Published: 2016-10-26 21:41:30 +0000 UTC; Views: 2406; Favourites: 62; Downloads: 0
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Aha! So I had this done a while ago but I wanted to attach the story and I had to RP it out with ChalcodesFor anyone wishing to draw either of my pairs in the Hunt, they will be switching horses.
Izzy is riding Penny , Aisha is on Goldie
Jasper and Izzy met at a show iiiin June/July I believe it was, a few months before the hunt. They're ridiculously adorable, they've had two dates since, it's just pretty great.
Izzy originally got drunk off her face and kissed Jasper, who was equally drunk off his face, so I guess this is a match made in heaven.
References: DAZ 3D
Arrival Image for the Hubertusjagt by Zoubstance
Jasper & Outcry © Chalcodes
Familiar Faces
It had been a while since Izzy had gone abroad, since before Greek had damaged his tendon in a stupid accident in his field a couple of months ago, and she had almost forgotten just how out-of-sorts you could feel in a foreign country. They had arrived the previous day with horses in tow and some rather confusing driving experiences with Aisha at the wheel had led them to the grounds of the Hunt.
“It’s cold,” Aisha grumbled as they unloaded the mares from the back of the truck. “And foggy.”
“I know,” Izzy sighed, helping Goldie down the ramp slowly. It had been a very long time since the thoroughbred had travelled so far and she was looking a little weary. She was younger than Penny by six years, but the lines of stress on her face made her look older. “Didn’t travel very well, did you, girl?” Izzy murmured, allowing her to set foot on the grass and get her bearings.
“She never has,” Aisha said as she followed with Penny, the Holsteiner a little more perky compared to her travelling companion. “Aithne wanted to get her out, though, do something with her.” And every other horse was either busy or injured, or desperately not suitable for a hunt.
Goldie was lightweight, and fast, and took part in regular hunts in the UK. Aisha had ridden her in every Boxing Day hunt since she had arrived at Firelight. They were a long way from the broad fields of Lincolnshire, however, and Goldie seemed unsure of herself. Izzy smoothed a hand over her neck slowly and gently, murmuring a few soft words to her.
“Walk her around a bit, let her see the other horses, she should perk up,” Aisha said as she bent down to pull off Penny’s travelling boots.
They took a stroll around the grounds, the dew soaked grass wet beneath their feet, and Izzy felt the mare beside her start to relax as other horses came into view. Penny, on the other hand, started to fizz.
“I don’t envy you riding this one,” Aisha said as she held onto the bouncing bay. “I see where Greek gets his bubbles from.”
Izzy snorted a laugh and looked over to Penny. “Yeah, she’s a livewire. She’ll be fine, I’m sure. Maybe.” They shared matching grins as they continued their walk, stretching their own legs and those of their horses.
They had just stopped outside the main group of people unloading and preparing horses when Aisha started to snigger. Izzy looked over to her with a small frown, leaning casually against Goldie’s side. The mare was a lot calmer, but still looked worried about her surroundings.
“What are you even laughing at?” Izzy asked quietly.
“It’s your handsome stud,” Aisha responded, tilting her head in one direction. Izzy followed her gaze and her eyes landed on Jasper from Moors Hollow, a black horse at his side, walking towards the main pack of riders. “You’re so short he hasn’t seen you.”
“Great, rub it in,” Izzy murmured. Before she had the chance to do it herself, Aisha was calling Jasper over, a shameless grin plastered on her face.
She hadn’t seen him since the fateful day at Firelight’s local show in August, everything going to shit at the yard and making it nearly impossible for her to get away. They had kept in touch, sure, but it would be more than nice to see his face again… if he still wanted to see hers after so long.
The abrupt sound of his name being called had Jasper blinking, pausing half-way from where his arm had come up to run his hand through his hair – peering about a bit confusedly before his murky irises quite suddenly landed on two very.. unexpected figures.
The grin that broke out across his face nearly broke his expression as he headed over to say hello with Outcry peering over his shoulder with straining ears and wide, big black eyes.
