Published: 2009-06-20 14:21:05 +0000 UTC; Views: 2709; Favourites: 61; Downloads: 51
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bird credits will be added later
thank you
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Comments: 43
etikat [2012-10-22 10:30:50 +0000 UTC]
ignoring the argument going on below, whoever created this deserves serious applause, it's absolutely magical and I love it!
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Kangarooblue [2011-01-04 22:42:53 +0000 UTC]
Oh dear.... hitting a nerve with the personality thang?
Yeah... whateva... over & out lol.
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milkandblue In reply to Kangarooblue [2011-01-04 22:48:55 +0000 UTC]
Not really. I honestly don't care what you think of my personality. It's irrelevant. Bye bbz.
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Kangarooblue [2011-01-04 22:26:06 +0000 UTC]
Shelly... you left a digital footprint on my flickr account with your Twitter account... thats how I '' found you ''. I never came looking for you. I don't have the time or energy for such rubbish... be who you are & say what you feel...That is your business & you will be the maker of your own destiny with what you say on net working sites one day. I dont know you... but I actually do know what type of person you are... so... good luck in life & you wll be found out one day... hopefully... I will be watchin!
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milkandblue In reply to Kangarooblue [2011-01-04 22:39:02 +0000 UTC]
If you don't have the time and energy for such rubbish why are you still here, commenting and spamming my photos and being childish. I have every right to say what I want on my twitter, and I don't appreciate people who steal my ideas, you don't know what kind of person I am, and I can assure you, you never will. You contradict yourself, also, because you say you have no time and energy for looking for me, yet you're going to sit here and watch me? That's pathetic. How about you spend your time bettering your photoshop skills and thinking of your own ideas instead hmm?
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Kangarooblue [2011-01-04 22:16:07 +0000 UTC]
Naughty Shelly cheating on DeviantArt with birds....How basic can that be?
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Kangarooblue [2011-01-04 22:11:37 +0000 UTC]
I love this one... I am sooooo inspired... cant wait to post on flickr...... with differences of course!! Would not like anyone to think I was copying anyones work? Thank you soo much for the inspiration.
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Kangarooblue [2011-01-04 22:06:43 +0000 UTC]
Love your basic images with rabbits & nobbly knees... I can do that too... but waste of time...
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milkandblue In reply to Kangarooblue [2011-01-04 22:10:03 +0000 UTC]
Glad you like them, sometimes simplicity is the best thing, isn't it
Oh, and this isn't a waste of your time? Glad you have your priorities straight sweety
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Kangarooblue [2011-01-04 22:03:15 +0000 UTC]
This one is easy to do & obviously only needs only basic photo shop skills if copied so easily... beat ya!!
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milkandblue In reply to Kangarooblue [2011-01-04 22:09:26 +0000 UTC]
Oh really, yeah but you failed didn't you, and if you think yours was better, then you're delusional.
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milkandblue In reply to Kangarooblue [2011-01-04 21:50:36 +0000 UTC]
OMG really thank you SO much!!
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Kangarooblue [2011-01-04 21:43:12 +0000 UTC]
I am gonna be so creative with this original one... love it!
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milkandblue In reply to Kangarooblue [2011-01-04 21:46:53 +0000 UTC]
Yeah but see funny thing is, whilst we're talking about dates, is that, if you look to the right of the screen, oh look, my photo was submitted on June 20 2009.
It's now January 4 2011. Guess your version won't seem so original now will it, hun
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Kangarooblue [2011-01-04 21:39:35 +0000 UTC]
Shelly darlin... This is such a super pic ! Well done to you. You say in 2009 that the credits for the birds will be added later... this is now 2011.. are you eva gonna credit the kind donors for them or claim them as your own idea hun? Dont tell me you are gonna double cross a fellow deviant? TuT TuT !!
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milkandblue In reply to Kangarooblue [2011-01-04 21:45:45 +0000 UTC]
Funny, now who's got the uh, 'contrasting' personality This is my photo-manip, and my idea, you copied me, and now have the audacity to comment on my work and patronize me, when you're in the wrong
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kangaroo63 [2011-01-03 23:51:48 +0000 UTC]
Got you on Twitter! Nice one & such a contrast to your personality!
@linny90120 Exactlyyyyyy, she's linked me properly now and added a suck-up comment after it. idiot How was your new year? <3
2 minutes ago via web in reply to linny90120
.And this is why we know bwbz is a failure "...and that's the moment I put the pencil down before I violently threw it at someone,"
6 minutes ago via web .@darildarildaril she deleted my comment on it though!!! :S <3
8 minutes ago via web in reply to darildarildaril
.@darildarildaril haha she's linked me, and she wrote 'Check out the beautiful original composition.', damn fuckin' straight like xD <3
8 minutes ago via web in reply to darildarildaril
.@darildarildaril doesn't I'll report her!!! <3
10 minutes ago via web in reply to darildarildaril
.@darildarildaril i know!!! i posted my link on hers, and I told her on dA to link me properly, still a fucking cheek though.. if she
11 minutes ago via web in reply to darildarildaril
.@darildarildaril omg and it does hahah! when we go to the hospital tomorrow im gonna make them do my chin like, you gettin' yours done?
11 minutes ago via web in reply to darildarildaril
.@darildarildaril I couldn't resist', wtf like!!! hers is shit but I don't want people thinking its her idea.. didn't even link me, bitchh <3
17 minutes ago via web in reply to darildarildaril
.@darildarildaril I KNOW!!! She sent a comment saying 'i've been admiring this' and then 5 minutes later she's done another one saying 'sorry
18 minutes ago via web in reply to darildarildaril
.@linny90120 Exactly, she commented on it saying 'sorry, couldnt resist', I mean, hers is shit, but its my idea. :S x
19 minutes ago via web in reply to linny90120
.There's a difference between being 'inspired' by something, and just copying it.. [link] [link] ...
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milkandblue In reply to kangaroo63 [2011-01-04 00:24:47 +0000 UTC]
I'm sorry, but you've never met me, so don't judge my personality I see you've privated the photo, just a quick word of warning, most people don't
take too kindly to having work copied. I wasn't unkind to you personally, because you provided a link, so I didn't bother starting drama with you, but my twitter is a place for me to say what I want, so I'm not going to apologise for you reading what I wrote. In future, get your own ideas
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kangaroo63 [2011-01-03 22:18:54 +0000 UTC]
Sorry... could not resist... I had to try it out... never as good as yours but I tried... click on the link.
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milkandblue In reply to kangaroo63 [2011-01-03 23:18:03 +0000 UTC]
Aw thats cute Would you mind posting a link to my work though? Thanks!
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kangaroo63 [2011-01-03 18:46:05 +0000 UTC]
This is fabulous. I have admired this one on flickr. (I think its you) Gorgeous composition & great idea. You have inspired!
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milkandblue In reply to kangaroo63 [2011-01-03 22:05:45 +0000 UTC]
Thank you! Yes I think I did upload this to flickr, I don't update there very often mind, I'm glad you enjoy it
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ad-shor [2010-01-24 22:39:39 +0000 UTC]
great concept!
i love the idea and also hope is original!
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milkandblue In reply to ad-shor [2010-01-25 01:38:52 +0000 UTC]
thank you so much
Glad you like it
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xiete [2009-06-20 16:12:15 +0000 UTC]
hi! your work has been featured here
just tell me if it is okay or not =xiete
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milkandblue In reply to xiete [2009-06-21 09:48:10 +0000 UTC]
hellooo of course it's okay!
thanks for featuring it!!
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xiete In reply to milkandblue [2009-06-21 11:31:28 +0000 UTC]
yeah thanks and you're welcome
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