#alternate #concept #dark #darksouls #fear #gothic #horse #horseman #lancer #marsh #medievil #pursuer #swamp #wolf #perseguidor #marcoabe
Published: 2016-04-08 17:20:16 +0000 UTC; Views: 1669; Favourites: 31; Downloads: 0
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Catching up with some friends request and personal projects. A friend was showing me DarkSouls 2 and the boss Pursuer... and I don't like his design, so she suggested me to draw my version of him... and here it is. I can't say it would be a good in game boss, but I would be afraid if this guy is pursuing me!If you like it, please read my new manga series Herald of Flames! Its free!!! Here:
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Comments: 42
JoshuaKrause [2016-06-01 23:29:22 +0000 UTC]
how can I be afraid of aΒ 4 ftΒ guy riding a pony who has hands of a small child? j/k but yea I can see this is a concept and not a technical painting so the concept is there now you have a frame to build off ofΒ feel the wolf and horse eyes should match but that's just me I feel there is enough here to get the idea of the character and really plow into his details rather than just a dark silhouette but it's very moody andΒ gloomy swamp kinda feel so the fact he's on a horse in the swamplands means he's not very agile thus the wolf which I would seriously be afraid of cause yea it's a wolf!!! his weapon should be projectile based not a battleaxe. How I measure horses is I make them at least 6 heads tall yours is like 4.5 heads tall. human arms are half the body long before foreshortening. and hands should cover the face when fully extended fingers. how the rider is sitting is just awkward.. tho I bet his groin is killing him.
background has good color but very sparse texture and looksΒ improvised not planned the cut off beams of light....yeah cute the further background could go darker way back and in between to sharpen the sense of depth. BTW the wolf is amazingly done @ 300 dpi it could be its own painting. sorry if this was harse but, hey I expect harse all the time. if I could paint as good as I can see flaws I would be inhuman. but, for the general public this would be epic bravo. Β
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marcoabe In reply to JoshuaKrause [2016-06-02 02:17:14 +0000 UTC]
Well, thanks for commenting... be carefull with this kind of joke... just heard lot of shit from the Admin, because of not being clearly nice.
The sizes are kinda random, with no real size reference its hard to say how big they are, but this measurements sounds interesting... much precision on not totally visible bodies... but thanks for pointing... if we consider sizes of standard wolfs, standard horses and a standard human they probably are messed up.
Its very easy to search for flaws... the perfection is highly relative. The weapon for example, is not effective in a real situation, this kind of battle axes are not even meant for horseriders, but no doubt is much cooler then a bow and arrow... both are flaws and/or perfection on their own.
But anyway, thanks for commenting.
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JoshuaKrause In reply to marcoabe [2016-06-02 07:41:09 +0000 UTC]
your replies are very useful thanks I'll work on trying to focus more on the good stuff in my comments.
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marcoabe In reply to JoshuaKrause [2016-06-02 20:11:28 +0000 UTC]
On my pieces, you can keep the same, it was intriguing and now I'm measuring horses through the internet (not totally joking, because I'm really measuring horses, but this is not a bad thing)!
About your comment, the only thing that really bothers me was that gif at the end... I was trying to write and the guy dont stop dancing!
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JoshuaKrause In reply to marcoabe [2016-06-02 20:15:58 +0000 UTC]
yeah I don't know how to make my own with what I have on this computer .gifs I used to make some with elements but that comp crash so yeah. #toxic #dancemoves
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Zitruseis [2016-05-13 09:15:06 +0000 UTC]
Hello, I'm from .
I have to admit, I'd feel afraid of this guy pursuing me, too! You created a quite eerie atmosphere here, the shades of black and green as well as the dim lighting contribute a lot to this feeling. Also the way that wolf is staring at the viewer. As if it knows you're there and just hasn't decided yet if it can be bothered to hunt you down.
All of the figures, horse, rider and wolf look very good and life-like. The way the light touches clothes or fur gives them a lot of depth. The only thing that bothers me a bit is there sizes. It seems to me that the horse should be much taller. If I compare it to the wolf and imagine where their paws and hooves touch the ground, considering they're walking right beside each other, I feel that the horse's legs are just too short.
