
Oh, I hope not Lila stars I like chocolate raisin, too, so it's a company to my fic that I approve
I'm happy you were lucky with the weather Has the school already finished for the year or you still have some more days?
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IseeButterfly In reply to miraxterrik [2011-06-06 17:44:34 +0000 UTC]
Ah, okay, I see what you mean
Yeah, rough things like Rippner?D
No, not Lila stars, why? Some no-name chocolate raisins! Individual, yey!
Yeah, I'm kinda addicted to chocolate raisins I remember me and a friend running around Oxford to find a package one day during my stay in England (I found one, to your information!)
Yeah, the wheater was better than I hoped Oh, I still have over a month, before there are six weeks or free time
This weak a phase of very important test starts and once I've finished them (which would be next week) I have a degree. But only a "Realabschluss" (to your information, at the age of 6 we go to elementaryschool for four years in Germany, called "Grundschule" and then there are three schools, the Hauptschule -would be the easiest school that lasts for 6 years- or the Realschule - the "middle" type, also lasts 6 years- and the "Gymnasium" -the 'highest' type of school, that lasts now 8 (in the past 9 years) long. I'm the first year with only 8 years. and after six years I make a final exam and then have my Realabschluss (those exams started this week) and then I can either start working or keep going to school, which I will, because I have to make my "Abitur" (the highest degree in Germany) to go to a college or university.... okay, crash course
Soooo, no schools not out yet Geez... ^^
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miraxterrik In reply to IseeButterfly [2011-06-07 11:06:26 +0000 UTC]
No, it doesnt matter what choco raisin. I asked this particular brand because here I am working with this product, part of my job I'd have just found it funny if you chose exactly this item^^
Hm, it's not exactly like in Hungary. At age 6 we go to elementary school that last's either for 6 but usually for 8 years. After that you can go to high school that normally last for 4 years (if you attended a 6-year elementary school, then you will go to high school (or gymnasium, how we also call it^^) for 6 years). It is obligatory to be in school till age 16 I guess. At the end of the high school (normally at age 18) you take the huge exam that will allow you to go to college/uni. Sometimes people have exams at 16 as well, but they are some kind of a practice for the real main exam at the end of the high school period.
And do you already know what kind of uni you want to go to?
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IseeButterfly In reply to miraxterrik [2011-06-07 13:50:08 +0000 UTC]
How can you work with Milka chocolate raisins? (btw, I always thought Milka was German seems like it's more international than I thought) Are you a concept designer or something like that? (Just came to my mind because you have a graphic tablet and are a very skilled drawer)
So, there is only one degree for everyone? Because in Germany the Abitur (that you can only get on a Gymnasium - funny that it's the same word in Hungary) is like the highest degree, needed to go to college or university, which you can't do with a "Realschulabschluss" since it's "lower" than the Abitur. With a Realschulabschluss (aw sounds weird to say a German word in an English sentence ^^) you can be a apprenticed to somebody, like learning a handcraft.
Ah, well I'd like to study medicine to be honest I've already done two work experiences in a hospital (one for the school and one just because I wanted to) and in my old class (in German "High schools", we have a close group of people -usually 20-30 persons, that go to school together until the "Oberstufe" - meaning the last three years of school, which are divided into the "Erprobungsstufe" (something like "Testing phase" lasting one year) and the "Qualifikationsphase" (something like "Qualification phase" lasting two years, which counts for the "Abitur" so every grade we get influences our degree, even if there are huge exams at the end of the Qualifikationsphase)- and then when that "Oberstufe" begins the classes are closed and everyone gets an individual schedule, much like the school system in the USA. I'm now in the first year of the "oberstufe" which will soon end and then every little test I'll write counts for my degree o.O ...) well, so in my old class, that close group of people, my class mates more or less treated my like their doctor, coming to me for every little ailments and asking what to do, since my parents are doctors and they somehow think therefore I know everything about medicine (which I of course don't xD)
Oh, well, you know everything about our school system now, I don't even know if you got the system, I didn't explain it too well :/
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miraxterrik In reply to IseeButterfly [2011-06-07 15:55:13 +0000 UTC]
Milka is monstly German, the brand, the milk is said to be coming from Switzerland or the Alps. Anyway, Milka is the product of the worldwide company which has a branch almost in every Eurpoean country (and non-european too), so here I'm working at this company, dealing with volume planning and sourcing the items. No designs And definitely not drawing violet cows
Well, here we have a degree at the end of gymnasium, and end of a specific gymnasium (like where you chose to learn economics or accountancy beside the normal subjects). At the end of other school types (like handcraft) it is not this kind of degree.
