Memo90 — Embarassed of Something

Published: 2007-11-29 14:42:01 +0000 UTC; Views: 276; Favourites: 7; Downloads: 0
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Description Roxas: I was trying to steal Naminés underwear but somehow I ended up with Kairi's...

Naminé: Oh my! *deep blush*

Kairi: WTF?

Sora: ...Can I have them? *nosebleed*

Roxas was requested by ~Sonikkuh , the rest I just randomly came up with. xD'

Roxas' hair is a pain to draw D:

Art (c) ~Memo90
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Comments: 10

KingdomHearts-Freako [2009-10-29 20:01:54 +0000 UTC]

Gwahaha, they're all so cute!~<3

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Krazy-Kat-91 [2007-12-21 23:37:00 +0000 UTC]

WTF? Now that is weird. Nicely drown though *faved*

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Memo90 In reply to Krazy-Kat-91 [2007-12-24 15:38:26 +0000 UTC]

Thanks... Sorry xD

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Krazy-Kat-91 In reply to Memo90 [2008-01-03 21:03:29 +0000 UTC]

Nah don't be. Where on Earth did u get inspiration for this though?

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Memo90 In reply to Krazy-Kat-91 [2008-01-05 23:45:52 +0000 UTC]

...From some dark corner of my mind which was running away from the idea of "I HAVE NO IDEAAAAS"? o_o'

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Krazy-Kat-91 In reply to Memo90 [2008-01-07 02:10:45 +0000 UTC]

haha I'm ike the same way.

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mosaicvirus [2007-11-29 17:43:42 +0000 UTC]

I agree with you, Roxas' hair really is a pain to draw. D: *yhyy*

whaaaat. O__o
now that is REALLY RANDOM! XDD
Roxas varastamassa toisten pantsuja... 8'DD
ei joka päivä tällaista näe, ei.
kiva kun vaivauduit piirtämään noita muita tonne taustalle. ^__^
taidankin värittää tämän, jos se vain sopii.
mutta juu, pidän tästä todella paljon...

...vaikka oishan se tietty ollut parempi jos Roxas olisi varastanut Axelin bokserit! >8DDDD

mutta juu, kiitosta, ja palajon. 8D
ja hugit ja glompit kaupan päälle.

👍: 0 ⏩: 2

Memo90 In reply to mosaicvirus [2007-11-30 10:09:35 +0000 UTC]

Damn Square Enix and the pain that is Roxas' hair they have given us! D8

...Well, yeah. This what happens after I spend 2 days thinking without getting an idea, then just decide that I will draw now and hope to god that something comes out. x3'

Ilman muita kuva oisi ollut vähän homo. xD''
Senkus, sinullehan se oli ~
Hjuva, hjuva.

Pah! Minä en suosi shounen-aita xP Ainakaan se ei ole eka asia mikä tulee mieleen!

Ole hjuva. n_n
Aww. *takas*

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mosaicvirus In reply to Memo90 [2007-11-30 13:25:49 +0000 UTC]

right. ois vaan ollut sit yksin jos se oisi ollut edes vähänkin homo. >8DDD
okkei, nyt oon hiljaa.

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mosaicvirus In reply to mosaicvirus [2007-11-29 17:50:38 +0000 UTC]

niin tosiaan, en fanita muita parituksia KH:sta kuin AkuRokua. :'D
ja jos minulta kysytään, niin Roxas X Naminé ja Rokuriku paritukset saavat luvan painua kuuseen. >8D

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