The background is very beautiful, too. You did a great job of combining texture and blur here - the amount of detail isn't destracting, but it's also not boring. One thing that I feel clashes a bit with the rest are those (willow?) leaves in the upper right corner. Compared to the rest of the picture, they look quite rough and a bit like they were hastily added. Maybe adding some smaller, thinner brushstrokes would help here.
All in all a great piece. I like it a lot.
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marcoabe In reply to Zitruseis [2016-05-13 16:51:04 +0000 UTC]
Hey, nice to see you commenting on my drawing!
Hum, you got a point. The idea was the ground is uneven, so the wolf is on a higher position (and the roots on the foreground are even higher)... but I guess I didnt add enough depth for it to being perceived. And the leaves were hastly added... Some other commenters also talk about the leaves, so I'll take more care on these details next time. Thanks for pointing those things out!
Thanks for commenting!
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VesaiasTheValiant [2016-05-10 08:14:53 +0000 UTC]
Gosh! I'd say you can't get any scarier than that. O.o
Very good style, though, you've captured the sense of fear well.
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marcoabe In reply to VesaiasTheValiant [2016-05-11 23:28:00 +0000 UTC]
Thanks! Glad I could "scary" you!
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Ly-s [2016-05-08 18:31:29 +0000 UTC]
Hi ! I'm from ProjectComment ! (Please, don't mind my english ! >~<)
I don't play DarkSouls even though my friends play this game. In think that your work kept that ambience. I don't know if it's because of WoW but this kind of green is really great for a heavy and disturbing atmosphere. I like how you did ths weapon, we can feel the texture and the details are very good, I would like to see it in the light. The horse and wolf are good and they seem really dangerous, like they're searching for you, it add a lot of worrying ! The fact that the character is in the shadow is a nice touch, even though we can't really see if he's on the 3/4 or profile.
The light is a little disturbing, I can't really understand where it came from, it seems that it's form the top right, but then the character would cast his shadow on his horse and it isn't the case. Maybe you can work a little more on the shadow and light. I used to train on drawing forest and I know that I came with something like that for the colors. You can try to shade with not brown/black but with color a tiny bit different, somewhat more on the purple. I know it can be weird at first, but it add compexity and reality, because the shadow in the reality aren't dark (yeah ahah). I think you can add some sweet details once you get all the shadow/light color on your background. Because to be fair, it was a problem for me too, start with the far away in a light touch then add and add more layer (not necessarily "layers" like in art programs, but "layers" like in perspective. You can watch some speed draw on youtube that can be really helpful ! Β It add a really impressive and nice touch to have a background that work, with some blurry object in focal etc.Β
I can see that you add some texture and the tree, it's in a good way ! It think that if you keep practising like that it's get even better and feel real.
So yeah, try to train with shadow/light and especially with colors because it changes A LOT ! And try to add more perspective and details in your background, since we can see that you are able to do so (thanks to your character and animals !)
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marcoabe In reply to Ly-s [2016-05-09 18:30:01 +0000 UTC]
Hi, Ly-s, thanks for commenting! Oh, I don't mind but it was a good idea to say that.
Well, understand and although I can't say you're wrong, I cannot agree with you. The light its not perfect, but when you say it should cast a shadow on the horse it means you're thinking bi-dimensionally and not considering light refraction... Shadowing with colors is a theory well spread on impressionism and it arguibly make a richier atmosphere, right? YES, but on an unconfortable setting, surrounded by death, a lighter more realistic atmosphere would tone it down.
I'm thankfull you put much effort on your analisis, but I suggest you read the Workshop about connection on the group, because, practicing is never a bad thing, but the artist might already know that technique and choose not to use it, and then hear a "try to pratice" sounds awkward.
BUT, I'm glad you commented... maybe we can discuss this topics further.
Anyway, sorry for not agreeing with you, but thanks for your comment.
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Ly-s In reply to marcoabe [2016-05-09 19:12:40 +0000 UTC]
Hi ! Hey, don't worry I think it's normal that artists have different point of view, and that's what makes art interesting.
I'll not really talk about the light refraction since we didn't agree about the light itself, because as you said it up to your own ("you" general haha) interepration and feelings ! In fact, I said that with some artwork from Diablo from Peter lee that were really angsty and used that color theory (and well I really love his works). It doesn't have to be too noticeable as a color.
