Published: 2015-03-10 15:22:59 +0000 UTC; Views: 53470; Favourites: 1465; Downloads: 128
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ClaySculpts [2015-04-14 18:43:30 +0000 UTC]
From what episode is this (sorry but I am not a big fan or normal fan ) ?
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MemorysEdge In reply to ClaySculpts [2015-04-16 23:16:36 +0000 UTC]
It's from the most recent(?) episode, "Not what he seems". The author of the Journals is revealed in this episode :3 Hope this helps
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Mythical-Mystery In reply to MemorysEdge [2015-04-17 20:50:40 +0000 UTC]
The author is revealed and it is....
It is stan's brother! DUN DUN DUN!!!!
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ilovelunan64 In reply to Mythical-Mystery [2015-04-29 05:06:51 +0000 UTC]
ugh spoilers.........don't worry i already saw it
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MemorysEdge In reply to Mythical-Mystery [2015-04-17 22:12:13 +0000 UTC]
Dun-Dun-DUUUUUUHN! Can't wait to see the next episode
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Mythical-Mystery In reply to MemorysEdge [2015-04-18 07:59:44 +0000 UTC]
I just watched the clip and I'm like freaking out so much! AHHHH! - fan girling - Lol! everyone kept saying it was Stan but they were wrong, it is his brother!
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MemorysEdge In reply to Mythical-Mystery [2015-04-18 20:24:55 +0000 UTC]
Yep! I'd seen the "Stanford Twin Theory" before, so it wasn't too much of a surprise? I don't know XD but I'm excited to see where things go from here...
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Mythical-Mystery In reply to MemorysEdge [2015-04-18 20:28:46 +0000 UTC]
Same here! Lol all the people that said it was wrong: I TOLD YOU SO!
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Void-Wolf [2015-03-26 17:19:04 +0000 UTC]
This was an intense scene, but a friend remarked that Dipper didn't trust Mabel's judgment...
TBH, it was an interesting point as her sense of knwoing people has been better than Dipper's because his is couded by paranoia and to a elsser extent his pride and desire to prove himself.
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Cutepegasister121 [2015-03-24 21:42:14 +0000 UTC]
I don´t get it.I mean she loves both Dipper and Stan but I don´t think she should´ve even consider Stan´s offer.let me rephrase that:
if a loved one (a family member, to be more especific) was asking you to help him kill a great number of people including yourself, your friends , your entire family and you don´t know the reason.
would YOU do it?
no you wouldn´t.that was not about trust and feelings that was legitimately a right and wrong situación and Dipper was in the right and Mabel can be considered an attempted murder from now on.
I know, too dark, I´m sorry.
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Myserious-Illusion In reply to Cutepegasister121 [2015-03-25 18:14:45 +0000 UTC]
Well, Mabel didn't know if it would kill anyone for sure; the book specifically stated that it COULD tear the universe apart, which would kill Stan as well. I think good reasoning on her part would be realizing that Grunkle Stan wouldn't want to kill himself. So, seeing how desperate he was, it did become a matter of trust. Did he know what he was doing? Had he done something to prevent the disaster of world obliteration from happening? All she could do was either trust or doubt him.
She wasn't attempting murder because she was trusting that Stan knew what he was doing and didn't intend to destroy the universe. Besides, if she's an attempted murderer for that, then she also attempted suicide since if the world was destroyed she would be killed too.
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WhiteFreak14 In reply to Myserious-Illusion [2015-04-03 01:33:26 +0000 UTC]
That's deep, man...
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Cutepegasister121 In reply to Myserious-Illusion [2015-03-25 21:22:59 +0000 UTC]
wow, u r right.
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RebeccaAnzu [2015-03-19 13:44:23 +0000 UTC]
This was an extremely motherf&%ing scene in this entire episode. I had almost crying like Mabel as she beginning crying.
But can Dipper trust Stan? Or is it only Mabel? She likes and love her brother, but in this situation she must take an own choise........
Now we must wait a long time for the conclusion. This show would be my fav for all time!!!!