“Why hello ladies! I didn’t know you two’d be traveling up to Denmark today.” Jasper chuckled, though his eyes were inevitably drawn to Izzy. It had been a while since they’d last gotten a chance to get together, but he’d been intending to ask her out on another date after he’d gotten settled back in at home after this event. They’d had an absolute blast on their last two outings together, but the misfortune of their timing and unaligned schedules was something of a frustration.
Izzy returned his grin and ignored whatever look Aisha was giving her. So what if she was happy to see him? It had been too long. She wavered a little on the spot, unsure whether to go closer or stay put. She did have a mare in hand, and he had Outcry, a notorious ladies’ man. Opting for safety, she stayed put.
“Long time no see,” Aisha said, seeing as Izzy was failing at words. Penny had taken particular interest in Outcry and was trying to move towards him. Aisha kept a firm hold. “It was last minute. Very last minute. We saw a bunch of people on Instagram saying they were going and thought we’d take an equestrian vacation.”
“Well, Aisha thought we would. I was quite happy to stay at home in warm socks,” Izzy said quietly. It was cold here. November mornings were never fun, but this one was especially chilled. She was still wearing just a shirt after simply hopping out of the warm truck cab.
“Well, Instagram’ll do it..” Jasper chuckled, though he made sure to keep Outcry on his other side as he came to within a respectable distance of the pair, pausing and peering over at Izzy briefly.
“I’ll go get us registered with the people in charge, leave you two love birds to get re-acquainted,” Aisha said brightly, not giving Izzy chance to argue before she was turning to leave, Penny in tow behind her, craning her neck to get one last glance at Outcry.
Jasper dipped his head in thanks at Aisha’s insistence, though he nearly rolled his eyes as the stallion’s head came up to make himself look bigger and more impressive, nostrils starting to flare as he arched his neck. The Hanoverian had enough respect for his handler not to go barging through the line, but he couldn’t help at least attempting to impress the ladies from afar.
Goldie didn’t care so much, a gentle, casual curiosity on her face as she watched the unknown stallion. She was a sweet mare with a gentle temperament, and Izzy was half-disappointed that she wouldn’t be riding her in the hunt.
“Sorry, by the way,” she said to Jasper now they were alone, “for not being able to meet up again. Things got… kinda dark... kinda bad.” She ran a hand through her hair slowly and sighed, her grin slipping from her face. So much had happened since they had last met at the show in August.
“Hey, it’s okay.” Jasper frowned a little as Izzy’s tone registered, his own amusement fading. He smiled lightly, genuinely not bothered; he knew better than anyone how busy life could suddenly get, but it certainly didn’t mean that he liked the woman any less. “I get it… things have been pretty crazy on my end too, but I did want to call you up and see if you wanted to go out again after this whole hunt ordeal was over. I had a lot of fun with you, and I know we’ll have even more when we do get together again, so I don’t mind the wait.”
Izzy smiled gently and leaned against Goldie’s side. The thoroughbred turned her head to nuzzle at her handler gently, soft upper lip wibbling as she found Izzy’s shirt and snuffled at it. “Yeah, we need to go out again. Maybe… maybe I could come up to Manchester some time, stay a few days.” Get away from the dust that was still settling. She rubbed Goldie’s nose idly and looked back towards the trucks. More than anything she wanted to bask in his ever-present warmth, but holding a mare near Outcry wasn’t a great idea.
“You know, I’d really like that.” Jasper brightened considerably as Izzy’s disposition seemed to shift; it looked as though the nerves had initially come from their lack of contact and not a lack of wanting to see him again as he’d worried for all of a heartbeat. He hadn’t made his like of her a secret, by any means --hell, he’d pretty bluntly asked her on a date the last time that they’d gotten together--but, if anything, he was rusty. His people-reading skills had diminished somewhat over the years, as far as people he was into went anyway.