In any way, I'm sorry if I came to hurt you (or if in saying that I'm doing it ? ughh), I'll try to keep what you said in mind for my other comments
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marcoabe In reply to Ly-s [2016-05-09 21:29:05 +0000 UTC]
Well, interpretation, feelings and studies and practices.
I will take a look on Peter Lee, but I think I understand what you said by looking on some artwork from Diablo... and yes, its a valid one... and its really not the effect I wanted.
And don't worry, it doesnt hurt to hear different opinions, especially since you reason the "why" about it. As I said, its was just awkward.
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Cyres1 [2016-05-08 00:56:41 +0000 UTC]
Hello I'm here from ProjectComment .
So to start, we have a a dark figure, on a similarly dark and creepy horse with a glowing eyed wolf as a companion in what seems to be a well set up in a creepy wetland forest. I love how we solid trees and equally hanging leaves, but then we also have mere outlines of them, making them almost ghostly. There is, however a noticeable difference in detail between the main focus (i.e the hooded figure and his companion) and the background, and while this lack of detail is positive (to me, as mentioned earlier) on one hand, there are things that need more detail, like the leaves somehow suspended in mid air and not attached to any branch. That said, while I'm still on detail, I do have to express that maybe some details weren't needed, especially on the horse down there (if I am seeing it properly that is). I do feel, however, that this adds to the realness of it.
All in all, I like this portrait, and if there is anything for improvement it would be all in detail, whether in the lack of it in the drawing, or the lack of necessity for it.Β I found this to be quite lovely (and by lovely, I mean-which is obvious- and kind of a creepy vibe to it).
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marcoabe In reply to Cyres1 [2016-05-09 18:01:17 +0000 UTC]
Hello, thanks for commenting!
You're the second person to point this "floating" leaves... is that much distracting? When drawing I thought it was nothing that bad.
Well, "need" is relative... yes I believe you're seeing it properly... and represents well this need. Add details are choices, not necessities, and since you felt it add realness, it was a good choice. Unnecessary but get the job done!
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Cyres1 In reply to marcoabe [2016-05-09 18:09:29 +0000 UTC]
While the floating leaves are eye catching, as I said in my comment, it does come in with the other things I mentioned give an almost ghostly feel. So yeah, I would definitely suggest adding more detail, but leaving it would give the previously mentioned vibe which is also good in my opinion. In the end, it's up to the artist
On the second point, yes "need" is relative/subjective while I personally find it "unneeded" in this kind of drawing, I definitely understand and applaud the reasoning behind the "need". So, I'm kind of just looking at this piece and giving a kind of a two sided rant that my inner beings is doing with each other
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marcoabe In reply to Cyres1 [2016-05-09 18:58:47 +0000 UTC]
Oh, I understand . In fact, this kind of detail is never plan I simply draw it (hum... I might have some issues)... and like it (yeah, I probably have issues) so whatever, a simple shadow giving realness, uneasyness and an organic feel... and a unique trait... "let it stay, nobody will notice it!" I thought...
But, again thanks for commenting... and for noticing!
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craftsbyblue [2016-05-07 01:24:09 +0000 UTC]
Hi, I'm here from ProjectComment ~
I don't play Dark Souls, but after looking up the Pursuer, I will say that I strongly prefer your interpretation of the character. Although the original version looks intimidating and powerful, your's not only conveys these qualities, but also manages to be much more terrifying. A major reason for this is the intangible, wraith-like nature of your character; they come across someone that will not only pursue their enemies for all eternity, but also cannot be felled by a weapon or conventional attack.
I really like how you set the scene in a shadowy, murky forest as well - besides the Pursuer and their supernatural companions, there are no visible life forms other than plants, and the leaves are all drooping downwards, as though they have all wilted. It really sets the right mood for the scene, and heightens the scariness of this character. Finally, your decision to hide the character's face and eyes, while showing the eyes of the horse and wolf really conveys the inhuman nature of your Pursuer. The viewer really gets the sense that they are never truly safe from the Pursuer.
Overall, this is an excellent piece, and you executed the concept and character very well.
