Published: 2013-12-09 16:56:21 +0000 UTC; Views: 505; Favourites: 16; Downloads: 0
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Jiro and Ao (139)
Ao wasn't cold. In fact, she'd loved passing over the mountains and had galliavanted around in the deep snow as if she'd been a five month old foal first released into this white wonder world.
Her newfound antics, while humerous to watch, had made Jiro worry, a little, about her taking a wrong step and send them both tumbling over the side and ending up on the bottom just a little faster than they'd anticipated.
Thankfully, that hadn't happened and from here, it was a more sedate climb.
Why had he chosen to go over the mountains rather than around them or, for that matter, under them - this wasn't the pit of the universe, they had heard of the word 'tunnel' in this place - but no, he'd wanted to see them for himself. Jiro liked the peace and quiet up here. Not even manic lovers of snow, present company excluded, ventured this far without good reason.
He was glad he had. Not only had he caught some breathtaking sights of nature but what wildlife lived up here, even now, had proven interesting as well. He'd already assembled a whole new set of sketches. He'd have to remember to get some more materials when he next got near civilization.
Now, down on more firm ground, Ao had returned to his side.
As always, when he'd been watching her from aftar, he'd forgotten just how big she was when she came up close. For a little while more he could make good use of his own feet. Jiro wriggled his toes on the bare ground. No, he didn't mind the snow, which was nice and soft, but this stone was getting a bit sharpish...maybe he should take the next leg of their journey per horseback after all...
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Comments: 35
SmileyBear6 [2013-12-22 18:09:54 +0000 UTC]
Sigh.... I wish I could draw as good as you...Your art is amazing. I love this piece because of the peacefulness that it has. the calming blues and whites that you used in the background. One thing that feels strange to me is the hair of the horse, the mane is blowing one way and the tail the other way. Other than that you horse anatomy looks good and the human amazing. I would have to say one of your personal bests!!
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Maeix2 In reply to SmileyBear6 [2013-12-23 10:19:49 +0000 UTC]
It's just perseverance and a bit of luck, suddenly discovering what works. I've also learnt that in digital, doing exactly the same thing with different brushes yield very different results, even if the brushes are somewhat similiar. The key is to find what works for you. I just got a new computer, lost half my brushes and am now experimenting with a new bunch, so yay
Haha...you know, I never even thought of that. I was just going with it flowing over Jiro's face, who didn't fit on the opposite side
Thanks. It's one of the best outcomes in my mind too
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SmileyBear6 In reply to Maeix2 [2013-12-23 19:30:30 +0000 UTC]
I thought the mane was going the opposite way to hid the face. I need to find some great brushes to draw with, I have not found good ones yet.
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Maeix2 In reply to SmileyBear6 [2013-12-24 13:02:16 +0000 UTC]
Hmm...good brushes. Depends entirely on what version of what program you use. A lot of them are incompatible :shakfeist:
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SmileyBear6 In reply to Maeix2 [2013-12-24 15:21:42 +0000 UTC]
Photoshop elements 11 is the program that I use. I want to get SAI but have not gotten it yet.
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Maeix2 In reply to SmileyBear6 [2013-12-24 23:59:52 +0000 UTC]
Hmm...well, you could try redheadstock. She's got a very good selection of brushes.
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SmileyBear6 In reply to Maeix2 [2013-12-25 16:40:01 +0000 UTC]
yeah that is the one that I keep going back to, her brushes are amazing.
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Maeix2 In reply to SmileyBear6 [2013-12-25 21:06:52 +0000 UTC]
btw, did you manage to get your shedu yesterday? I thought I saw you on the list?
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SmileyBear6 In reply to Maeix2 [2013-12-25 21:31:24 +0000 UTC]
Yeah I got a shedu, it has not been uploaded yet, Did you get yours, I thought I saw your name on a list the other day, but did not get to see it being designed.
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Maeix2 In reply to SmileyBear6 [2013-12-25 21:36:20 +0000 UTC]
Haha, yeah, I got this pretty little lady (well, little at the moment) www.maeix2.deviantart.com/art/… Boy, Jake is going to get a surprise when kitty just keeps growing the link to Templado's rf is below the story
I've been enjoying watching the designs. Didn't see any today though. I'm sure you'll see them tomorrow. Do you remember what you got?
