miayan β€” Pet Portrait, Barney.

Published: 2013-08-10 20:58:18 +0000 UTC; Views: 360; Favourites: 22; Downloads: 0
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Description This handsome puppy belongs to some good friends of mine. He's 5 and a half months old at the moment and growing quick. He's going to be pretty big too.
I absolutely love this dog. He's smart and sweet, quick to learn and gentle. His owners are pretty awesome too.
A4 and drawn in pencils. The fur has around 9 individual colours in, from blue to yellow. Originally drawn (with permission) to add to my portfolio, this drawing is now reserved as Barney's owners would like to buy it.
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Comments: 36

nikoskap [2013-09-16 13:41:50 +0000 UTC]


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CrystalSabre [2013-08-11 18:04:14 +0000 UTC]

Cute.Β  I like his ear.

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miayan In reply to CrystalSabre [2013-08-11 18:39:00 +0000 UTC]

thanks ^_^

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CrystalSabre In reply to miayan [2013-08-11 19:14:47 +0000 UTC]

You're welcome

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Wifflin [2013-08-11 02:50:44 +0000 UTC]

Very adorable and realistic
I like how you blended the colors

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miayan In reply to Wifflin [2013-08-11 13:41:50 +0000 UTC]

Thank you ^_^

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AliyaBloodHeart [2013-08-10 21:57:45 +0000 UTC]

This is absolutely gorgeous girl!
You have done such an amazing job, I look forward to seeing many many more of these coming from you

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miayan In reply to AliyaBloodHeart [2013-08-10 22:12:50 +0000 UTC]

thank you!

i want to do loads more, but have to get some little doggy models first XD

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AliyaBloodHeart In reply to miayan [2013-08-10 22:46:39 +0000 UTC]

Well if you ever want to practice I have three dogs (I actually struggle to draw Bundy I dont know why) and I would love to one day draw your Lurcher for you

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miayan In reply to AliyaBloodHeart [2013-08-11 13:46:50 +0000 UTC]

well if you dont mind me adding them to my portfolio i shall draw your doggies :3 (i'd post them up here too). i'd enjoy that ^_^ i'd have to post some pics of her up here thenΒ 

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AliyaBloodHeart In reply to miayan [2013-08-11 21:24:56 +0000 UTC]

^^ no I dont mind at all!
I still have all the photo's in my gallery under ref photo's, I've hit a point where I'm just going to do requests and gifts from now on, I'm accepting the fact that I need more practice XD

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miayan In reply to AliyaBloodHeart [2013-08-12 11:42:44 +0000 UTC]

yay! thankyou! i think i'll start with bundy ^_^

i know what you mean, though it can be disheartening. but when Barneys owners said they wanted to buy the pic it boosted my confidence a bit. i would commission you, but i have no funds D: but we can do it as a trade off, i'll quite happily draw your dogs anyway as i need the practice. will upload some of kendra soon.

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AliyaBloodHeart In reply to miayan [2013-08-23 23:21:28 +0000 UTC]

^^ not a problem!

Yeah I have hit I dont know I just feel stale lately, had a bad art block and I have been looking at my art from a new perspective lately ... I think I might also go back to traditional as well... maybe painting too... but I need a desk first XD
I also want to try some different things like crafty stuff... but I just get so much in the way in life -.-

Yeah I dont like the pressure that comes with commissions actually, I f up things under pressure

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miayan In reply to AliyaBloodHeart [2013-08-24 12:20:28 +0000 UTC]

i know that feeling. and then i look at my sisters art and want to give up. heres one of her earlier pencil works :thumb134582223: but i've come to realise that everyone has thier own style and its best not to compare. yeah i haven't been able to do much crafty things atm, its the summer holidays over here and i have to keep my son entertained -.-

same here, with commisions i'm terrified I'll mess something up.

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AliyaBloodHeart In reply to miayan [2013-08-24 22:18:02 +0000 UTC]

You'll have to send me a link thumbnails dont seem to work

Yeah we all have our own style and we should focus on the positives of that alone

Im considering going back to traditional for awhile (just need to set everything up XD)
Im itching to do some traditional paintings on canvas

I know what you mean, kids are so demanding lol.... Its almost spring time here and I cant wait to get outside and start digging up the ground to get a vegie patch going again, so far I have several broccoli and what I think are cabbages, as well as onions, garlic and what should be leek and spring onions but they are all in pots... I just sowed some tomato seeds last week and stuck a plastic bottle over the seed pot to hopefully keep it warm we shall see if they grow... my spring onions and leeks took waaaaayyy longer to pop up then they should have cause of how cold it was when I sowed them ^^

Back to art talk... yes commissions are much too stressful I'm finding (mind you I use to get excited about them and get them done... but now I just dont have that spark anymore) I think I just lost confidence in myself as well...

