MechanoidManiacks — There's one they Fear

Published: 2011-08-27 12:44:24 +0000 UTC; Views: 2740; Favourites: 28; Downloads: 21
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Description some netizen says the final boss of Skyrim will be a Giant Dragon, and most of them we're also all hive minded, with the new expansion for WoW, the Cataclysm.

i guess the banshee was a bad idea... i got no replies when i ask if i should keep the banshee on the pic, but without the banshee, i tought it would be funny if deathwing just stares at nothing.

and if im not mistaken about the story...
-the dragons we're mysteriously dissapear in skyrim, while deathwing we're assumed dead in warcraft 2(actually disguising as a human before cataclysm starts)
-the dragons suddenly shows up again, so as deathwing
-the dragons are out to destroy the world, same plan deathwing has.

well screw this, this is a suicidal attempt because it's my third attempt using photoshop and it's 7.0... in my father's office computer, and the background... the hell, im confused what to put, what shaders, what details to put, what color, what tools to use, Damnit it's screwed.

try guessing what does the wall of alduin says there
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Comments: 34

YubelHaouJudai [2014-01-22 10:23:42 +0000 UTC]

Why there ship flyer with Deathwing?

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YubelHaouJudai [2012-12-23 22:53:32 +0000 UTC]

Deathwing is enormous compared to Alduin and well he will be fucked

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MechanoidManiacks In reply to YubelHaouJudai [2013-06-12 13:11:46 +0000 UTC]

hahah yeah, now that we all know how big Alduin is that the game has been released, im a bit dissapointed to see Alduin not even as big as Mehrunes Dagon althought hes also a god.

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sredrum [2012-03-04 20:11:35 +0000 UTC]


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MechanoidManiacks In reply to sredrum [2012-03-06 15:55:09 +0000 UTC]

seems like the reason the lich king dropped his balls so fast is because of an arrow in the knee.

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wolfgangcalifan In reply to MechanoidManiacks [2012-11-25 08:39:15 +0000 UTC]

He can't drop his balls, he's too awesome

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MechanoidManiacks In reply to wolfgangcalifan [2013-06-12 13:15:12 +0000 UTC]

so lich king walks into blizzards office, and complain that wrath of the lich king session being too short compared to the other WoW update and accused blizzard that Arthas is no longer their favorite boy, blizzard just nod their heads and resume making tea for kerrigan.

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sredrum In reply to MechanoidManiacks [2012-03-06 18:58:09 +0000 UTC]

i used to take arrows to the knee but then i took a bow to the arrow

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MechanoidManiacks In reply to sredrum [2012-03-17 04:21:39 +0000 UTC]

i used to be an arrow... and im still an arrow when i hit a knee

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sredrum In reply to MechanoidManiacks [2012-03-19 19:06:45 +0000 UTC]

what kind of arrow? deadric,iron,steel,glass,dwarven,orc or elven?

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wolfgangcalifan In reply to sredrum [2012-11-25 08:40:12 +0000 UTC]

Falmer arrow? Ebony arrow?

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sredrum In reply to wolfgangcalifan [2012-12-16 23:21:29 +0000 UTC]

nordic arrow? maybe dragonbone or stalrhim?

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MechanoidManiacks In reply to sredrum [2012-06-04 05:01:48 +0000 UTC]

what if i cut the point of a dwarven arrow and add the glass arrowhead, or what will happen if i melt dwarven with ebony with...
so much for forging science.

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sredrum In reply to MechanoidManiacks [2012-06-05 13:27:42 +0000 UTC]

the dwarven ebony wold have been a cool arrow. or deadric and elven arrows mixed?

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MechanoidManiacks In reply to sredrum [2012-06-13 15:18:12 +0000 UTC]

what knees could survive those?

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wolfgangcalifan In reply to MechanoidManiacks [2012-11-25 08:40:39 +0000 UTC]

Daedric knees, that's what.

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sredrum In reply to MechanoidManiacks [2012-06-14 19:59:30 +0000 UTC]

depends,needs a strong bow too. the heavier the better.

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MechanoidManiacks In reply to sredrum [2012-06-20 15:03:17 +0000 UTC]

the heavier you'll need $400.000 to shoot it's arrow for twelve second if you know what i mean.

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sredrum In reply to MechanoidManiacks [2012-06-21 23:01:42 +0000 UTC]

oh ho,see what you did there! yeah,dont touch my sasha bow

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theT7770ify [2012-01-28 05:49:46 +0000 UTC]

if only the covanant helped me with my dragon problems

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MechanoidManiacks In reply to theT7770ify [2012-02-02 11:47:27 +0000 UTC]

in return, you'll get a flood zombie problems.

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theT7770ify In reply to MechanoidManiacks [2012-02-03 00:49:44 +0000 UTC]

fire hammer solves that

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MechanoidManiacks In reply to theT7770ify [2012-02-11 12:55:04 +0000 UTC]

scarab solves both zombs and dragons XD

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theT7770ify In reply to MechanoidManiacks [2012-02-11 17:19:10 +0000 UTC]


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willyshlecnaught [2012-01-24 23:48:08 +0000 UTC]

this dragon isnt really in skyrim...is it

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MechanoidManiacks In reply to willyshlecnaught [2012-02-02 11:48:40 +0000 UTC]

nope, i think this guy alone is the size of 4 alduin.

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Hito-san [2011-08-30 14:27:34 +0000 UTC]

yay skyrim, boo WOW

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MechanoidManiacks In reply to Hito-san [2011-09-03 15:32:20 +0000 UTC]

World of Skyrim >: )
WoW will suck out your soul to power the gameplay directly.

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Hito-san In reply to MechanoidManiacks [2011-09-04 02:40:59 +0000 UTC]

all skyrim will do is caus me to go unemployed for a year just like oblivion did ( lol not true I quit my job and then picked it um... .. . and it kept me unemployed )

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Traxxious [2011-08-30 13:16:39 +0000 UTC]

I think there could be different kinds of second-to-final battles for Empire and Stormcloak (rebels) sides.

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MechanoidManiacks In reply to Traxxious [2011-09-03 15:37:41 +0000 UTC]

probably could just like the one between NCR and caesar's Legion

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Traxxious In reply to MechanoidManiacks [2011-09-05 14:52:16 +0000 UTC]

Ok, and I definitely think that Alduin will be the final boss on both sides.

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MechanoidManiacks In reply to Traxxious [2011-10-02 09:15:18 +0000 UTC]

hmm, i'd rather the rebel and imperial to join their force if the option allows, hell... NV got so many finalfight option that i can't choose them all even if i replay it for the seventh time.

frankly... im bored being side to side with imperial for 2 generation of TES

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Traxxious In reply to MechanoidManiacks [2011-10-03 15:04:21 +0000 UTC]


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