Published: 2009-05-28 19:31:27 +0000 UTC; Views: 42618; Favourites: 3364; Downloads: 1633
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uuuuuuuu... scary and darkRelated content
Comments: 246
masz-rum In reply to ??? [2010-05-01 10:01:53 +0000 UTC]
Thanks a lot for the critique, I couldn't disagree, but is there anything that could'v been better?
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Rehshall In reply to masz-rum [2010-05-03 19:51:24 +0000 UTC]
Like I said before, the wings were my only, "Eh. . ." about this piece.
If they were a little larger, and perhaps if you were to put as much detail into the feathers that are actually ON the wings as you did on the ones OFF, that would be excellent.
Also, the clouds kind of bothered me, but I couldn't think of how to word it. . .
I know that clouds are a bitch
. . .
I think that they should have been thickened up.
They just seem to wispy.
You ever seen one of those home-made cotton candy machines that give you that pathetic wispy stuff?
Yeah. . . That's what the clouds kinda remind me of, and it doesn't really fit the dark, sinister theme of the picture overall.
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FicktionPhotography [2012-12-04 18:04:26 +0000 UTC]
This has been featured in my recent journal entry, found here: [link]
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Klitamnestra [2012-09-26 11:58:01 +0000 UTC]
absolutnie genialne
wzorowałeś się może na "Rudej Sforze" M. L. Kossakowskiej?
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masz-rum In reply to Klitamnestra [2012-09-26 12:32:10 +0000 UTC]
dzięki, szczerze mówiąc nie, nie pamiętam już co dokładnie było inspiracją (chyba okładka Fear of the Dark IM ) ale refki z jakich kożystałem to: szkielet konia, układ mięśni konia i fotki stającego dęba...
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Klitamnestra In reply to masz-rum [2012-09-26 15:41:03 +0000 UTC]
tak tylko byłam ciekawa, bo mi przypominało niektóre postaci z jej książki (btw, polecam, mocna jest)
tak czy siak praca świetna, ma nieziemski klimat
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roxanne14 [2011-06-11 19:32:42 +0000 UTC]
This now the most amazing work of Art I have seen in the world.
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wafflewarriorthe3rd [2011-05-17 01:54:36 +0000 UTC]
You do realize that this is the coolest thing I have ever seen in my life right?
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masz-rum In reply to wafflewarriorthe3rd [2011-05-17 10:20:21 +0000 UTC]
I do now ;] Nice to hear, thanks!
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wafflewarriorthe3rd In reply to masz-rum [2011-05-17 21:18:20 +0000 UTC]
welcome btw I love the bug with the smiley face at the bottom right corner xD
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Metromoanium [2011-04-16 04:05:00 +0000 UTC]
love this piece, the plague attributes are all over the place ^^
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masz-rum In reply to LyntonLevengood [2011-03-16 14:13:48 +0000 UTC]
Thanks man! Your work are also very impressive! Take care ;]
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der-freischutz [2011-02-19 20:23:02 +0000 UTC]
I'm speechless, have you ever saw a decaying bird? the wings are perfect!
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KatMaz [2010-09-10 21:16:40 +0000 UTC]
..............THIS IS BRILLAINT! WOW I so wish i could od this! excellent talent my friend!
xxxxxx It's just, so WOW!
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Kartonis [2010-08-07 14:15:54 +0000 UTC]
Amazing work, this is as beautiful as it is terrifying...except for that cute smiley bug of course! *laughs* Great work!
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MissEmeraldEyes [2010-07-03 14:18:58 +0000 UTC]
This is just simply amazing. All the atmosphere and the colours, just fabulous
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TwilightShadowWolf1 [2010-06-21 18:22:36 +0000 UTC]
Omg it is so hard to find out what colour this horse is xD (im guessing black though) I like how its red like fire in front and blue like ice in the back. Skeletons and feathers everywhere....and the bug?....... Well lets just say I fell out of my chair xD. Now this is something I love! amazing work!
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Soshasil12 [2010-05-04 01:48:52 +0000 UTC]
...wow!!! this is so incredible! the colors you use are amazing!! stunning job
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