Oh well I will see what happens I have several idea's Of what I would like to try and do so I will see how it pans out ^^
Ohohoh... I even wanted to try wood carving... my other half brought home some red gum that had fallen and some of it has loads of character one piece kinda makes me think of eastern dragons and cat fish O.O So I thought about carving it a bit and keeping it (bugger the fire place it eats enough wood XD)

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miayan In reply to AliyaBloodHeart [2013-08-25 00:21:46 +0000 UTC]

yeah i've just noticed that thumbnails arent working so well. heres the link, injectvibrancy.deviantart.com#… .

yup, completely agree. and i do really enjoy looking at others art and their techniques.

hahaha they really are. i used to have a veggie patch, but when i got my dog she ate all the veggies XD. and i dont have green fingers at all, i fail at gardening so so much lol.

i know i've lost alot of confidence recently when it comes to art. i havent even had a comission apart from a guy called montaraz a while back. i prefer drawing dogs and traditional stuff, but people just dont want it. so i think i know what you mean when you say you've lost your spark.

do it! and i'd love to see it too . i can't carve wood to save my lif XD

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AliyaBloodHeart In reply to miayan [2013-08-25 01:33:26 +0000 UTC]

^^ She is fanstastic!
I can see why you feel the way you do, but it looks as though she has been at it for quite a long while
It all comes down to practice practice practice!
And that piece you did of the beautiful puppy ^^ that shows that you have the skills as well

Yes same!
I love getting inspiration from others as well, and it makes all the difference when they are kind enough to show tutorials as well

XD I love growing vegies, the only vegies that Rusty would eat would be cauliflower XD for some reason he likes cauliflower O.O... other than that its just when the dogs (the boys anyway) pee on plants -.- its very off putting, but we use to have a fence around most of the vegie patch he had... now everything is currently in pots and Rusty usually behaves/knows the rules... or at least knows my bite is just as bad as my bark XD... Bundy however is a lost cause, he never listens XC
I dont know how Suzie will go, but being an indoor dog she shouldnt be too much trouble

I think my biggest problem will be keeping the resident wombats out of the vegies XD

^^ I know how that feels, most of mine have been for the same great person and she really loves TLK but I'm not that great at TLK style O.O so I loose confidence in myself in that respect as well
We should really just draw what we like and want though, and not focus too much on the majority... otherwise we will end up filling our galleries with fan arts that we dont really appeal too... XD I see too much fan art and i dont know its starting to bore me... I mean pokemon is everywhere... and other such fan arts... I like some of the TLK fan fics but I dont really want to have a gallery that is filled with the same as 1000 other peoples :/

And for the record I really think that artists like us (who draw/attempt too anyway XD... realistic animal portraits) are under appreciated... I mean I see so many who have sooo much talent and like only 150 watchers compared to people who draw these 'cute' cartoonistic animals with really bad anatomy and they like 1000+ watchers -.-

I have never carved wood before so it will be a first.. it will either look some what like I imagine it could or.... be come fire wood XD

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miayan In reply to AliyaBloodHeart [2013-08-25 13:17:36 +0000 UTC]

She really is, and i'm proud to say that she was a runner up in the wildlife artist of the year competition. (thats quite a big deal XD)
she did practice alot but she was also born with a natural talent. even as a kid her drawings were amazing.
aww thankyou ^_^

totally agree, i love learning how others do it, even if i don't use the same techniques.

hahaha bless them! i end up killing all my plants O.o

agreed. theres far too much fan art everywhere as it is. i like to do original works anyhow.

yes! i've noticed that too. its really annoying and almost painful to see sometimes.

hahaha well you wont know until you try

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AliyaBloodHeart In reply to miayan [2013-10-25 03:01:58 +0000 UTC]

Jhvcdsjk Its beeen LIKE weeks maybe even months and I really need to reply C:

You should be proud of your sister (and of yourself you are coming along as well )

Tutorials are epic man!!!!!
Pitty I use an ipad though I know how frustrating it is when you want to learn and you have to find a new technique that you can achieve at hand
My plants are all doing REALLY badly this year, our spring has been all over the place!

Yep too much fan art but I do enjoy some of it of course ^^

We really need to support more of the realistic artists out there

XD I havnt tried with the wood carving yet... I dont know where to start... BUT my parents found a bunch of tektites and I'm now thinking I want to carve stones will see if I can get a carving set and see what happens with that!
They have one tektite that looks like it desperately wants to become a Xenomorph head ^^
I might start doing the whole fan art thing OMG would you oppose to me posting pictures of Xenomorphs XD

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miayan In reply to AliyaBloodHeart [2013-10-26 21:22:47 +0000 UTC]

omergawd, i've barely been on o.o.

its nice to come on here to find a message from a friend . i am of my sister and learning to do the same for myself lol.

hell yeah!
ooh thats a shame, yep i know that feeling. just getting used to small changes takes me forever lol.

nuuuuuuuu, not the plants!

some of it is funny and pretty well done, so thats ok hehe XD

ohohohohoh Xenomorphs! do it do it do it do it do it!! they're too awesome! i wouldn't complain about that

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AliyaBloodHeart In reply to miayan [2013-10-26 21:49:55 +0000 UTC]

It is always nice yes!!!
That is good to hear, you should be proud of yourself, that pic of Barney is absolutely amazing!!

