LunaConner — Night Novel's new design: Silver Novel

Published: 2019-03-17 02:13:22 +0000 UTC; Views: 203; Favourites: 4; Downloads: 0
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Description please ignore that i wrote White Novel, i didnt think of Silver Novel until my friend suggested it then it was kinda too late to change anything but anyway its been AGES since i drew MLP art so here is my attempt at drawing it after sometime so please forgive me that its not perfect

anyway i think that the name "White Novel" is a nickname i kept the same traditional unicorn style. i had the idea for her mane and tail design from my ex boyfriend Astro Base, or what i think he was talking about, but ehh i did my best but the zig zag in her mane is my idea

it was strange actually about her body colour, her original colour was midnight blue (hence why she was called Night Novel) but before i even said to my ex boyfriend that i was thinking of white (because of my Slendytubby sona) he said (WITHOUT me saying anything!) that i should have her white. 

now Night Novel now Silver Novel (will have sometime getting used to saying that now) used to be white, back when she was a pegasus but i went for the traditional unicorn because there arent many of them about (there are a few or maybe there are many but i dont take notice? i dunno ) so its not uncommon for her to be white. 

i wrote down the colours of her mane instead of actually colouring it because people get the colour wrong it seems she still has the same eye colour and glasses she had before and the same Cutie Mark. i even changed her hoof colours as well. i am quite pleased with this, though drawing MLP is a bit rusty for me now she may have a tiny update if the new design for the new Gen comes out.

please add n comment, no nasty or rude comments as they will b deleted. NO CRITICISM PLEASE!
art and Silver Novel (c) me.
MLP (c) Hasbro.
FiM (c) Lauren Faust.
plz dont steal or copy any of my work/pics/ideas or OC's thanks and no stealing of mine or my boyfriend in real life's FC's, furry characters, fursona, ideas or cubs either thanks.
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Comments: 56

LunaConner In reply to ??? [2019-05-14 21:49:58 +0000 UTC]

its okay and i am glad you like her, her name is now Silver Novel also are you still designing Vanilla's kits? you said you would last time.

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Ewarriorcat In reply to LunaConner [2019-05-14 22:01:36 +0000 UTC]

Ah that’s cool! And yes I will design them right now, what were their names again? (I’ve been forgetful)

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LunaConner In reply to Ewarriorcat [2019-05-15 00:35:49 +0000 UTC]

i think Blade is a ginger tabby with his fathers white markings and green eyes

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LunaConner In reply to Ewarriorcat [2019-05-14 22:06:58 +0000 UTC]

thanks! and awesome thanks! its okay, im forgetful too

here are their names and colours in order of birth -

oldest - Toby can be black and white patched with blue eyes.

2nd oldest - Ash can be gray with a white tail-tip and muzzle yellow eyes

3rd oldest - Blade ginger tabby? has the same white markings as his dad like his dad and green eyes

youngest - Luna is a pale calico with blue eyes - she is terrified of chickens

how is Raven and Splashshine's kits coming? i think you said you'd design them too?

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Ewarriorcat In reply to LunaConner [2019-05-15 18:46:42 +0000 UTC]

Ah okay! Yes I will design them right now

Ah yes I can design their babies too, did we discuss names? I forgot lol.

Today is my birthday so I have some free time to draw finally

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LunaConner In reply to Ewarriorcat [2019-05-16 14:54:42 +0000 UTC]

oh yeah we didnt do a role-play between my Peppermint and your boy Samuel - cat babies LOWERED AGAIN  and my girl Dusty and your boy Troy - Troy  remember? i am not happy that only Raven gets a mate and his sisters dont

do you think we can do Peppermint and Samuel first? and when can we do that?

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Ewarriorcat In reply to LunaConner [2019-05-16 18:47:55 +0000 UTC]

Ah of course! I may take a while to respond as I have exams coming up and my parents want me to study but that would be very fun

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LunaConner In reply to Ewarriorcat [2019-05-16 18:50:37 +0000 UTC]

its okay, my friend responds once a week every friday so i am starting to get used to waiting and i have a friend who im waiting to role-play with her as well but thats fine and where do you want to start the role-play?

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Ewarriorcat In reply to LunaConner [2019-05-16 20:36:00 +0000 UTC]

Hmm, I’m not sure.. you can start

I have the kits drawn on paper, I will make a digital version later, but I will send you the traditional one rn

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LunaConner In reply to Ewarriorcat [2019-05-16 20:40:10 +0000 UTC]

are we starting here? and i said Peppermint right? so where would Samuel be? hes the Turkish Van right?

i cant wait to see the digital version okay thats cool are you still doing Splashsine and Ravens kits too?