Here are my suggestions for improvement:
There is a noticeable contrast between the amount of detail you put into the characters, and the amount of detail you put into the background. For example, some of the leaves in the left side of the picture are visibly unattached to any tree branch. You could get away with having less color variety/contrast in the leaves on the right side and with painting them with fewer, broader strokes if they were further back in the picture. However, when they are this close to the foreground, and because the foliage in the scene is sparse, this will likely catch the viewer's attention. The same goes for the moss on the tree trunk in the foreground. Hopefully this tutorial will help.
While I'm not very familiar with tree species/types, the honey locust bears some similarity to the leaves you drew. Maybe this picture will be helpful.
Compared to the lighting on the animals, the lighting on the Pursuer is too bright in some places, and the transition from white highlights to darker green/black cloak is a bit abrupt. In a forest with this kind of weak/diffuse lighting, it's unlikely that the sunlight would brighten the Pursuer's cloak to this extent. Because the wolf and horse both have well-blended greenish-white highlights, this contrast makes the Pursuer's cloak look a bit out of place in the picture.
Are both of the Pursuer's feet on the same side of the horse? I can't make out what the items immediately to the right of the wolf are.
Again, this is an outstanding piece; I hope my critique helped, and keep up the great work!
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marcoabe In reply to craftsbyblue [2016-05-07 02:22:53 +0000 UTC]
What a nice comment! Thanks for detailing that much, not only on the "good" part but also on the "bad" part.
Well, the lack of details were intentional but yes, the detached branches were laziness... the moss also was not supposed to be detailed, just draw it to add some "dirty" on the wood, but this tutorial is very interesting and it might help on future images for sure! The absence of details was distracting?
Oh, and by the way, the trees were "salgueiros" (dont know english name for it), you might find it by googleing "tree of death" and oddly enough is the talking tree of Disney's Pocahontas I guess.
The cape the idea was, it was more reflexive like silk (to make sure he is a high class "thing", not a hobo) the wolf has a not as much reflexive gray fur and the horse only have the highlight on its fur... And yes, the cloak I paint with some touches of purple, which are near the complementary color of the yellow-green... it generates much contrast... too odd?
Finally... ... ... one of the items its not his foot... is something else of the horse... hope I dont need to describe... its to enhance the organic feel but on an uncontious level... or you might say I'm simply weird.
Anyway, thank you very much for this comment! It was thoughtfull and helpfull!
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craftsbyblue In reply to marcoabe [2016-05-11 18:52:59 +0000 UTC]
You are welcome !
The background is a bit distracting for this piece since you put so much detail into the characters, and also because they only take up about a quarter of the picture. You can probably leave the mossy tree as is, but the trees and leaves in the back may need more detail.
These trees are quite fitting for the piece ! Though they have dense foliage as well, which goes back to the suggestion I made about making the foliage thicker~
Hmm, I think both approaches or something in-between could work, as some artists draw the nazgul from LOTR with torn cloaks, and that doesn't diminish their frightful appearance. I get what you are going for, but the cloak still looks too brightly lit compared to the other entities in the picture; you could probably pull off the high-class look even without this amount of highlighting.
I see, it's an interesting and novel choice, something I haven't seen before in other arts in this genre.
Β You're very welcome, glad my comment helped! ^.^
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Nuwer-Arts [2016-05-05 01:14:59 +0000 UTC]
absolutely amazing! Β I love the feel that this piece has Β
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marcoabe In reply to Nuwer-Arts [2016-05-05 18:15:12 +0000 UTC]
Thanks, nick, and thanks for the fave too!
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sundriedrogue [2016-05-04 20:19:50 +0000 UTC]
This is an awesome piece! It would be scary to be chased by that guy. There's lots of really cool little details in the tree branches and leaves, as well as the horse's mane and the wolf's fur. That's kind of hard to do in a darker image without going overboard, but you did well. I know you said this is kind of Dark Souls based, but it kind of reminds me of Lord of the Rings or Sleepy Hollow with the black horse and the cloaked figure. The wolf is really spooky. It looks like he's staring into your eyes and is hunting you down. You definitely created a very spooky atmosphere. You did an awesome job. I'd love to see more work like this. Keep it up!
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marcoabe In reply to sundriedrogue [2016-05-05 18:13:06 +0000 UTC]
Thanks! Yes, it was heavily inspired by the wraith of the LotR, and I'm very glad you like the wolf since he was my personal touch!
