Published: 2006-09-12 19:36:54 +0000 UTC; Views: 5895; Favourites: 187; Downloads: 222
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Inspiration:A dream I had:
An advanced ancient race built a mega computer over almost the entire surface of their moon. The computer used incredible nanotechnology which meant that a lump of the computer equal to the size of a human brain would have 10 times the computing capacity than that of a brain. The computer was so powerful it could predict the future by examining every variable in the universe including human thought. But since accurately predicting an event affects the actual outcome, it was only a short leap for the machine to be able to ultimately control the future and run the universe as it saw fit. The race rightly named the colossus "God". The machine continued to grow inwards increasing it capacity and further developing its exact knowledge of the workings of the universe and existence itself. With the complete deep understanding of the universe obtained, the God consciousness then left its mechanical shell and ascended to a higher plane of existence physically becoming the universe and the fabric of time itself, in effect becoming a god in doing so. And thus the origin of God.
(Iām an atheist by the way! lol)
The is a combination of my own photograhy and digital painting in photoshop.
LOTS of coments and PLENTY of crits PLEASE
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Comments: 81
kiser3 [2009-01-14 12:20:23 +0000 UTC]
Amazing truely amazing, you are going to go a long way when you get discovered, all of your work is a master piece!
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acid-of-rain [2008-07-09 02:08:22 +0000 UTC]
Truely amazing. I have been using this as my wallpaper for quite awhile. Love your work.
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MattCarter In reply to acid-of-rain [2008-07-09 09:29:00 +0000 UTC]
Really, your wallpaper?! Aww thats so cool, thanks
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LeitoSR [2008-04-19 01:28:32 +0000 UTC]
i guess yes "the yellows jet-like flares"
this ones..
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MattCarter In reply to LeitoSR [2008-04-19 11:47:08 +0000 UTC]
I did it using a fractal generator and encorperated the element into the image. Have a look for some fractal workand you'll see what I mean
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LeitoSR [2008-04-18 01:17:47 +0000 UTC]
nice, can you tell me how did u make this yellow glow stripes under the planet.. ?
if you can attach a tutorial for it i'll be very thankful
cuz i've been searching for it since long.
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MattCarter In reply to LeitoSR [2008-04-18 10:30:26 +0000 UTC]
which yellow strips? the yesllows jet-like flares or the water reflections under the planet?
I made this quite a while ago, and I don't have much time to make a tutorial, but I can roughly explane if you want...
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christiaan93 [2008-03-29 05:22:41 +0000 UTC]
W0W!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!W0W W0W W0W W0W W0W O_o o_O 0_o o_0
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Shaz-da-baz [2008-02-12 18:53:07 +0000 UTC]
wow this is breathtakingly beautiful and stunning x3
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RealmKnight [2007-11-19 23:16:10 +0000 UTC]
The term "gorgeous" is all that comes to mind.
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ThievingHopper [2007-11-13 05:06:09 +0000 UTC]
I am quite fascinated by the small details you put in your work. Great job! Cool dreams!
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Yrq [2007-10-28 16:08:11 +0000 UTC]
Nice piece of work. I would'n say it was the best picture of it's kind I ever saw, but still, it's very good pic.
You should be glad your dreams inspire you. It gives you the oportunity to amaze people with your unique vision and style.
Keep on dreaming!
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Sylvianas [2007-10-28 07:54:43 +0000 UTC]
Awesome picture.
Also a very detailed dream.
Must've been a cool dream.
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bryndog [2007-10-17 16:02:44 +0000 UTC]
Great, I think maybe not have some stars at the bottom,and more water mist. Really good planet though
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driftwould [2007-10-13 00:16:35 +0000 UTC]
that knida sounds like stargate
i love the complexity of it
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MattCarter In reply to driftwould [2007-10-13 18:21:16 +0000 UTC]
hehe, it does rather
....well I am a big stargate fan too anyway, lol
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living4him [2007-10-04 18:34:52 +0000 UTC]
So beautiful! Ha, now that I look at it, it looks really cool and makes me wonder if something like that happened when He did create it. Well, I know your an athiest but that's what I believe. :3
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MattCarter In reply to living4him [2007-10-04 19:31:36 +0000 UTC]
hehe, yeah I'm an athiest but it could be a plausible story, that's why I made the piece
Thanks for commenting
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LupinGoddess [2007-03-24 16:58:22 +0000 UTC]
I love the classic juxtaposition of positive and negative energy you have represented here. It demonstrates the duality of good and evil - two sides to the same coin - coexisting on a common ground: This moon. The "good" energy source emanating from the upper level of the planet is represented well through your use of blues and brightly burning white. The "evil" energy at the lower half of the planet is portrayed very clearly with the angry reds and oranges that typify a raging conflagration, the energy waves coming off as tongues of flame. This moon could well represent planet Earth and the positive and negative influences that exist on it. It could also easily represent the dichotomy of good and evil that exists within the consciousness of every human.
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Anaxsys [2007-03-03 03:03:44 +0000 UTC]
Incredible . Brilliant .
I love the pattern in the dark parts of the sky.
You should also read this short story ~The Last Question .
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MattCarter In reply to Anaxsys [2007-03-03 09:20:37 +0000 UTC]
Thank you so much for directing me to that story! I'm not lying when I say that the last 20 min in reading this has really changed me. Isaac Asimov is a great writer, and when he said that it was his favourite story he had writen, I knew I was on to a winner! I love the story soo much, it is exactly the concept I wanted to create with this image. I often spend hours thinking about such things, and being an athiest I don't beleive in god and so I'm always searching for plausible ideas, which this story seems to display so perfectly.
Thanks again, I really can't put across how greatful I am
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scootnoodles [2007-03-02 04:11:15 +0000 UTC]
Love it! Looks like art I've seen at digital blasphemy but better!
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MattCarter In reply to scootnoodles [2007-03-02 14:12:39 +0000 UTC]
Er, I think thats a compliment (I don't like Digital blasphemy that much, lol)
But thanks
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scootnoodles In reply to MattCarter [2007-03-03 02:41:55 +0000 UTC]
Didn't I say yours was better? : )
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Derrok [2007-03-01 21:25:49 +0000 UTC]
Your comment guided my to your gallery and Oh my god! This is an awesome work, i like the blue and orange effect, Its perfect, see you!
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princessofdesire [2007-03-01 20:11:26 +0000 UTC]
my deviantart is good, but yours.. š: 0 ā©: 0
nice job.. I can't do anything in Photoshop, because I'm so lazy
MrEdison [2007-02-13 15:30:38 +0000 UTC]
Well, in the water reflection, should there be at least some indication of blue lighting even though the orange lighting is closer? That's the only critique I have about it. Other than that, everything looks really nice.
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