“Walk with me? I’ll tie Goldie up. She’s settled down now, anyway,” she said with a slightly brighter smile, straightening up and taking hold of the mare’s rope properly. Goldie lifted her head and swung around, as if sensing which direction they’d be going - back to the horses, and back to all the fun smells and sounds. “We have some time before the hunt starts, we’re all kinda really early,” she laughed, adjusting Goldie’s head collar before she started to walk towards the truck, motioning for Jasper to follow.
“Yeah, I’ll walk with you, but I probably ought to take Outcry back to the trailer and let him grab a few bites to eat. After that, I’m all yours until the hunt starts.” He beamed at Izzy at that, easily falling into stride an appropriate distance back; ever careful to keep one eye firmly fixed on Outcry should he decide to attempt something he shouldn’t.
“Sounds like a plan,” Izzy said, offering him a small grin over her shoulder. “Our trailer is just here, I’ll just tie her up and wait for you, get a hay net and stuff.” The imposing figure of the Angelus Estate six-horse truck was hard to miss, if she was honest. They had driven across through the Channel Tunnel to make it easier on Goldie, who absolutely would not have enjoyed a boat or a plane. The mare liked to keep her feet no more than seven feet above the ground. It had made their trip tiring, however, with it being such an horrifically long drive from England.
She paused at the back of the dark silver truck, glancing over to Jasper as she rested one foot on the bottom of the ramp. “Don’t be long, yeah? I’m sure there’s a hug that’s a few months overdue.” She was glad to see him again. More than anyone, really, he was the person she had been hoping to see the most. She had been so stressed, so caught up in everything, that it felt like she had forgotten to breathe. It would be nice to enjoy his calm demeanour again.
Jasper grinned as Izzy rounded and spoke, dipping his head at that before pivoting and assuming Outcry’s lead, though he paused briefly after a few steps to peer back at her through the thinning sprawl of the incoming fog. “I really am happy to see you again, Izzy.”
The Hanoverian’s head bobbed lightly as he stuck it up in the air when their walk resumed just as it’d started. His dark hooves and legs were wet up to the cannon from the dew on the cool green grass, but he seemed to have assumed a more relaxed disposition than what he’d displayed shortly after clattering out of the trailer, and the pair made it back across the lot to where his boss had parked not long before.
Izzy blushed a little at Jasper’s words and ducked her head, leading a reluctant Goldie up the ramp into the back of the truck. She tied her up at the far end and adjusted the partitions into the travelling stable format suitable for two horses before heading out and around to the storage compartment to get her some hay.
She was just dragging the net out onto the wet grass when Aisha showed back up, Penny in hand. “Where’s lover boy?” she asked as she guided the mare towards the ramp.
“Giving his horse breakfast,” Izzy answered, slinging the hay net over her shoulder and getting in front of Aisha to walk up the ramp.
“Ah, didn’t think he’d disappear on you so soon,” Aisha said, leading Penny up behind her and tying the mare into place as Izzy ducked under the partition and started tying up Goldie’s hay net. “You sure you’ll be alright on Penny? She’s a bit fizzy today.”
“I know you’re technically my boss, and technically have more experience, and you’re technically older, but I’m pretty sure I can handle one of my own charges on a hunt,” Izzy said with an amused tone.
“I’m just saying, Goldie’s a pro at this, won’t put you in a ditch. Feels wrong taking the easier ride over a less-experienced colleague.”
“I’m Assistant Trainer. Not Trainee,” Izzy laughed, untying Goldie to let her have some room before ducking back through into Penny’s section. “She’ll be a good girl, I’m sure,” she said with a shrug.
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Comments: 18
Chalcodes [2016-11-04 16:40:08 +0000 UTC]
The shading, the posing, the lighting, the delicious mist, the flirty Penny, the derp Outcry tryna impress, the thoroughly idgaf Goldie --it all surmounts to a beacon of fantabulousness that I seriously keep in my inbox just so I can go back and stare at it at least twice a day, because GOD DAMN THIS IS NICE. I'm honored that you think Jasper is a handsome hobo great enough to want to include him in the mix-up.
Thank you for being an awesome buddy, a rad RPer, an amazing writer and a stunning artist man. Plus, you’re a very patient person, which is a virtue since I’m a stupidly slow responder..