Well the same friend who had requested this, just ask for another DarkSouls boss so lets see I can hit two in a row!
I've saw on your profile you are a martial artist and photografer, may I ask you to take a look on my manga? I try to draw the protagonist (an assassin) using MMA fighting style with enfasis on grappling, takedowns and ground and pound... and I always want to hear opinions from other martial artists.
And if you wanna see the entire story, here is the folder.
Sorry for asking and thanks again for your comments!
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sundriedrogue In reply to marcoabe [2016-05-05 20:57:58 +0000 UTC]
You're welcome! I really enjoyed your work! And once you finish your new piece, let me know! I'd love to take a look!
Sure, no problem! I'll go take a look at your manga right now. It's cool that you try to incorporate your martial arts into your artwork. I wish it was easy to do that in photography. Closest I could get is just photographing training sessions, where as you can create your own original piece and use martial arts as a base
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marcoabe In reply to sundriedrogue [2016-05-19 17:27:14 +0000 UTC]
I didn't know where should I talk to you, but anyway... draw another Darksouls boss. Hope you enjoy!
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sundriedrogue In reply to marcoabe [2016-05-19 23:55:16 +0000 UTC]
Oh yay! I'll go check it out!
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ArtemisArturion [2016-05-01 13:49:48 +0000 UTC]
It is quite frightening, like the whole time it was chasing you you'd be all like 'what's under the hood?' but at the same time being all like 'no I really don't want to see under the hood'
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marcoabe In reply to ArtemisArturion [2016-05-01 17:41:03 +0000 UTC]
Thanks, and thanks for the fave!
I always believe the unknown is more frightening then those "in your face" monsters of late games... or is just because its hard to be frightened watching markiplier playing.
I'm definatelly on the "I really don't want to see under the hood" side! And you?
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ArtemisArturion In reply to marcoabe [2016-05-01 22:03:40 +0000 UTC]
I wouldn't want to know but if he did catch up to me and he was gonna skewer me with his scythe anyway I think my last actions would be to try and find out - just to because I'm contrary like that and if he was that close I don't think I'd be able to stop myself. It's not like in that situation I'd live long enough to regret it.
Maybe I'll just keep running so I never find out then hm?
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Nileyy [2016-05-01 07:53:49 +0000 UTC]
This is absolutely amazing!
It looks like a bad situation for the viewer, because the wolf seems to have noticed something...
The colours and the light situation give that creepy mood that fits to this character; altough it seems to be during the day it's almost dark.
The only thing that irritates me is this light stripe below the horse's mouth. It's difficult to say what it's supposed to be.
Also it would be a more realistic lighting if the streams were parallel as they probably come from the sun.
I think this guy would definitely be a nice in-game boss, hunting the player throught the woods, riding on his horse, always with this sneaky wolf at his side.
If there isn't already a boss who's similar they should add him to the next part
Well done anyway! I'd give you 4 in a critique!
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marcoabe In reply to Nileyy [2016-05-01 17:30:56 +0000 UTC]
Thanks! I love this unseen hunter stalking the player theme... It was a deception when I saw the game boss Pursuer was a big, fat flying armour guy with "laser eyes"... Glad you like my version!
Stripe? Hum... you have a fancy "armour" and a light reflexion on and exposed root.
Almost forgot... thanks for the fave too!
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Nileyy In reply to marcoabe [2016-05-03 11:22:17 +0000 UTC]
Oh, well I think it's a bit shiny then
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marcoabe In reply to Nileyy [2016-05-03 19:22:27 +0000 UTC]
Yup, and too perfectly parallel. Thanks for pointing!
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sweetsarcasm24 [2016-05-01 03:15:47 +0000 UTC]
this is purely awesome in all dark ways but I love this so much.
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marcoabe In reply to sweetsarcasm24 [2016-05-01 17:19:03 +0000 UTC]
Thanks! And thanks for the fave too!
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sweetsarcasm24 In reply to marcoabe [2016-05-01 17:24:37 +0000 UTC]
no problem its awesome and you are tooΒ Β
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dalek-hal [2016-04-08 21:29:06 +0000 UTC]
Oh my, a picture without boobies! ^^ I don't anything about the game, but i might be afraid if some kind of hooded Hunter was on my path, yes...
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