lyresandharps β€” i compulsively buy 3 plants per day

Published: 2020-03-01 22:48:54 +0000 UTC; Views: 330; Favourites: 25; Downloads: 0
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Description drawn on procreate!! it's so fun drawing on ipad, i've been having a blast!!
i don't think i've drawn harper yet this year so it was much overdue!!

i just noticed a flaw in my sunflowers, even though i have a million and 2 stems i have two of the actual flowers LMAO, imagine it is a bouquet but you just can't see the other, smaller flowers on the other side. i blame staying up really late to draw this
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Comments: 9

MintCatCream [2020-03-02 01:30:39 +0000 UTC]

/me looking at the struggling succulents my mother and I are trying to keep alive in this hellish winter bc we went too hard during the summer
This is so cute; and the Kia you posted recently as well!
I'dΒ  love to see more Procreate art tbh.
(And how'd you do the texture? :00c )

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lyresandharps In reply to MintCatCream [2020-03-02 01:34:54 +0000 UTC]

don't worry i have trouble with succulents and cactus too, i currently have 1 dying cactus lmao
thank you so much!! i'll definitely draw more on procreate, it's so much fun!

i used the "grid brush" from the texture brushes!

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MintCatCream In reply to lyresandharps [2020-03-02 02:06:29 +0000 UTC]

We were too gung-ho and now they're all dying and gettingΒ  Β l o n gΒ  .

And oo that's smart, I'll def have to take a look bc it gives such a nice effect wowowo.

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lyresandharps In reply to MintCatCream [2020-03-02 02:10:11 +0000 UTC]

i literally had to move one of my succulents outside because it was becoming a long boyΒ 

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MintCatCream In reply to lyresandharps [2020-03-02 02:35:23 +0000 UTC]

We got a grow light bc we can't have them outside rn and it's uh.
Survival of the fittest rn hhhha.

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DreaminqHeart [2020-03-02 00:49:52 +0000 UTC]

Me when they have succulents in stock at Walmart
In all seriousness though, this is really cute and pretty!! <33

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lyresandharps In reply to DreaminqHeart [2020-03-02 03:52:07 +0000 UTC]

thank you so much

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boxcarr [2020-03-01 22:52:28 +0000 UTC]

lyres this is such a cute style omg!!
and also I feel that, give me all the house plants pls

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lyresandharps In reply to boxcarr [2020-03-01 23:45:34 +0000 UTC]

thank u!! it was super fun
one day i will have so many you won't even be able to find me hehehe

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