MagnificentGeekHere — Malec for sure

Published: 2011-10-11 14:57:21 +0000 UTC; Views: 8337; Favourites: 199; Downloads: 65
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Description Alec Lightwood and Magnus Bane from "The Mortal Instruments" by Cassandra Clare.

Own nothing but the drawing itself.

Not quite sure whether I like the outcome or not. But the two of them are my OTP of all times, so I thought I ought them at least to try.

Please do not copy without permission.
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Comments: 65

MissAryanaChan [2013-10-04 16:35:17 +0000 UTC]

I love this line ! 

Cool drawing, I like the ensemble ! ^^

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miloshaymin [2013-02-22 21:07:44 +0000 UTC]

I REALLY LOVE MALEC!! and the way you draw them.... OMG i need them together again!!!! i am just staying at your drawing...

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Kreatress In reply to miloshaymin [2013-03-31 22:07:57 +0000 UTC]

IKR. I cried my heart out and soul when they broke up. If they don't get back together in the last book I will gather an angry mob and go on a murderous rampage.

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miloshaymin In reply to Kreatress [2013-04-01 02:46:54 +0000 UTC]

i will go with u. After that i started to hatttee camille, thanks god shes dead. I totally believe its her fault they broke up!

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Kreatress In reply to miloshaymin [2013-04-01 13:18:19 +0000 UTC]

But maureen. that was so funny."Teehee, I killed her, silly"
she's so creepy.

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miloshaymin In reply to Kreatress [2013-04-01 23:16:34 +0000 UTC]

creepy or not i hate her. I WANT MALEC. Hope they will b together soon

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Kreatress In reply to miloshaymin [2013-04-02 22:33:46 +0000 UTC]

If they don't, I will become the Hulk and murder all. Especially Cassie Clare. I will murder her twice. Then burn her body. And feed the ashes to my cats. Then burn their poo.

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miloshaymin In reply to Kreatress [2013-04-03 17:09:38 +0000 UTC]

hahahahah i like they way you tell things But i totally agree with u

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Kreatress In reply to miloshaymin [2013-04-03 20:35:01 +0000 UTC]

Thanks XD

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CassDN12 [2012-12-10 01:03:18 +0000 UTC]

which book?

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CassDN12 In reply to CassDN12 [2012-12-10 01:04:55 +0000 UTC]

ignore, just looked again *facepalm*

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LadeyBugLover [2012-10-20 02:38:28 +0000 UTC]


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DivergentGames14 [2012-08-12 03:32:18 +0000 UTC]


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MikeleandFlo4eva [2012-07-20 08:12:04 +0000 UTC]

I haven't even read CoFa but knowing of this breaks my heart so much. They're the most perfect couple that I've ever shipped, them two being the sprinkles and frosting on top of the cupcakes. And without Magnus' sassy glittery rainbowness, TMI wouldn't be half the awesome series it is.

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MagnificentGeekHere In reply to MikeleandFlo4eva [2012-08-02 18:43:37 +0000 UTC]

I'm sorry I spoiled it for you then, but this is probably my favorite Malec scene. It just gets me in the heart every time, that how beautiful they are together. Pathetic fangirl living her life through ficticious characters ... that's me.

Actually, if I am being honest, I almost only read TMI for Malec and the ocasionally Simon and Isabelle.

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Zenephielea97 [2012-07-03 00:26:12 +0000 UTC]

o my gosh i just finished city of lost souls... i was so sad

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MagnificentGeekHere In reply to Zenephielea97 [2012-07-16 20:39:49 +0000 UTC]

I totally cried .. like for real, mild depression included!

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Zenephielea97 In reply to MagnificentGeekHere [2012-07-16 20:57:52 +0000 UTC]

my sister thought there was something wrong with me, i kept making sobbing noises in the car while i was reading

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MagnificentGeekHere In reply to Zenephielea97 [2012-08-02 18:39:13 +0000 UTC]

It still breaks my heart. Sometimes it seems as if nothing is just as beautiful as it was before *sniff*.

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Zenephielea97 In reply to MagnificentGeekHere [2012-08-05 01:01:38 +0000 UTC]

I consoled myself bu reading a lot of malec fanfic it worked pretty well

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randomzchicka [2012-02-21 05:22:06 +0000 UTC]

Good drawing btw...


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randomzchicka [2012-02-21 05:21:52 +0000 UTC]


I'm reading City of Ashes and I keep spoiling it for myself!!!!


i can't stop...