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SmileyBear6 In reply to Maeix2 [2013-12-25 21:43:35 +0000 UTC]
Yours is gorgeous. I have not decided right now how she is going to fit into my stables-may make a new one for her.
I got a Silver Siam Tan Female with Jag spots (-3) if I remember right.
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Maeix2 In reply to SmileyBear6 [2013-12-25 21:49:12 +0000 UTC]
She is lovely, isn't she And even better, she's got a great personality, especially for Jake who likes being off on his own doing perhaps not so legals things all the time. I swear that man's obsessed with things going fast.
I'd say, go with fitting her into your stable. That way you get a lot more interaction with already established characters...
That sounds gorgeous too. I saw some silvers earlier. Don't have a lot of them around I think. You went for Jag spots as well, neat. less density than this one...easier to draw though
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SmileyBear6 In reply to Maeix2 [2013-12-25 21:56:43 +0000 UTC]
She also has silver jag spots instead of black which makes her cuter. Yeah I wanted something easy to draw, especially after I saw the ones with so many spots. I might take one of my girls and have her get the shedu but everything will be up in the air until I see the kitty again.
He is going to be surprised how big she really gets- I just finished the story.
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Maeix2 In reply to SmileyBear6 [2013-12-25 22:39:48 +0000 UTC]
That sounds adorable. I can't remember if silvers are rare, but she certainly sounds unique, always good
Hehe, the only reason I dared to go with spots at all was the lovely pattern brush I got recently. Itching to try it out. The heavily patterned ones are lovely to look at, but I'd hate being the one having to draw them all the time.
That sounds like a plan My kitty's back story changed even between seeing her and writing this little tidbit. Evolving characters is great, but they can be hard to keep up with.
Oh yes
And no one at the stable knows he's got her either, since he went more of less straight to the teepee trials after this, and brining kitty cub with him. Figured that was a good way to get me to get used to drawing her as well
190 cm
I don't even have a horse that big.
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SmileyBear6 In reply to Maeix2 [2013-12-26 20:00:45 +0000 UTC]
Oh then I get to see her a few times, I am in the teepee trials too. Yeah they are going to be huge, but at least I have a few horses in my stables about that tall. I should find a brush to help with the spots, too.
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Maeix2 In reply to SmileyBear6 [2013-12-26 20:29:50 +0000 UTC]
Yup Still at a kind of cub like stage so she'll be small and cuddly...though I wouldn't advocate trying
Neat. Which tribe did you get into?
The brushes are bound to help. I 'think' mine came from redhead but I don't entirely remember.. Trying them out on the next bit of art I make with her in it .
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SmileyBear6 In reply to Maeix2 [2013-12-26 20:37:18 +0000 UTC]
Im in Tribe C or in other words Deer tribe . I am excited for it to start, working on the bonus pictures though. What tribe are you in? Im still going through redheads brushes there are some ones that want to download to use in future pictures..
I can not wait to draw the cat as a baby, i hope that she gets the import image up soon..im antsy to get started
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Maeix2 In reply to SmileyBear6 [2013-12-26 20:51:22 +0000 UTC]
Ah, I'm in A... Raccoons. Should be plenty of opportunities to interact outside the tribes too though, hopefully.
Oh yes, me too. I'll be trying to keep up with Shipwreck as well, which should also be starting back up in january. Very good chance for me to work on getting things done quicker and stopping to worry so much about details
I can imagine Haven't see any being uploaded today, so I'm sure they're right around the corner.
btw, I finished your prize. It's a bit of a blend of styles, but I hope it turned out alright. maeix2.deviantart.com/art/Serp…
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SmileyBear6 In reply to Maeix2 [2013-12-26 20:55:45 +0000 UTC]
I hope there is time too.... I did not get into Shipwreck, I did not really get into the idea of it.
I love the picture, I just clicked it open.....he looks like he is having fun. thanks so much for drawing him. Hope his markings did not give you any trouble.
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Maeix2 In reply to SmileyBear6 [2013-12-26 21:03:02 +0000 UTC]
Hopefully teepee will get more active players. Shipwreck has a lot, and I do mean a lot, of players who've signed up, but there's only a handful of people who are actually active and a small bunch more who are just catching up with doing the prompts. Sad really, because the interactions is what makes it fun really. I almost didn't have anyone to send...had to give my poor guy amnesia to make it work
Of course, it's a lot of fun tormenting the poor dear.
