magickmaker — Ice's New Backstory

Published: 2011-02-08 05:27:03 +0000 UTC; Views: 5940; Favourites: 74; Downloads: 20
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Description Drawn and colored in under an hour. The art is kinda terrible.

Tora was a magical ice princess/goddess. In Justice League: Generation Lost, she was recently retconned to have angst-tastic background that directly contridicts her old origin story. Hopefully, it'll turn out to be a Maxwell Lord trick. Hopefully.

Tora and Booster belong to DC.
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Comments: 27

XAlexDentonX [2017-09-22 13:04:11 +0000 UTC]

lol I wanna see Tora acting like batman now XD

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nightcrawlerfan19 [2015-12-11 19:20:44 +0000 UTC]

I actually find the image of Tora being Batman to be adorable. 

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VarunRasputin [2015-10-04 19:03:38 +0000 UTC]

Did not know Ice's old backstory but it sound much more awesome than the new one.

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Jfmam [2015-05-29 01:44:23 +0000 UTC]

This is hilarious. I didn't know about this until now; I'm not too up on these particular characters. This sure seems silly though. Seems like they're too lazy to actually create a new character with an angsty, "ethnic" background (if that's what you want), and when that character already has a well established back-story too. Poor Booster. Maybe there's some timeline altering shenanigans going on that he's immune to. But can he take on the fearsome cosmic entity that's responsible?

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innocent-rebel [2012-10-16 23:28:17 +0000 UTC]

The line about being Batman is priceless. I wish DC would stop rebooting it's origin stories. There's a difference between revamping something and looking at it through a different lense and angle, and then there's completely flipping it on it's head so that everyone is left feeling exactly like Booster.

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adamantis [2012-05-21 13:43:27 +0000 UTC]

Ice, of all DC characters, really didn't need a tragic past.

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matthew-lane [2011-11-09 12:54:26 +0000 UTC]

"Now i'm Batman"

Aren't we all

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CoolestNinja1242 [2011-09-13 23:55:25 +0000 UTC]

Always end a tragic back story with "I'm Batman"

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belmonte1 [2011-05-15 10:03:39 +0000 UTC]

Now I'm Batman. Lol.

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DOGPOWER [2011-05-06 03:05:34 +0000 UTC]

your link is on tvtropes

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magickmaker In reply to DOGPOWER [2011-05-06 04:11:53 +0000 UTC]

Really? Cool! What page?

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ColdDraga In reply to magickmaker [2011-05-20 16:21:09 +0000 UTC]

The "Suddenly Ethnicity" trope

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Meena-Tsukino344 [2011-02-24 14:25:50 +0000 UTC]

The way they retconned her back story makes me furious! >8[

This comic however is hilarious! XD

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JadineR [2011-02-12 19:40:39 +0000 UTC]

What?! They've retconned Tora's story?...RAGE.

But glee at this. That last panel is classic XD

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ejne7 [2011-02-12 18:41:08 +0000 UTC]

I saw this on tumblr and just wanted to come to say "Eeeeee" in person to you. Love it so hard.

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magickmaker In reply to ejne7 [2011-02-12 22:08:39 +0000 UTC]

Really? Can you link me to it? 'cause that would be awesome.

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ejne7 In reply to magickmaker [2011-02-12 22:27:05 +0000 UTC]

Sure! Looks like the original post was at [link] - it's got pretty popular

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Voiceless67 [2011-02-09 19:56:40 +0000 UTC]

Dammit that made me laugh so hard.

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Gambitgirl1974 [2011-02-09 17:05:37 +0000 UTC]

LOL...who doesn't want to be Batman?!

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Skaramine [2011-02-09 04:57:55 +0000 UTC]

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crazysweety [2011-02-08 15:59:11 +0000 UTC]

Seriously, apart from being an EXTREMELY offensive retcon (lol gypsies, they be evil thieves), it's just overall pointless and makes no sense at all. So it better be some stupid Max-mindfuck or else... I'll have Winick's balls on a stick.

Btw, the last panel is priceless.

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jkrolak In reply to crazysweety [2012-03-04 23:59:57 +0000 UTC]

Of course on the other hand, with DC's universal Reboot - as the so called New 52 that retcon of Ice's origin is also potentially retcon'ed into the trash bin.

Maybe there was somethign good in that reboot after all.

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ninjaman42 In reply to crazysweety [2011-02-08 23:48:21 +0000 UTC]

Indeed. This isn't the first time DC's screwed up our favorite characters pasts just to fit the story line. Isn't that right, Adam Beechen?

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Ladytalon1 [2011-02-08 13:01:26 +0000 UTC]

Yeah, they'd better fix that. How in the world could they possibly explain away the fact that EVERYONE has met Tora's family? The last panel is hilarious.

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theEyZmaster [2011-02-08 10:20:58 +0000 UTC]

It better be Max's mindcontrol!

The truth is simply that Judd Winick mixed up Ice (Tora) [link]
and Ice Maiden backstory [link]

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theEyZmaster [2011-02-08 10:18:20 +0000 UTC]

The ending is priceless! XD

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Touch-of-Grey37 [2011-02-08 07:34:21 +0000 UTC]

Yeah, I took issue with that issue. I'd always found Ice's background to be interesting and a cut above those of some of her teammates (Ted: Dead mentor; Booster: museum robbery; Guy: brave and stupid, also head injury, these are the backgrounds of my three favorite adult male comic characters OF ALL TIME and I think they're dull compared to Tora's original origin, c'mon now). She was a princess, and an ambassador of her people. She became a hero by choice, and has always been one of the nicest, sweetest Justice League members. I do believe that this comment should end on a shout, and it will.


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