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MagnificentGeekHere In reply to randomzchicka [2012-02-21 12:14:10 +0000 UTC]

You know, I did the EXACT same thing! I constantly read Malec spoilers when I was reading CoB and CoA! But then again, I'm the kind of type who reads the ending of a book before the start Ü

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HikariMelody [2012-02-12 04:12:46 +0000 UTC]

That has to be one of my most favorite quotes ever.

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MagnificentGeekHere In reply to HikariMelody [2012-02-14 16:41:28 +0000 UTC]

Mate, I feel the complete same way. It's just too adorable!

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HikariMelody In reply to MagnificentGeekHere [2012-02-14 23:28:37 +0000 UTC]

I died of happiness when I read it.

P.S. We both have Cheshire Cat avatars.

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MagnificentGeekHere In reply to HikariMelody [2012-02-18 10:22:47 +0000 UTC]

I still do! I keep opening the book just to read that page and then fangirl all over it. Over and over again, never gets old.

And why yes you're right! Hurray for the Cheshire Cat, almost as awesome as Magnus .. almost.

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HikariMelody In reply to MagnificentGeekHere [2012-02-19 07:01:28 +0000 UTC]

I used to do that! XD But I got out of the habit of it when my friend borrowed my book for like two months. -_-

Almost. My friend, Mira, nicknamed me Magnus because I like glitter and rainbows. She even put that as her contact for me. XD My friends are always giving me random nicknames. I swear each of my friends has a different one. Mira does Magnus, Kayla calls me God (which then she blames me for things happening to her since I'm God), Christine calls me Jesus (which I'm still confused to how I'm my own son), and Carly called me Rainbow Butterfly Waffles... Yeah. I don't know. XD

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MagnificentGeekHere In reply to HikariMelody [2012-02-19 12:18:16 +0000 UTC]

Gosh, your friends sounds a lot cooler than mine! I only have one friend who like TMI and she doesn't even care for it that much, where I am the concept of fangirling over and stalking my OTP so much it hurts. Plus she is team Clary/Jace ... and you know, I have a friend who used to call me God. But that was mostly because I don't believe in God and neither do she. Ironic little joke. Ü

But if I ever get a cat I swear I'm gonna call it Chairman Meow. ^^

P.S. There is probably (very likely) grammar errors n'stuff in my text. For that I apologize.

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HikariMelody In reply to MagnificentGeekHere [2012-02-20 03:20:43 +0000 UTC]

I'm not too big on the couple of Clary x Jace. I fangirl over Alec x Magnus. I have four friends who are TMI fans and all but one of them is because I forced them to read it. Mira read it before I met her. Jeremy reads any book I recommend him. Brittany ran out of things to read, so I got her to read TMI. And then Valerie is the more interesting of a story. She had been overly fangirling over Twilight and was driving me insane with it, so I made a bet with her that I could find her a series better than Twilight and she didn't believe me. So I gave her TMI and I totally won. Oh wait. I have one more friend I forced to read TMI. So five. I literally forced Kayla to go to the library and check out those books. XD

I have three cats. Only one is named after a character, but it's a Powerpuff Girl because I got her when I was ten. XD

It was nothing major.

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MagnificentGeekHere In reply to HikariMelody [2012-02-21 12:32:14 +0000 UTC]

Youknow, I'm beginning to feel like I know your friends. No problemo, I always like it when people wants to chit chat in here! And you have five female friends AND a male friend who likes TMI? Woa, tell me where to buy those. Maybe I should force my friends to read TMI as well, unfortunately none of them are big on books. Shame, they don't even know what they are missing ..

And the entire Clary X Jace thing. To be honest, I don't really care all that much about them. I mostly just read the TMI for all the Malec hotness and the occasionally Simobelle (do they have a ship name?). I'm like a shark - I track down everything Malec related and eats it raw c:

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HikariMelody In reply to MagnificentGeekHere [2012-02-21 21:26:17 +0000 UTC]

Four female (Valerie, Mira, Brittany, and Kayla) friends and one male (Jeremy) friend. Those are all my friends who like to read, too. D: Well, technically, I actually do have five female friends who read it. The fifth one, Cameron, isn't too big on it. I tried to get Carly and Christine to read them, but it was unsuccessful. Carly will only read books with sex in them and Christine is too hyper to sit down and read. She can barely watch TV or be on her computer. She spends most of her time dancing. XD

I started reading TMI last year. My cousin, Chris, is a librarian and I told her what genres I liked and she picked out one that she thought I would like from the info I gave her and she was right! (She got me the first book for my birthday and the other two out at the time for Christmas.) Simobelle is their ship name and that is my second favorite, too! Will you be my (second) twin? I attack Malec fanfics on FanFiction.net. Ever read Fast Fashion or Unstoppable? They are my favorites!