👍: 0 ⏩: 1
mapal In reply to Chalcodes [2016-11-04 19:56:33 +0000 UTC]
thank you ;-; your comments are always so meaningful.
Lol Jasper is always a delight to have around tbh, I love his character. Every time he's in a story or a picture it's guaranteed fun.
you're really sweet tho ._. I'm not that great. just doin my best
👍: 0 ⏩: 0
Zoubstance [2016-10-27 15:09:16 +0000 UTC]
This is SO gorgeous! That foggy, chilly morning ambience is just perfect and sets the scene so well I hope your team members aren't too disenchanted by this fine first impression of Scandinavian autumn, haha
Super work on the characters and horses in thissss. Your colouring/shading is beautiful <3 Oh, and I'm of course courious to see how the story progresses ~ |D
👍: 0 ⏩: 1
mapal In reply to Zoubstance [2016-10-27 18:58:52 +0000 UTC]
I've seen enough foggy mornings to draw them well xD Honestly it's just like the UK. I've visited other parts of our end of Europe a bit and yeah foggy, cold, wet, bleh.
Thank yoooou tho Let's just say Izzy's in for a short drop and a cold, wet stop soon LOL
👍: 0 ⏩: 1
Zoubstance In reply to mapal [2016-10-28 06:43:46 +0000 UTC]
Foggy, cold and wet sums it up pretty well, yeah
You're welcome! And that... sounds so delightfully ominous; looking forward to seeing it!
👍: 0 ⏩: 1
mapal In reply to Zoubstance [2016-10-28 15:32:07 +0000 UTC]
All these people who've only witnessed classic North American autumns just don't get it xD
I'm speed drawing
👍: 0 ⏩: 1
Concinnity-Castle In reply to mapal [2016-10-28 23:41:46 +0000 UTC]
xD I'm missing out. here its just cold and usually dry in autumn...psh XD
👍: 0 ⏩: 1
mapal In reply to Concinnity-Castle [2016-10-29 09:31:50 +0000 UTC]
I wish it was cold and dry here xD
👍: 0 ⏩: 0
LittleRedToyota [2016-10-26 22:31:09 +0000 UTC]
Wonderful! I seriously need to get this done soon... It's just so damn hard with a active two year old toddler running around, trying to steal my pen. XD
👍: 0 ⏩: 1
mapal In reply to LittleRedToyota [2016-10-27 19:01:11 +0000 UTC]
lmaooo xD this is why i won't have kids
👍: 0 ⏩: 1
LittleRedToyota In reply to mapal [2016-10-27 20:55:36 +0000 UTC]
I rather have her than not. She is both the worst and the best thing that has happened to me.
👍: 0 ⏩: 1
mapal In reply to LittleRedToyota [2016-10-28 15:32:44 +0000 UTC]
I'm just not cut out for kids, but whatever makes people happy I guess xD
👍: 0 ⏩: 1
LittleRedToyota In reply to mapal [2016-10-31 14:08:54 +0000 UTC]
Everyone should do what feels right for them and not care what others think about their choices. I personally feel that my life is richer with my daughter in it. Even if it means I can't do everything I want anymore.
👍: 0 ⏩: 1
mapal In reply to LittleRedToyota [2016-11-04 20:01:24 +0000 UTC]
Exactly ^^ As long as you're happy, and I'm happy, who the hell cares
👍: 0 ⏩: 1
cheddarbug [2016-10-26 22:25:21 +0000 UTC]
Is this the thing you were talking about? When Outcry gets...out of hand? Later on? hehehe xD
But this story was adorable xD
👍: 0 ⏩: 1
mapal In reply to cheddarbug [2016-10-27 19:35:50 +0000 UTC]
Yeah, that's the one xD
Izzy and Jasper are 50% of my life right now and Mark and Ryan are the rest xD
👍: 0 ⏩: 1
cheddarbug In reply to mapal [2016-10-27 19:52:01 +0000 UTC]
xD I don't blame you at all haha
👍: 0 ⏩: 0