MaskUpBitches — My Russian Boy by-nc-nd

Published: 2011-06-04 16:19:58 +0000 UTC; Views: 696; Favourites: 16; Downloads: 11
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Description I'm very interested in Russians actually...
I started to read Dostojevkij's Crime and Punishment, and I love russian names... Ivan Ivanovic Lebezjatnicov, Pjotr Pertovic, Raskolnikov, Katyerina Ivanova, Marmeladov, etc. They are so cool! I wish I was russian... I hope at least I inherited something from my grandmother
This is a sketch I drew in history lesson. He started as a german soldier (because we watched a film about Hitler, duh) but then I decided he HAS to be a Russian... I'm not sure of his name yet XD
BTW. Lenskij sound so good too...
OH YES watch this and enjoy [link]
Russians again
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Comments: 10

thedoraemons7 [2013-11-04 01:40:37 +0000 UTC]

Is that Ivan?

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SunlightRose [2012-11-13 18:05:26 +0000 UTC]

I love it so much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

He looks a bit like Stas Davidov

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theTieDyeCloak [2011-06-20 03:36:03 +0000 UTC]

So cute!! Aww I love Russian names too

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MaskUpBitches In reply to theTieDyeCloak [2011-06-24 17:37:09 +0000 UTC]

Thank you! ;____; They are so great!

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zabpehely101 [2011-06-12 11:21:59 +0000 UTC]

cukkerka !! Hát.. én nem vagyok annyira oda az oroszokért , de ez van !!
A raszputyin meg...tegnap a mondomeet-en a lelkemet is kitáncoltam , és bizony erre is ..xD

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MaskUpBitches In reply to zabpehely101 [2011-06-24 17:39:00 +0000 UTC]

Köszike MIÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉRT????????????????????? Mi rosszat tettek? T___T (Oké, asszem sejtem XD de azért mondd, érdekelne )
Milyen mázlista vagy már T___T Remélem, őszi conon lesz Just dance, mert ha nem... Vegyék fenyegetésnek!
Tényleg, remélem dolgozol már a Széchenyi-jelmezeden, viszek majd neked utcatáblát fotózkodni, és előtte mindenképpen a várba is fel kell menni egy képsorozatra!

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zabpehely101 In reply to MaskUpBitches [2011-09-16 12:09:18 +0000 UTC]

nincsen mit ! : D
háát..háborús kimenekülés-visszamenekülés során mindkét ágon kisemmizték a családot de amúgy ez nekem már édesmindegy ,a most élő orosz emberekkel nincs bajom , csak Anastázián meg az orosz baletton kívül nem igen érdekel... 8 D hmm , hát ezért...
óhogggyazza !!!akkor megyünk nagyimékhoz.........NEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!*halálhörgés* nem tudok menni de nekünk mindenképp találkoznunk kell még előtte...!! Ó , basszus...><""""""

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Wildqueenofspirals [2011-06-04 16:26:16 +0000 UTC]

I like Russians too. I'm trying to learn Russian, it's pretty tough. Their revolution was so interesting! I'm interested in how you develop his story.

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MaskUpBitches In reply to Wildqueenofspirals [2011-06-24 17:42:03 +0000 UTC]

Ohoo, they're awesome! ^^
I know, the language is really hard to learn, I started it once but I didn't even got the alphabet... But good luck for you, I'm sure you can do it!
(By the way, how many languages are you learning? )
Oh, I've got some interesting old sovjet books for research... I think he'll fight in the second world war... But we'll see

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Wildqueenofspirals In reply to MaskUpBitches [2011-06-25 05:38:48 +0000 UTC]

Yes, they're VERY awesome.

I tried learning Russian too. It's very difficult. I only know how to say a few words. I can't read it at all, at least not in cyrillic. The program I use really only teaches speaking.

Well, I'm trying to limit myself to four. I've taken Latin but since no one really speaks it, I'm not going to study it any more. I want to go back to Spanish, it's been about three years since I took it. I did love it while I took it and it was pretty easy for me. I picked up German so quickly, I'd like to keep up with it. Unfortunately, the school I'm going to next year really only has Spanish. I also want to learn Hungarian because my family is Hungarian on my Dad's side. I've been looking for programs online but they don't have anything that's really helpful.

Ideally, I'd like to be fluent in Spanish, German, Russian and Hungarian but I'm not sure that will happen. I do adore languages. If I could, I'd want to speak them all.

Oh, WWII was really tough on the Russian front. I'm interested in his story.

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