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MagnificentGeekHere In reply to HikariMelody [2012-02-22 12:19:20 +0000 UTC]

Well, you still have four times as many book-loving friends as I do. My friends are more the tv-series-kind-of-persons, which I am as well, so that's pretty much what "litterature" we discuss. ^^

I started reading TMI last year as well, last summer, (back when CoFA was all new and shiny) and I totally just went on board and started shipping Malec before I was even done with CoB. It was a friend of mine (the ClaryxJace shipper) who recommended it and oh my, never before have I stalked a book-universe that much. I'm completely lost in Malec, so much it's probably stupid. And why yes, oh yes, I read FanFiction! Alot. And I would love to be your second twin even though .. well, I don't know what you mean. I don't think I have ever read the fanfictions that you recommend (but I'm gonna), but I have a hell of alot stories stored up in my mind and my computer. I don't remember all of them, and I only saved the ones I liked, but I could give you a few if you'd like? I don't want to start telling you about them right now because then this respond would be as long as Dumbledore's beard. But I do like Dustland-fairytales and Spun's stories, and you know, a ton more. Have you ever read Misery Loves Glamour?

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HikariMelody In reply to MagnificentGeekHere [2012-02-23 21:29:58 +0000 UTC]

I'm not big on TV. I watch a bit of anime and a few key shows, but that's it.

(I started in September, my birthday.) I hate spoilers. So I stay away from looking up anything on the internet about something until I'm caught up so I don't accidentally see a spoiler. (The twin thing basically just means we have a lot of the same interests. Every time someone acts or likes the same things as me, I ask them to be my twin.) I have read that one, but I stopped because I couldn't quite grasp the emotions of the characters in it and their sex life was getting a bit freaky. O.o

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MagnificentGeekHere In reply to HikariMelody [2012-02-29 17:59:07 +0000 UTC]

I don't watch much TV either, I watch the series online or buy them. I'm a movieaholic.

Well, watching spoilers is like my guilty pleasure. I can't control it. I read the end of books before I reach page 20 and I always google my favorite characters in tv shows and such, probably ruining it all for my self. Normally I am very patient person, but when it comes to things like this .. it cracks.

And yes, I see it. When I first read Misery Loves Glamour I actually skipped all the sex scenes, first around chapter 40 I pulled myself together. I can't watch awkward things on tv and I can't read about too much sex. It's just .. too much. I don't read fanfictions for the lemons. Btw I have started reading one of the FF you recommended, the one where every chapter starts with the letter "U". I like it and enjoy it, but I'm not great with stories where Alec is a total blushing mess. Too awkward. I will read it through though. Now I don't remember exactly what it's called, but have you ever read ... something with; The Light of Heart? That's prob not what it's called. Well, whatever. It's sweet anyway

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HikariMelody In reply to MagnificentGeekHere [2012-02-29 20:13:22 +0000 UTC]

I don't really like movies only because it's hard for me to stay still and concentrate on something continuously for that long.

I hate spoilers. It ruins things and I like to be surprised and watch development.

I started reading with reading the lemons and it got weird so I began to skim them and then I just stopped reading the series when that became like the only thing happening in it. I love lemons, but I like emotions behind them and a plot. I like Unstoppable's lemons because they are evenly spaced out and not over the top. I like when Alec is awkward and a blusher because that's how he is in the TMI. He's awkward, blushing, and straight-forward and often over-thinks things along with jumping to conclusions and not always thinking about what he's doing. Which is how he acts in Unstoppable. Now in Fast Fashion, there's a lot more sex, but there is also a really good plot going on so it works with it. I never read Light of Heart, I think. What's it about?

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MagnificentGeekHere In reply to HikariMelody [2012-03-04 09:53:02 +0000 UTC]

I would think that reading a book takes more patience and concentration than watching a movie? Guess it depends on what you find the more interesting. I, personally, love both to read and watch movies, tv-shows, etc. It often happends that I spend all my money every month on movies and tv-shows. I'm becoming my own private Blockbuster! ^-^

I do like lemons. I do. I just don't read fanfictions for them. I am an angst-ridden teenager (ha), and normally I fall for the angst and the fluff. Not too much, mind you. Too much fluff, which btw happends very easily, just gets the story nowhere. I like one-shots and I really appriciate when something is well written. A poorly written story can switch me right off, even if the plot is great. And you're are completely right. Alec is awkward and a blusher in TMI, and Unstoppable is not over the edge, but sometimes it can really ruin a great story if they make Alec too sweet and too much ... stammering and gasping for air everytime Magnus touches him ...