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Guyinabox126 In reply to Maxwell1203 [2015-03-14 05:37:24 +0000 UTC]
That's just product placement. Stan was strapped for cash you see, so got sponsorship deals, if you look closely, you can also see beats by dre and Starbucks!
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Mangle-the-Pirate In reply to Maxwell1203 [2015-03-14 02:09:40 +0000 UTC]
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BrutalityInc [2015-03-13 11:47:31 +0000 UTC]
Her choice is going to have massive repercussions.
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Fairy-Slayer [2015-03-11 18:08:47 +0000 UTC]
Great job on the happy family, and then the contrast against that scene is very jarring. The use of only half of each guy firmly plants Mabel at the center of attention while still making it clear that she's facing a major decision. Thanks.
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Zalleus [2015-03-11 15:06:18 +0000 UTC]
I know Stan was just trying to get his brother back, but I think I'm still leaning towards Dipper's side. Was his brother worth possibly destroying the world?
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WhiteSprinkle In reply to Zalleus [2015-03-11 16:57:43 +0000 UTC]
The author himself said that the portal might destroy the world.
But I am just haveing another big question, that I haven't seen being written.
If Stan's brother is the author, on the Bill Wheel - Whom are those glasses? The author can't have two symbols right?
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Zalleus In reply to WhiteSprinkle [2015-03-11 22:36:26 +0000 UTC]
I was asking the same question. I personally think it's more likely that Stan#2 is the glasses, not the hand, and the hand is someone else, though I have nothing to support that.
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SkipperKippz456 In reply to Zalleus [2015-03-15 14:00:25 +0000 UTC]
how can he NOT be the hand? we all know he's the flipping' author now anyway
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Zalleus In reply to SkipperKippz456 [2015-03-15 20:31:34 +0000 UTC]
But the glasses were such an important foreshadowing! Remember Carpet Diem, the first thing Stan did upon entering the room was pocket the glasses, and then he ignores the commotion in the other room to look at the glasses. Who else could the glasses represent but the person they already represented!?
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SkipperKippz456 In reply to Zalleus [2015-03-15 20:40:02 +0000 UTC]
the glasses were actually fairly dissimilar if you look at the general shape, Stanley's glasses and the cipher glasses. only time will tell who is being involved at this point
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Zalleus In reply to SkipperKippz456 [2015-03-15 20:46:35 +0000 UTC]
Fair enough, we definitely need more information to be certain of anything.
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mudkiptreecko In reply to Zalleus [2015-04-12 01:44:48 +0000 UTC]
Unless is old man mc-guckets glasses
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Alisi-Christine [2015-03-11 12:36:40 +0000 UTC]
I'm still upset by the condition of the portal before Stanley stepped through. I'll be a while getting over this!
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SallyLustMuffin [2015-03-11 08:30:41 +0000 UTC]
Cuz mabel betrayed dipper, he no longer can trust her, thus bill makes dipper think he can only trust bill.
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Opal710 In reply to SallyLustMuffin [2015-03-12 16:07:53 +0000 UTC]
No, then, *Cough, not so coincidental, cough*The page on the journal flipped open. The one that says: TRUST NO ONE.
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SallyLustMuffin In reply to Opal710 [2015-03-12 19:33:02 +0000 UTC]
Lol cx but dipper would be insane and forget dat.
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Opal710 In reply to SallyLustMuffin [2015-03-13 16:49:23 +0000 UTC]
Yeah, I guess, Then Bill would come along for a DEAL
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superstarmario13 In reply to SallyLustMuffin [2015-03-12 04:49:18 +0000 UTC]
Lol. More bipper
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usernamedyen [2015-03-11 05:07:25 +0000 UTC]
Am I the only one who thought that Mabel was going to get sucked into the portal when she let go of the lever?
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SkipperKippz456 In reply to usernamedyen [2015-03-15 14:04:04 +0000 UTC]
yeah, really, she could have just NOT pressed the button instead of letting go of the lever. sure, it emphasized her point, but she could have flipping died
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