I'm finding so many tutorials on how to draw realistic women, but I really need to learn to draw realistic men... and preferably young hot tasty ones not old wrinkle bound crazy looking ones XD LOL
Although I always wanted to learn how to draw Indian Chiefs....

Yes sadly my plants are not good XD I'm so ashamed.. nah we need a hot house for the vegies XD

XENOMORPHS for the win!!!!
If I could I would totally have one as a pet :3... it might get messy though and like kill everyone but awwwww... you just have to love them right??!!! XD

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miayan In reply to AliyaBloodHeart [2013-10-27 15:27:00 +0000 UTC]

i'm still practising though. its always nice to look back on older stuff and think how far i've come lol.

yeah, i've seen a few tutorials on women too, but i can't get men right. i can sorta draw my son now, he's good practice. its the bodies i mess up on lol

you should see my plants... XD

hell yes! a dangerous pet indeed, but its only thier nature right? XP

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AliyaBloodHeart In reply to miayan [2013-10-27 20:54:09 +0000 UTC]

Practice practice practice!!!
I need to do more pet portraits as well
Im just lazy... I tend to go through phases

Yeah it sucks though I just want to learn to draw like late teen to early 20 man faces... with stubble... and I keep finding men like House and other old wrinkle pots XD
Its disturbing

XD are they all brown??

But so awesome to have though right!

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miayan In reply to AliyaBloodHeart [2013-11-04 00:58:27 +0000 UTC]

heh, i'm being lazy with drawing atm so its all good. lol.

lmao! never a nice young man when you want one

XD they're so brown they've turned into compost for the weeds.

so very very awesome

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AliyaBloodHeart In reply to miayan [2013-11-04 01:13:33 +0000 UTC]

I feel the same way, my ipad is full of half finished pictures... oh well

It sucks

XD At your thinking about the weeds!... the best plants around are the ones that you dont want


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miayan In reply to AliyaBloodHeart [2013-11-05 18:54:23 +0000 UTC]

yup, it can be frustrating.

lolol, the weeds are ok. some of them can be pretty in summer, even if they take over everything XD

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AliyaBloodHeart In reply to miayan [2013-11-12 00:40:54 +0000 UTC]

Yes pretty weeds with pretty flowers!!!

OH my gosh my net has been slowed right down and I havnt been able to get onto dA in ages ;.;
I'll check up on al your work later this week when I get all my data back O:

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miayan In reply to AliyaBloodHeart [2013-11-12 07:18:34 +0000 UTC]

hehe yup.

its ok, mine has been acting wierd too, and my computer has crashed while uploading things :/

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AliyaBloodHeart In reply to miayan [2013-11-13 05:08:13 +0000 UTC]

C: I used all my allowance in two weeks ^^ the only good thing is I can at least still get on line I just cant do a lot... but its giving me time to get a couple new pieces of art done and I have developed a new style!!
I also think one reason I have slacked off with commissions is because Im freaking out thinking that the commissioners wont like the end result.. I dont know why but I get so far and just seem to lose it XC

Your computer still giving you troubles??
Thats not good, I hate how everything these days end up disposable... :/ can they not just make things that last XP

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miayan In reply to AliyaBloodHeart [2013-11-13 06:03:43 +0000 UTC]

ah i see, I've used my allowance like that in the past lol. oooh a new style? coolness

ah don't worry yourself too much, i get like that too. thankfully i have no commissions at the moment (i'm quite ill again :/)

yup, nothing lasts anymore. i think they design things to break so people have to buy another one.

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Tadazza [2013-08-10 21:51:59 +0000 UTC]

Great job! The eye looks really good and I love the way you did the longer hair on the ears

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miayan In reply to Tadazza [2013-08-10 22:13:33 +0000 UTC]

thank you! i actually used a new technique (for me) on the ears, glad it came out well

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GreyPepperArt [2013-08-10 21:06:33 +0000 UTC]

You have captured his character, love that the muzzle disappears into the white background.

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miayan In reply to GreyPepperArt [2013-08-10 21:11:17 +0000 UTC]

Thank you! Always means alot to receive feedback :3

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TenthsGirl [2013-08-10 21:01:51 +0000 UTC]

This is so good!Β 

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miayan In reply to TenthsGirl [2013-08-10 21:03:38 +0000 UTC]

thank you, ^_^

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