So, with this degree (=your marks from the main subjects, math, literature, etc) AND an exam you have taken at the uni/college you apply to, determine if you can attend the uni (you have enough points) or not. So yes, you need this degree but it is not the same degre as it is for plumbers.
Your system is very interesting. So in the Oberstufe period you dont always attend the same classes with your classmates? Let's say, it can happen that you are the only one from your class who attends Biology for 10 times a week? But how can they fill in a whole class? You are in the same class with people not your age?
So, a doctor? Wow! Actually, I'm impressed by anyone who can stand blood and all that jazz. I cant stand the image of raw flesh, really. Ugh, no. When I researched for gunshot wounds and how to treat them (for Lisa, you know), sometimes I wanted to puke SO hats off to you
What kind of doctor you'd like to be?
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IseeButterfly In reply to miraxterrik [2011-06-07 17:39:50 +0000 UTC]
I hate that cows to be honest^^ So do I help your company by buying Lila stars??
Because then I would, it really wouldn't make a difference to me
Yeah well, Switzerland beats German chocolate I guess, since it's said to be the best chocolate of the world, but Germany follows suit. I have to agree. We have very nice chocolate here. But I don't know about other countries. I only know that some chocolate was marked as "german chocolate" in England. Aww, well that makes me a little proud I admit
Well the school system is like this in our "high schools". The first five years (5th, 6th, 7th, 8th and 9th class) we go to school with the same group of people, in my case I think 24 others. They are all in my age.
But in our year there are other classes (usally 3 or four other classes) and the classes are marked with which grade they are and the first numbers of the alphabet (so if we have four classes in one year and they are in the 6th year, the would be called 6a, 6b, 6c, and 6d. The letter always stays while we're in that close group, while the number of course changes after the summer break, when we're in a higher class. I was in the a class, so in my first class on "high school" i was 5a, then 6a and so on).
So when the 9th year ends and the 10th begins (the "Oberstufe") that classes get mixed up and every student in my year (meaning every student in the 9th grade) gets a individual schedule. Then we go to so called "kursen" which means nothing else than course in German. So for each subject I learn with a different group of people now, some of them from my old class, some from the others. But all are about my age, because the courses are build up of students from year. In what course I get when depends on my schedule.
The subjects I go to in the "Oberstufe" I choose at the end of 9th grade.
There are a lot of courses for one subject (for example there are five math courses in my year, because it's an important subject everyone has to take) but the courses don't change.
It's hard to explain, let's say there is math course A and math course B (they aren't named it's just to explain it better) and I got math course A on my schedule, then I'll always go to math course A. So I don't have math with group A on monday and with group B on wednesday. Always with group A. So while the people and teachers change for each subjects, the courses itself remain.
I have a different group of people for each subject I work with, but within this groups the people don't change anymore. (awww, I'm explaining this soooo badly! )
And yes, it's possible to be the only one in my biology course from my old class, but if the course would be ten times a week (which would NEVER happen, the maximum is three times a week) then everyone in that course would have to go to biology ten times a week.
soo, that was a rather short introduction to our school system, which I actually find pretty boring
I don't know what kind of a doctor, yet, maybe an internist.
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miraxterrik In reply to IseeButterfly [2011-06-07 20:19:51 +0000 UTC]
Nah, you dont have to buy lilac products with unnatural colored cows
I dont really like chocolate but if i eat, I only like dark chocolate (70% at least). And After eight - the only chocolate I can feel real enthusiasm for (or Ritter Sport's Mint choc. that's also good^^). But I'm more of the cookie type, homemade cookies FTW.
Wooh, okay, I get it, the system, this is how i imagined it. It's differs from ours because we also have these special courses but they are within one class, since we have to choose which way we wanna go at the end of 8th (so beginning of high school). So for instance I attended a special-language course in gymnasium where half of the class had a lot of English per week and a bit less German (but compared to other subjects, we had a LOT of foreign language lessons), while the other half of the class had it the other way around: lot of German and a bit less English. Or my sister: her half of the class had a shitload of Literature and History, while the other half had tons of Biology, Chemistry and Physics. But it was decided in the beginning, so they collected all these kids with the same interest in one class.
Internist? Jesus. So you are able to dissect some poor animals already?