The story I was talking about is called The Heart of Light - my bad - by valiantmongoose. I think it is a great story. Maybe not my absolute favorite, but it is finely written and sweet. If you don't like angst, then maybe you shouldn't read it. It is not all angst, but it got some angst in it. The little plot summary says: "Alec, a wounded soldier, moves back to New York to heal and get over his love for his squad mate, Jace. While there, he meets Magnus Bane, the promiscuous and seemingly callous eyes and ears of the city. Will the two be able to heal each other?"

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HikariMelody In reply to MagnificentGeekHere [2012-03-04 23:45:38 +0000 UTC]

That's funny. XD But actually, when I read books, I stop constantly and play out what I think will happen in my head before continuing. If I watch a movie, I can't do that because then I would keep pausing and pausing annoys me.

True. I've read a few fanfictions that have too much fluff and Alec is a bit overdone. It annoys me when someone writes him too sweet because he isn't that sweet. He is hard on strangers because he doesn't know them so therefore he has no reason to like them. But once he knows them and becomes friends with them, he is protective of them. I love angst, too. I am incapable of writing thoroughly happy stories or poems. I need drama, but not so much as to make it a lame soup opera. XD

I have not ever read that. How long is it?

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MagnificentGeekHere In reply to HikariMelody [2012-03-05 14:04:57 +0000 UTC]

When I read books, I have it by stopping up and just wonder how the scene would be like in reality. Like I was Alec, for example, or someone watching. And then I constantly read my favorite parts, even though I soon remember them by heart. c;

I think it is hard to write Alec in fanfictions. For as you say, he is not THAT sweet. Of course he is nice and polite but he can also be aggressive and angry. That he developes that much in the story makes it a lot harder too. When he comes out as being gay along with his relationship with Magnus a lot of his anger disappears. And like you, I almost only write angst. I don't think I write just as much as you, and it is a bit harder for me to write and express myself in here, where I need to write English rather than Danish - which is my native tounge - but I am an amateur writer myself. I really hate unhappy endings in movies and books, but unfortunately, that's often the most beautiful ones. Oh, harsh world. I'll stop my rambling now. 8)

It is 23 chapters long. The chapters aren't that long, but not short.

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HikariMelody In reply to MagnificentGeekHere [2012-03-05 23:16:15 +0000 UTC]

I go back to my favorite parts once I finish. I get really into books. Sometimes if you interrupt me during the middle of me reading, it will take me a few seconds to remember who I am and I'm not the person I'm reading about. XD

Alec is a complicated person to write. He has conflicting aspects to his personality from pent up emotions from trying to be the perfect son so he locked all the parts of himself that he thought they wouldn't like away, which was mostly the part of him being gay, and it caused him to have a bit of an erratic personality and now that he's free to be himself, he is a lot calmer and happier. (Can you tell I'm going to major in psychology?) English is the only language I know, but I know a bit of Japanese. Not enough to keep a fluent conversation, but enough to get the jist of what they are saying. I write a lot and I have happy and sad endings, but mostly a mix. I think unhappy endings are indeed the most beautiful.

Not that bad.

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MagnificentGeekHere In reply to HikariMelody [2012-03-06 15:06:34 +0000 UTC]

I think a lot of people are very hard on Alec. There is a lot of disliking on his behaviour in CoB and his jealous feelings about Magnus' many past lovers. I've read many peoples statements on how they don't really like him and think he is selfish and a hypocrit exactly because there is a lot of scenes where he acts somewhat jealous. And I always think; I get him. I am not the crazy jealous type (Alec is not either), but I can see how he would doubt Magnus' love for him, with Magnus being that old and having had that many lovers. Knowing that Magnus is probably going to be the One for Alec, but that Alec can never be that to Magnus. Blah, blah, I don't even remember my point anymore. Basically I just have this feeling that, like you wrote, Alec is a very complicated person (to write), and that just makes me love him even more. I get Alec, I really do.

And way to go with the psychology. Cool that you can speak Japanese. I speak German too, but not that well.

