Miharichu-Emi — Bracer - Step by step tutorial

Published: 2014-01-13 09:39:02 +0000 UTC; Views: 5055; Favourites: 81; Downloads: 0
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Description This weekend I have been working on Link's bracer. I made some step by step photo's so everyone can make one now!

Things I used:
- Paper
- Craft foam
- Pen
- Scissors
- Wood glue
- Acrylic paint (brown and black)
- 2 pieces of leather
- 2 small buckles

1. - Make your patterns on a piece of paper: One of the 'base' and one of the details.
    - Trace your patterns on craft foam. I made this piece out of 3 foam layers: (From bottom to top) First base-layer - Leather straps - Second base layer - Detail layer
    - Glue the Second base layer and the details layer together with wood glue (or whatever you wanna use) and let that dry properly.
    - In the mean time you need to get your leather straps ready: Make the straps as long as you like, you can always trim the excess. Put on the buckles on one end.
    - Take the First base layer and measure out where your straps need to be. Best thing is to put this on your arm and draw a line where they need to me.
      Also keep in mind that the buckles need to be in the middle on the other side of your arm! When you did this, draw a line where the straps need to be and glue them down on the First base layer.
    - Glue the First base layer to the dried Second and Details layer. Let it dry!

2. Get your hairdryer out and start heating it. When foam warms up, it is more bendable and when it cools down it will more or less stays in that shape. I was lucky my boyfriend was home, so I bent and warmed it right onto his arm and let it cool down there.

3/4. - Prime the foam first! The foam has itsiebitsie tiny holes in it and will suck up you paint! That will leave you will little holes when it dries up. I primed it with glue, but you can use various things for this.
    - Start adding your paint. I started on the other side, then the sides and the detail layer was last. I needed 2 - 3 layers of paint to get a good coverage. Also, due to the fact that I didn't want any brush strokes on it, I first painted it with a brush and then I used a sponge brush to dap away the paint strokes and give it a really cool effect. Depending on what kind of effect you wanna have you can either leave it like this or you can go on and add other layers to it (like me).

5. Start adding some black to the edges and smudged them out with a hard-isch paintbrush. This will blend in the black in to the brown and will give it some dept.

6. And then your bracer is done! You can use different ways to make the bracer, leather, magic model, clay or whatever. This worked just fine for me
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Comments: 2

StuffEaterFromSpace [2014-01-30 16:09:28 +0000 UTC]

What kind of crafting foam did you use? Great tut here, well done!

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Miharichu-Emi In reply to StuffEaterFromSpace [2014-01-31 15:13:16 +0000 UTC]

Thnx! Just regular craft foam sheets which you can find at any craftshop nothing fancy  

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