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IseeButterfly In reply to miraxterrik [2011-06-08 11:02:07 +0000 UTC]
Uaaah, after eight. I hate it! My mother is all crazy about it, but even the smell makes me sick to my stomach (okay, so the last time I tried some is 5 years ago, maybe I changed my mind, since I eat almost everything... thanks to my metabolism and sport I stay thin but I guess once I'm out of puberty I will be a real fatty, since I eat a lot lot lot )
Ritter Sport is okay, I also thought that was German (geez, is anything NOT international at all. Do you know Lind Chocolate? It's a really expensive, but reaaally delicious chocolate)
So, you have to choose like what main focus your subjects will have? Like linguistical or natural scientufic?
We have to choose such a focus, too, at the end of the 10th year, during the last two years there are two subjects we have five times a week, which will be the ones we write our "Big exams at the end of school time" in. And then there are two other subjects we also have to make that exam in, but they aren't as important. Those two really important subjects are called "Leistungskurse (Leistung = effort, achievement)" and one of them has to be either math, german or english. The other one we can choose freely, but if we want to take a Leistungskurs in art of sports, the other one has to be math. My Leistungskurse are English and German, the third course (so one of the other two important courses, that are just not THAT important as "Leistungskurse") is math and the fourth (which will be a vocal exam) is religious studies.
It's a bit complicated how to choose them, too complicated to explain now, but apart from that four important courses (which are the courses that make I think 75% of my Abitur) there are 10 or 11 other courses, like history, biology, literature etc.
I make a linguistical degree, since I chose French to be my focus, but it doesn't really matter what focus you choose, the degree is the same and I can go to a scientistic college with a linguistical degree for example, doesn't matter ^^
I don't know, I never tried. We don't dissect animals in school and I wouldn't kill a poor frog to look at it's entrails.
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miraxterrik In reply to IseeButterfly [2011-06-09 17:09:17 +0000 UTC]
Okay, I can understand it, most people hate mint. I love it in any form.
Yes, Ritter Sport is definitely German
What sport do you do? Just curious I'm a lazy ass who very very sometimes forces herself to go run, and that's that. Laaaazy
Wooh, pretty messy, your system In Hungary, the final exam always consits of them same 4 main subjects (doesnt matter what focus you had in the previous 4 years!): maths, literature, history, 1 language + something you can choose (I chose Biology because I loved it). Then with this general final exam you can apply to any university and take an admission exam there.
So very different.
Religious studies? It's very interesting! Are you religious btw?
You are so lucky, btw. Your mother lang. is German (which is pretty well known and important), you speak English absolutely fine, and then you also speak French? Wow, and still so young. When I was your age, I could mumble a single sentence in English without a minute pause beforehand
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IseeButterfly In reply to miraxterrik [2011-06-09 21:59:59 +0000 UTC]
So, do you get Ritter Sport in Hungary? I hope you all appreciate that we allow you to eat OUR chocolate (just kidding... ...okay, sorry, I'm in a weird mood right now, pain killers are getting to me. Don't ask, it's that special curse of every woman -.-)
No, actually, what you described sounds just like our exam. 4 subjects (two of them a little more important than the other two) and the end degree constists of the outcome of those exams and every grade you made during the last two years of school (that means for me, after the summer break EVERY little test counts for my graduation!! )
I also considered taking biology, but chose math, because I'm a math genius (I'm sorry, that sounds a little narcistic, but I don't remember a test I wasn't A in. It's not very impressive to have a natural understanding in math, there are far greater talents, but that's at least one thing I can be 100% sure about. I just get math. It's too easy^^ And fun *nerd moment*)
Yes, I am religious, otherwise I wouldn't be interested in a movie like "Dogma" right? I'm catholic, not going to church very often I have to admit, but I do believe in god and I stand by that. A lot of my friends say they don't believe in god because it's childish or something like that, but I think that's bullshit.
The thought th
at there is no life after death is unbearable for me. I'm really not a strict catholic, God and everything is more of a personal thing for me and one of my best friends is an atheist, so I don't judge people if they have other opinions (at least not when it comes to god). But I do judge people that only say they don't believe in god, because they think it's uncool to do. Pretty lame I guess, but that's their business.
Are you religious? German is important? since when. Except for Germany, Switzerland and Austria (parts of the Swiss, too, I think) there is no region on this planet, where people speak German
I mean, Hungarian isn't popular, too, but at least it sounds beautiful, while I'm sure German sounds stupid to non-natives.
