MessyArtwok — :GIFT: - Whiterage for Mecha-Vision

#bdaygift #oc #originalcharacter #tfp #transformers #waistup #giftforafriend #transformersoc #whiterage #transformersprime #transformersocfemale #whiterageoc #mechavision
Published: 2018-04-19 21:18:29 +0000 UTC; Views: 2307; Favourites: 66; Downloads: 2
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I fully intended to upload this A LONG time ago…but thanks to some RL dilemmas…well, I kind of sort of accidentally forgot to actually upload the image.

Then, I proceeded to forget I even had it until a few days ago when I noticed it in my ‘Upload’ folder. Oops.

Anyway – this was originally intended for  Mecha-Vision   ‘s birthday - which btw – I AM SO LATE FOR… TT3TT  But…I suppose late is better than never.

Now from this point I could honestly go on and on about how awesome a person Mecha-Vision is and how I really like their art and how they’re so awesome to everybody and so on and so forth – but for most anyone who’s familiar with this amazing individual – already know all this. X3

Mecha-Vision , I am so SO sorry for having missed being able to post this on your official B-day. It was always my intention to be on-time, but I'm sure as you know, sometimes life doesn't always go as planned. XD. But…perhaps you can just think of this as an attempt to keep the festivities for you going~ XD I absolutely love your OC Whiterage and her design; an I had an absolute blast drawing her. I genuinely hope you like my rendition of her, and that you'll accept this gift as a token of my admiration for your amazing abilities!

(P.S. – If I messed up anything about her design, I sincerely apologize. I tried to be as detailed as possible with her design without becoming a psychotic perfectionist. ;u; )

Happy (VERY) Belated Birthday!


Whiterage belongs to Mecha-Vision . She was drawn as a gift for her respected owner. Do not copy, trace, or claim this character as your own. Do not use in any way-
-Giving credit does not justify stealing the character/design/artwork. Only Mecha-Vision and myself have permission to use/display this piece. All Rights Reserved.

Whiterage OC © Mecha-Vision
Artwork © MessyArtwok
Transformers Prime © Hasbro Studios
Artwork Created Using Adobe® Illustrator CC 2017
All Rights Reserved.
No Individual Other than Mecha-Vision & Myself has permission to Use this Piece.

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Comments: 22

Kari-Glitch [2019-07-06 14:26:51 +0000 UTC]

her face and shoulder omg really amaazing!!

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Scalenbee [2018-06-03 11:20:04 +0000 UTC]

She looks awesome !! Nice work !! *O*

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MessyArtwok In reply to Scalenbee [2018-06-07 20:49:49 +0000 UTC]

Thank you. ^^

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LethalMachinery [2018-04-29 18:36:00 +0000 UTC]

ahhhh thank you so much!!!!!! i have no words, you've just made my day :'D
I'm so happy so many like her and I'm glad you had fun drawing her~~ my baby looks amazing.
And don't worry if you are late, any gift makes me happy at any time!
thanks a lot for your kindness~~

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

MessyArtwok In reply to LethalMachinery [2018-04-30 19:04:05 +0000 UTC]

Lol~ You are so very welcome!
I'm glad I was able to bring you some joy and maybe a smile to your face. ^^
And I'm so SO happy that you're happy with the way your baby looks~ X3

And I'm glad to know that you'll accept a gift any time no matter the occasion! XD

It was my absolute pleasure to do this~ And you can definitely expect something next year (hopefully on time~) XD

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LethalMachinery In reply to MessyArtwok [2018-05-06 08:56:18 +0000 UTC]

late reply as usual lol
Of course I do! xD And thank you so much again!!

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MessyArtwok In reply to LethalMachinery [2018-05-07 20:20:42 +0000 UTC]

Lol - don't worry about it~ I've been kind of late with my reply too so - we can both be late together. X3
Anyways - you are so very welcome!

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LethalMachinery In reply to MessyArtwok [2018-05-14 18:19:19 +0000 UTC]


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firelorddarkskull [2018-04-27 23:45:31 +0000 UTC]

Always like seeing a transformer design with loads of Spiky detail. Whiterage Looks awesome in both Mecha-Vision’s and your style too.

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MessyArtwok In reply to firelorddarkskull [2018-04-30 18:58:14 +0000 UTC]

Ahhh - Mecha-Vision is the grand mastermind behind Whiterage's design. I just took the awesomeness I see and tried to make something that Mecha would like. ^^
That's all. ^^

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firelorddarkskull In reply to MessyArtwok [2018-05-01 00:39:35 +0000 UTC]

I think you succeeded!

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ProphetofPrimes [2018-04-21 23:47:05 +0000 UTC]

Oh my gosh, Whiterage looks amazing in your style. I wonder how long this took you to do?
The background is simple but awesome. I love how you can make even a basic pose look epic. I'm sure Mecha's going to love this. <3

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MessyArtwok In reply to ProphetofPrimes [2018-04-24 18:11:20 +0000 UTC]

Ohhh...to be honest I can't really say definitively how long it took - given there was a pause in doing this for a while. But I want to say that in all it was about a 12 to 15 hour project.
And thanks. ^^ TBH - I personally think that Whiterage is just such an awesome character, that for me to make a more detailed background would have taken away the attention from her. In this case, I though a simple but...imposing BG would only compliment Whiterage's awesomeness - not shadow it.

And OH GOODNESS I HOPE SO~ >3< I feel so bad for having taken so long to do this...
I just really, really, REALLY hope it's well received. ;u;

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FlashbackingArtist00 [2018-04-21 05:41:15 +0000 UTC]

I love Whiterage too! Her design is just awesome omg and you drew her so nice!
I'm sure she'll love it <3

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MessyArtwok In reply to FlashbackingArtist00 [2018-04-24 18:05:44 +0000 UTC]

I sincerely hope so.
I just feel so bad for coming in so late with this~ My timing for things has admittedly never been very good. ;u;

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LuxNiveus [2018-04-19 21:44:17 +0000 UTC]

I still am baboozled by your magic illustrator skills. She looks awesome! 

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RebelliousSpy In reply to LuxNiveus [2018-04-20 07:06:51 +0000 UTC]

So awesome! Love her design!

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MessyArtwok In reply to LuxNiveus [2018-04-19 22:02:24 +0000 UTC]

Illustrator is my magic - and my tablet is my weapon.
It would seem that when I'm armed with both - there is nothing I cannot do~

Except make a sandwich - and to be honest - that's kind of a depressing thought.
DANG IT...Now I want a sandwich... >.>

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LuxNiveus In reply to MessyArtwok [2018-04-19 22:20:32 +0000 UTC]

THAT should have been your yearbook quote or graduation quote. xD 

Draw a sandwich in illustrator??  

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MessyArtwok In reply to LuxNiveus [2018-04-24 16:48:34 +0000 UTC]

Perhaps. XD TBH though - I honestly can't remember what my yearbook quote was... it's been a while. ;u;

And for the record - it didn't help! >3<
So I went to Subway instead. F3

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LuxNiveus In reply to MessyArtwok [2018-04-24 17:12:02 +0000 UTC]

Oh bummer. xD

and yes! Subway's great but I still like burgers more. :'D

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MessyArtwok In reply to LuxNiveus [2018-04-24 18:02:13 +0000 UTC]

Yeah~ XD

Burgers are good; especially Frisco burgers. X3 But I think when given the choice, I'd probably go for a French Dip Sandwich before a burger any day. ;u;

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