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HikariMelody In reply to MagnificentGeekHere [2012-03-06 16:03:51 +0000 UTC]

I get Alec completely, too. Alec is my favorite character and I have a very contradicting personality, so I easily understand what Alec is thinking. I don't think Alec ever even thought about Magnus with another and Alec has never actually loved. He never loved Jace. Jace was his plan. He was going to force himself to love someone he knew would never, ever be gay so therefore he will never have to come out and he would have an excuse to stay away from other guys. But when Magnus came, that all changed and he was forced to choose between continuing living the lie he created for himself or seeking happiness with Magnus. He, at first, chose the first choice, but realized he couldn't do it anymore. He couldn't go back. So he chose Magnus. I think he never thought about Magnus with another because he was a bit in denial they ever happened and he wanted to believe Magnus loved only him and always him. But when he met one of Magnus's past lovers, it became unavoidable and he became upset that he was just going to be one of them and Magnus would move on and be with others and eventually forget him. Like you said, Magnus was his only and he wanted to Magnus's only, and his wish came true at the end of City of Fallen Angels. Which means in the next book, Alec is going to be even happier. XD And I really hope Alec becomes immortal, but not through becoming a vampire. That's too much of the obvious choice. I want something creative. (Like the one I imagined about a week ago randomly. (Literally, I was walking to the store and it came to me. (I'm a writer... Those things just happen sometimes and I have absolutely no idea where they come from. It's my gift.)) Anyways, I made up this spell that can be done by anybody, not just warlocks, and it called The Exchange. And you have to kiss someone and they will give you something you desire and in return, you will give something they desire, but you have truly want it to your very soul equally and you have to be willing to give up what the other wants. And Alec uses The Exchange with Simon. Alec takes Simon's immortality while Simon gets his Shadowhunter abilities, but Simon is still a vampire. He has to drink blood, but he can get runes and is mortal and reproduce and all that jazz while Alec is reduced to a mundane, but will not ever age. Pretty cool, huh? ^^ )

I have an English to Japanese dictionary and I memorized a bunch of the words and I watch anime with subtitles. So if I were to watch it raw, which I've done before, I would pick up about a third of the things they are saying. And I can read words mostly in the Japanese alphabet, but sentences are freaking hard. (There are no spaces between words. All the symbols run together so it's hard to pick out words in the sentences if you don't know how to speak it fluently.)

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Sunwish-of-MistClan [2011-12-23 20:09:24 +0000 UTC]

As much as I didn't like CoFA all that much (at least, I didn't like it as much as the first 3 books) all the Malec parts melted my heart. They are just so incredibly cute together.

I really like this - how simple yet interesting it is. And I love how you did Magnus's hair.

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MagnificentGeekHere In reply to Sunwish-of-MistClan [2011-12-24 15:29:02 +0000 UTC]

I guess I don't really like CoFA just as much as the first three books, too. + all the juicy Malec stuff first came in the second half of the book. But WHEN they finally came it was almost worth the wait. I adore them to no end!

And thank you a lot for the awesome feetback, it's much appreciated.

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Sunwish-of-MistClan In reply to MagnificentGeekHere [2011-12-24 16:15:36 +0000 UTC]

I know! It was totally worth it. I told my friend that I didn't like it as much, and she was like, "Oh..well I don't know if I want to read it now, because you and I have the exact same taste in books!" And I was like, "But you have to read it for MALEC." I think I'll still read the last two books when they come out, just for those two. The problem with the author continuing the series, I thought, was that I was perfectly happy with the end of CoG.

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MagnificentGeekHere In reply to Sunwish-of-MistClan [2011-12-24 17:31:01 +0000 UTC]

Yeah. I liked the ending in CoG too but I am truly happy that she decided to write three more! I mean, now where the serie is going to consist six entire books, she has to give it a real ending ... like Harry Potter. Now we need to know whats going to happen next. But I will say, that if it doesn't end well for our two lovebirds, I'm going to cry my brain out. Only if the ending is good I will like the extra three books. But I am pleased that I will be able to read more "original work" and not only get my ending on Fanfiction.net *fangirling big time*.

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Nati3Kis [2011-11-23 15:51:57 +0000 UTC]

Ah!! so good! Love magnus' hair!

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MagnificentGeekHere In reply to Nati3Kis [2011-11-23 17:27:55 +0000 UTC]

You're so sweet! Thank you!

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ErinacchiLove [2011-10-26 12:10:58 +0000 UTC]

Aww This is so cute! That's probably the best line in all TMI books♥

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MagnificentGeekHere In reply to ErinacchiLove [2011-10-26 12:27:07 +0000 UTC]

Totally agree! It's anyway my favorite line!

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