Yeah, I love English, I do make mistakes, I know (especially with my comma placement, that's more or less randomly done by me, in English and German) but I'm just very interested in the language and I understand pretty much everything, wheather it's written or said.
French, well I only started learning the lanugage half a year ago, so I wouldn't say I'm able to engage in a real conversation.
And I find it hard to believe that you sucked at English, when I look at your complex writing style in Uprooted. You really have a huge knownledge of vocabulary for a non-native, you're English is better than in some stories from natives^^
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miraxterrik In reply to IseeButterfly [2011-06-13 16:49:52 +0000 UTC]
Lol, I really appreciate, thank you for letting us have the pleasure and eat Ritter Sport But could you please arrange that they had the mint flavored one available here?
Wow, so you are a genius? I knew that Genius with a perfect taste
I loved maths too, that's why i went to Finance and accountancy but there it was totally different. I hated that school, and didnt like maths either (okay, maybe in the end when i finally understood derivation-integration.)
You are absolutely right about explanations like not believing in God just out of fashion. That's immature. No, i'm an ateist but not because I think it's cool (what a stupid term - is there anything tjat can be labelled by being cool regarding religion??). I just cannot believe in anything supernatural, anything beyond what I sense. I know it is very close-minded but for my mind it is unacceptable to have an allpowerful being somewhere that rules and creates and supervises everything. I'm more of a realist, and logically God's existence cannot be proved. Sometimes it could be good to believe but i'm just unable to do so. But i can fully accept that others think differently - esp. that half of my family is a believer in a certain way.
And religion in itself is a very interesting subject, in one part of my life i wanted to learn general history of religion, because it made me curious - i always like mythologies and for me, religion is just another form of mythology.
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IseeButterfly In reply to miraxterrik [2011-06-13 19:46:18 +0000 UTC]
Yeah, sure, I'll see what I can do
More a geek than a genious you could say (but that doesn't make me willing to learn for school -.- I'm laaaazy as hell... for example I should be learning right now, the day after tomorrow is my math exam, but... well...
Sure you knew that, you're genious too. We all have the perfect taste when it comes to Mr. Murphy, I guess ^^
Well, we could start arguing about this topic now, but I'm not one to try to convince someone of god's existence. Like I said, I think it's a very personal thing no one should influence. And making war about wheather there is a god or not and whoose god is the right one is ridiculous (in a sad way.) And it's not close-minded to not believe in anything supernatural, it's just another perspective.
After all, we're all gonna find out wheater there's a god or not when we're dead, so why fighting about this now? ^^
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miraxterrik In reply to IseeButterfly [2011-06-14 15:44:57 +0000 UTC]
I wish everyone would think the same way you do, the world would be a better place, cliche or not. About absolutely subjective topics they can start a war. Yes, ridiculous in a pathetic way.
I wish you luck for your exam^^ since being a genius, you dont need to study XD
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IseeButterfly In reply to miraxterrik [2011-06-14 16:25:03 +0000 UTC]
it's a cliche but a true one. I guess there wouldn't be half as much wars as they are now if the world would open their eyes and accept other people's opinions.
Would do me well to do so still ^^ It's not like I don't study at all, for important exams I of course do so. And I already studied for tomorrow, like today I repeated most of the topics, but I guess I will be fine.
(I also should be learning for french, that's on friday, but I still got tomorrow and thursday ^^)
Geez... Btw, I'm full of anticipation for your next update the last chapter was AMAZING I'm just rereading it right now.
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miraxterrik In reply to IseeButterfly [2011-06-16 21:21:16 +0000 UTC]
So how did it go, the exams? Hope all's fine
Hopefully, i can update tomorrow, sometimes during the night because right now I'm in Slovakia all week, and have very little time. Still 2 damn more pages to revise. Aggh XD
Good luck for tomorrow!
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IseeButterfly In reply to miraxterrik [2011-06-18 17:27:53 +0000 UTC]
Oh, they went well I don't know if I already wrote it, but I got an A in the German Exam (ore more a 1, in Germany the grades are in numbers, from 1-6, 1 being the best, 6 the worst). I didn't get the results of the other exams yet, but they went fine, so I hope the grades will be good )
Yeeeah, I'm soo excited about the update, I had no time to read the new chapter yesterday, so I'm gonna do it today and aaaah, I'm sooo excited!!!
Oooh my good, are you in Slovakia because of your job or on holiday? It's soo cool that you travel so often, you seem to see a lot of the world.