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Ewarriorcat In reply to LunaConner [2019-05-16 21:16:32 +0000 UTC]

Yes he is a Turkish van
Samuel was resting in the grass, the sun on his fur. He should have been hunting, buuuuut he couldn’t help but relax in the warm weather.

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LunaConner In reply to Ewarriorcat [2019-05-16 21:25:37 +0000 UTC]

i thought so i saw the picture and i love the kits! i cant wait to see the digital version


-the young she-cat Peppermint was happily walking around her two-legged farm. now that her new siblings were born, her mother and father were busy looking after them. her brother was busy himself and always go out ever day to see his mate after she became pregnant and had their kits. her sister Dusty and Peppermint were the only ones patrolling the farm. the calico coloured she-cat sighed as she jumped on the fence and started washing herself-

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Ewarriorcat In reply to LunaConner [2019-05-26 19:56:27 +0000 UTC]

I will send them today, I wasn’t online for a while because we had a family emergency but it is okay now.
Samuel hadn’t noticed the calico she-cat nearby, he was a farm cat, he had been born in a barn and raised in a barn, but he had been a curious kitten and had left the barn and been traveling. He stretched out in the sun and let out a happy meow, just loud enough for peppermint to hear.

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LunaConner In reply to Ewarriorcat [2019-05-26 20:06:10 +0000 UTC]

its fine, i was busy myself with my own stuff and dealing with my TOM which lasted 4 months straight (kinda like the miscarriage feeling) luckily that stopped but i had to sort my appointments out and stuff so its okay ^^ i cant wait to see the digital versions when you get them up ^^


-as she was washing her face, Peppermint heard him. since getting older and experiencing new things such as being in heat a few times, she had become more interested in exploring just a little further away from home but she would always return. Peppermint was also born a farm an barn cat, unlike her mother who's owners had moved to the farm from the city to live a peaceful and country life. Peppermint jumped off the fence and ran over to where she heard the noise. it lead her to the start of her two-legged humans territory and she jumped on the fence that lead to the dirt road that divided the farms and the nature. curious, Peppermint jumped off the fence and went over to Samuel's territory and jumped onto his fence in direct view of him, the sound of her collar was enough to tell him she was there. Peppermint saw him and her tail wagged and she blushed. she thought he was a handsome tom and she had never seen one like him before. she let out a soft mew to let him know she was there.

once he saw her she jumped off the fence and ran back to her territory, before stopping at the fence and looking back at him before she disappeared into the bushes.-

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Ewarriorcat In reply to LunaConner [2019-05-29 01:14:49 +0000 UTC]

here they are!

Samuel's ear flicked as the sound of a bell rang in his ears, quickly sat up, and made eye contact with the most beautiful she-cat he'd ever seen. His heart fluttered, she was like an angel! Just as he stepped forward to greet her she ran off, his ears flattened sadly then pricked up when she looked back. He was frozen in place by awe before shaking his head and running towards her territory, he paused at the fence. "Hello?" … no response, cautiously, Samuel padded into her territory, "I saw an angel in my territory, if I never see her again, i'd like to at least know her name."  

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LunaConner In reply to Ewarriorcat [2019-05-29 01:23:42 +0000 UTC]

thank you so much! as i was waiting for you reply back, i discovered that Vanilla's kits name are wrong and i already picked names for them XD but its okay the former names can be used for the next litter


-there was a pause as he spoke before a soft giggle came from the other side, Peppermint was on the other side and she blushed when he called her an Angel but decided to play along-

"an Angel huh?" her voice was soft, gentle and sweet but kind and loving at the same time. she had indeed matured in as she grew despite being the runt of the litter. she was naturally the smallest of her siblings. "there are many a angel, but alas there is no angel here~ just a family of farm cats and their families, but indeed I will tell her that you called?" 

-Peppermint decided to quietly follow him, before appearing out of nowhere- 

"my name is Peppermint, who might you be?" she sat besides him with the warmest and gentlest smile. her blues sparkled at him. the blush on her face was as red as roses. "and if I am an angel, then you must be a prince? because only a prince would enter a princesses territory, do they not?" the calico she-cat giggled softly with the blush on her face. "but such a conversation fit for two cats like us, must be taken somewhere more private? my sister might hear and, my mother has had some more kits and my brother and his mate also had kits so, as you can imagine, they are a little protective. please, follow me~" the calico ran over a bush furthest away from the territory and she gave him a soft smile before heading under the bush and disappeared, which lead to a private little woods not far off but far enough for them to have a private talk.