Oh yes, lots of fun. Possibly not the same can be said about the handler at the end of that halter line Nah, I got them wrong, but when I doublechecked the design, it was easy enough to fix. Hope I got them roughly right
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SmileyBear6 In reply to Maeix2 [2013-12-26 21:12:34 +0000 UTC]
they look fine to me, I knew who it was when I saw the image.
I hope to that the teepee trials will get more people, so that if people have to drop out we will still have others to rpg with. For the trails I picked one of my newest horses. So that I can learn to draw a different breed...also I have a surprise stowaway in my trailer.
why did you have to give him amnesia?
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Maeix2 In reply to SmileyBear6 [2013-12-26 21:42:26 +0000 UTC]
Hear Hear You said it. I picked one of my less used horses as well (though not a new one). Figured I'd try and spread the art over some others than the usual suspects
Who did you bring?
Hehe....do I hear the soft pattering of small kitty feet?
Well, they're shipwrecked on an island with no idea of where they are or how to get out of there, only Seranthiem is actually a dragon...so normally he'd just shift to dragon form and fly away Had to figure 'some' way of making him stay put (and allow me to put him in all sorts of situations he'd normally wouldn't even blink at of course
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SmileyBear6 In reply to Maeix2 [2013-12-26 22:07:20 +0000 UTC]
Im bring this gal, smileybear6.deviantart.com/art… , I thought that with her breed, it would bring some attention to it. pitter patter you hear but not from a kitten, something just a hair bigger.
Oh that makes sense. I did not know that........will have to check out the images from the shipwreck.
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Maeix2 In reply to SmileyBear6 [2013-12-27 12:32:03 +0000 UTC]
She's lovely...I'm such a sucker for cosmic colours More of a clip clop than patter
He keeps it very quiet
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SmileyBear6 In reply to Maeix2 [2013-12-27 17:06:47 +0000 UTC]
My little shedu is up: fav.me/d6zcmyk isn't she cute. Hopefully I will finish my first image so that you can see my little stowaway(do not want to give it away-I have a story planned out already)
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Maeix2 In reply to SmileyBear6 [2013-12-27 18:00:05 +0000 UTC]
I saw her earlier. She looks lovely. Silvers are pretty rare. I think I've only seen one other. Sounds like nice personality too.
Yay. I can't wait to see what you do
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SmileyBear6 In reply to Maeix2 [2013-12-27 20:01:53 +0000 UTC]
I like her personality, it is what I was hoping- I wanted a nice cat
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Maeix2 In reply to SmileyBear6 [2013-12-27 20:20:34 +0000 UTC]
You and me both. Makes them easier to work with.
Mind you, I've got a bid in on Kaiser...but then I had a whole different trainer in mind for him
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SmileyBear6 In reply to Maeix2 [2013-12-27 20:30:44 +0000 UTC]
Yeah, I was thinking of actually doing a bid for either Loki or Luna, just have to get in the mood to draw them
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Maeix2 In reply to SmileyBear6 [2013-12-28 17:07:45 +0000 UTC]
I love Loki's personality, it's his appearance I'm not too fond of.
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SmileyBear6 In reply to Maeix2 [2013-12-28 17:10:00 +0000 UTC]
i know what you mean, I can not get it to look right.
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Maeix2 In reply to SmileyBear6 [2013-12-28 19:19:14 +0000 UTC]
It's a tricky one, that's for sure (no pun intended...well, maybe
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SmileyBear6 In reply to Maeix2 [2013-12-28 19:20:10 +0000 UTC]
well this is what he came out to look like: smileybear6.deviantart.com/art… I think it maybe the lines that she used- can not see all of the cat
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casca-x [2013-12-10 04:42:19 +0000 UTC]
oh this is beautiful!! i love the colors! <3 and something about Ao looks really good in this piece, she looks more detailed or in focus or something than your previous works. excellent job on those clouds, wow!
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Maeix2 In reply to casca-x [2013-12-10 12:04:35 +0000 UTC]
Every time I get a new horse to draw it takes a while before I get the hang of them, so thanks
Hehe...clouds have gone from horrors to fun fun fun
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