How do you like it there, the landscape must be beautiful.
My, my, I'm so impressed with your writing skills, always revising and making sure everything fits and is in character. The secret of your story I guess
Congrats for the 100 reviews by the way!
I'm gonna read the story now, yippiee
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miraxterrik In reply to IseeButterfly [2011-06-19 14:58:12 +0000 UTC]
Congrats, hon! I knew you will ace Hope the other exams will have the same result.
And that was the end? Or there will be more exams next week?
(btw, in Hungary we have grades from 1-5, 1 being the worst. It's always so funny to see the different systems, like A-B,etc in USA and so on)
I was in SLovakia (Bratislava) on business. I usually dont travel so much in my job, but right now I', on a project which requires regular visits mostly to Slovakia. But nothing nice, really. I mean i dont get to see mountains, only the capital city, but for the 5th time it gets a bit boring. Not to mention that we are doing nothingg but sit in the office all day
Thank you so much for the congrat and review
I'm happy you liked it, actually, I'm surprised people liked this chapter so much. It was a hell to write Maybe because as you perfectly put it, this is the peak of their relationship (or the building of that relationship) in my eyes as well.
And yep, yep, Pushing daisies Isnt that an absolutely awesome series? Oh, and here you go:
👍: 0 ⏩: 1
IseeButterfly In reply to miraxterrik [2011-06-19 15:39:07 +0000 UTC]
AAAAH, most important thing first:
I found the deleted scenes of Red Eye just 10 minutes ago! The links are here:
I already checked them out, you can't imagine how my fingers were shaking! I mean, OH MY GOD, more of that movie I haven't seen before! So if you haven't seen them yet, I hope this'll make your day
And get them quickly, there only on the net for two more days!!
No, my exams are over now At least for this school year, that means until September, no more exams. yeah!
Oh, really, so 5 is the best grade in Hungary? I agree with you that it's amazing how different the school systems sometimes are
Oh, well, I've never been to Slovakai, but since I'd like to see as much as possible from our world, I hopefully get there too someday^^
The chapter was INDESCRIPABLE AWESOME, Jackson is such an asshole (but it was soooo incharacter) I LOVE LOVE LOVE how you develope their relationship, with them finally admitting their feelings for each other (if only secretely) and still not bein OOC. *sighs
It's so hard to have to wait two week for the next upday
Yeah, I loooove Pushing Daisies, I didn't know that you knew it, too. Most of my friends don't like it, because it's so colourfull and a bit over, but sooo great. And I mean Lee Pace, man! He is sooo cute, oooooh and tall!! *__* He has such beautiful eyes, I think I would die if he'd look at me with those doe-eyes *swoons Thanks for the virtual pie, I hope it's as good as from the pie hole
And have fun with the deleted scenes
👍: 0 ⏩: 1
miraxterrik In reply to IseeButterfly [2011-06-19 17:35:15 +0000 UTC]
Oh my Goooooooooooood, I love you, i love you, LOVE you!!! And Punctuator is the THE for uploading them. When i read the first line of your comment, I was like aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhh, i cant believe this I went all blank minded and shaking XD I thought i'd never see those scenes. And just wow. I'M so effing happy right now, which is pretty pathetic, i know, but still<3 The "Henrietta" part, and the take off (yay, I gave her a brother! So she has two^^). And the staircase, geeez. I KNEW she beat the sht out of him but this was just violent. I was all: Eeeek, not with the bowling ball!!!
Agggh, now i'm levitating, yes, yes, yesss
So to more serious notes (if I'm capable of anything like that right now XD)
Sure, 5 is the best in Hungary. Actually both system make sense.
LOL, if Jackson seems an asshole, im happy. I had this problem of turning him less Jackson-like but it is so hard to keep him in-character and still showing a face of him that would appeal to Lisa.
I knew Lee Pace before i knew PD. He's in The fall (my icon), and that's when i got to know him. Then i checked all his films out (okay, not ALL all, but a lot), and watched PD and Wonderfalls (which is another funny series) PD is great, unique, original, funny. I wish it was longer.
Oh, yep, those puppy eyes and cute smile. And he IS tall!
Thanks again for the link. Now you made me a happy woman
👍: 0 ⏩: 1
IseeButterfly In reply to miraxterrik [2011-06-19 18:56:01 +0000 UTC]
I was SO waiting for a reaction like this. When I read about the links I went all shaky, too (that was of course BEFORE i danced across the room like crazy)
yeah, she is super violent isn't she? I love the way he looks just before the bowling ball comes down the stairs, he's like "No, what the fuck?" He can't believe it himself
Oh my god, I pretty much can DIE now I'm soooo happy that I finally saw those scenes (to your info: you should put them on your computer quickly, they're only online for a few be more days, than they will be deleted, since Punctuator's account has no premium membership where she uploaded them)
Well, Jackson seemed like a really Jackson-like asshole, so don't worry. With all your analysing and interpreting characters you got them figured out perfectly
Yes, pushing daisies is great, did you notice the actress that played Cynthia in Red Eye appeared in it? I think it was in 1x04 ( I remember it, because I was a total fan of that show when it was broadcasted in Germany and to that time I already knew Red Eye and I was like "Hey! That's cynthia!" )
Yes, he indeed is!
No problem, who would I be to not share that with you! :***
👍: 0 ⏩: 1
miraxterrik In reply to IseeButterfly [2011-06-20 13:59:03 +0000 UTC]
after all, we all are a bunch of drooling fangirls
Yeah, I immediately saved the scenes, and watching them on VLC solves the out-of-synch problem i had with the voice on Quick player.
Ohmigod,ohmigod, you are right! The windmill girl?! That WAS Cynthia Wow, I so wanna watch the series again now
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IseeButterfly In reply to miraxterrik [2011-06-20 14:07:30 +0000 UTC]
We are indeed.
Haha, I watch EVERYTHING on VLC media player, it's the best one in my eyes (solves also the dvd region code problem, like my laptop is region 2 but the special edition from dogma I got from the USA is region 1 and VLC plays it nonetheless <3 love that player for that!)
Yeah, it was her!! She's also in Glee (I don't watch that show, I just saw if once for a few moments while searching through the TV channels and stopped there, because it was Jayma Mays. ^^
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miraxterrik In reply to IseeButterfly [2011-06-21 10:38:00 +0000 UTC]
Oh really?? VLC plays it? Hell, maybe I should order How Harry became a tree then? Because it exists only in Region 1...
Hey, I just read your story hun I hope my suggestion doesnt offend you!
Do you already have more chapters? I hope so
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IseeButterfly In reply to miraxterrik [2011-06-21 16:32:28 +0000 UTC]
Yeah, VLC rocks
I saw that you read it, thanks for the comment. No I didn't feel offended, I was planning to do it with an I-narrator from Lisa's POV and a third person narrator from Jackson's POV (this way some of his thoughts can be kept a secret, but it's still from his point of view. Harry Potter is written this way for example and I always liked it)
Yes, but only very "rough" versions, I have two more chapters already, but they really lack any precision and need to be checked a lot before I can upload them
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miraxterrik In reply to IseeButterfly [2011-06-21 17:00:16 +0000 UTC]
You mean, the HP-style for Jack's parts?
You are planning to give Jackson's narration a separate chapter? Because I'm not sure how it would look within one chapter with Lisa's 1st narration, and Jackson's third. Plus, if you plan separate chapters, then you lose the chance of them reflecting on the same event at the same time, simultaenously. So he has to either reflect back at some past event (but it takes away the tension) or doesnt reflect at all. Maybe you should go with the HP-style for Lisa's part (3rd person), and sometimes within the same chepters and scenes you can add his angle. But i really dont want to sound to insistent, so ignore me^^
👍: 0 ⏩: 1
IseeButterfly In reply to miraxterrik [2011-06-21 17:56:11 +0000 UTC]
actually, he will be reflecting on an event in the past a lot at some time in the fanfiction. Just from that point the story is from his POV, until that it's gonna be all Lisa's POV. And I won't change Lisa's narrator from an I to an 3rd person narrator, because I started with an I narrator and will keep that, anything else would be weird.
But I won't change POVs within chapters.
I understand your arguments, but I decided to do it this way, so I'll stay with that ^^ It serves the purpose just fine to have him in 3rd person and her in first person.
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miraxterrik In reply to IseeButterfly [2011-06-21 19:13:42 +0000 UTC]
Ah okay, I get it. Hope i didnt offend you^^ I hope I see it soon
👍: 0 ⏩: 1
IseeButterfly In reply to miraxterrik [2011-06-21 19:35:36 +0000 UTC]
'corse you didn't :**** we shouldn't argue about who's the better writer now, because I guess that's obvious So you giving me tips is kind of a blessing
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