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Ewarriorcat In reply to LunaConner [2019-05-29 01:54:28 +0000 UTC]

Samuel's eyes shimmered as the beautiful she-cat spoke, her quick clever replies only made him fall in love with her more. 
He was silent until they made it to the private woods, sunshine fell through the leaves and speckled the ground like spots and stripes on a tabby cat. "M-my name is Samuel-" he stared, "I'm a Prince of nothing and little but my eyes have settled upon a beauty like none other..." He winked at her flirtingly, "Peppermint." He slowly purred the words as if savoring it, "A name fit for an angel indeed!"

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LunaConner In reply to Ewarriorcat [2019-05-29 02:01:34 +0000 UTC]

-the calico she-cat walked with him until they found a good enough spot and she sat down in front of him. she giggled at his flirting-

"a Prince of nothing huh? then maybe you are the Prince that I have been waiting for?" she knew that her words were winning him over which made her blush and giggle. "then surely I am the Princess of your heart? if that is so, then you're the Prince of my heart?" she tilted her head in a cute way. she blushed more when he said her name was fitting for an angel. "surely not? my name is only because my mother has a weird thing for mint and vanilla." she giggled.

-watching him and how the sun fell through and onto his coat and how he was with her made her fall in love with him more.- 

"Samuel? that is a wonderful name. a name with a religious meaning I believe? well whatever the meaning is, you are winning my heart no matter the words you say or how much you flirt, even though we just met, I feel like we have known each other for a long time." she looked away shyly, blushing immensely. "m-maybe I am wrong-" she broke off her sentence. 

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Ewarriorcat In reply to LunaConner [2019-06-06 14:33:59 +0000 UTC]

Samuel blushed brightly, “y-you are the princess ive been searching for. All my life I’ve been alone and finally my heart feels a connection, like I’m not so lonely anymore.”

“Yes, my mother was a church cat, she heard the stories that were read and named her children after them...” he purred softly, when Peppermint quickly said “m-maybe I’m wrong..” he shook his head, “no darling, you are perfectly right, I... I think I love you

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LunaConner In reply to Ewarriorcat [2019-06-06 14:46:48 +0000 UTC]

-Peppermint blushed brightly too and she looked away shyly when he said that and hearing him say that he loved her made her blush as brightly as the sun-

"I see, well I think I love you too." she purred softly before she scooted closer to him and her ears went flat as she began to nuzzle him. "I had never left the farm territory before but when I heard your voice I knew I had to come and see who was making that noise." she stopped nuzzling him, her ears were still flat shyly. "my mother is just a normal cat, my father is a former wild cat, I have 2 older siblings so I am just the runt." she smiled softly and she shook her head. 

"no, you're not wrong at all," she began to nuzzle the tom lovingly. "my mother always said told us that when we find the one who we are destined to be with, it will feel like we have known them for a long time and the whole world stops. I may not have known what it's like to be alone, considering I grew up with my parents and my siblings and now my brothers and his mates kits, but you're not going to be alone now Samuel because.. I am here with you." she looked up at him. "I have never known what this kind of love is and, I don't want it to stop." her blush intensified, her ears were still flat shyly. "so please don't stop."

-Peppermint paused- "so what now? about us, I mean?"

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Ewarriorcat In reply to LunaConner [2019-06-06 17:52:43 +0000 UTC]

Samuel gently licked the fur on the top of her head and by her ears, his soft purring comforting the smaller she-cat, “I suppose you are right, this love is real and it’s our destiny.”

He paused to listen to her words, he smiled at her, “you are so much more than a runt, you are beautiful, and smart, the way you speak is like words in a bible, so professionally and beautifully spoken.”

When she asked what they were Samuel paused, “i-I think I want to date you.. maybe we can become mates.. I-if you want to of course.. I don’t want to seem so sudden..”

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LunaConner In reply to Ewarriorcat [2019-06-06 18:04:28 +0000 UTC]

-Peppermint smiled as he licked the top of her head and she purred softly but lovingly as he did so as she looked up at him with her blue eyes-

"yes. I agree with you there, it is love and it's our destiny."

-she listened to his words and she smiled and blushed at his words- "hehe I speak weird as I have gotten older, but maybe it's because I am with you."

-she giggled and shook her head- "I would like to date you too and I'd love to be your mate, when ever you're ready to ask me. so what do cats do when they are dating? I-I have never dated before. I would ask my mother but she has new kits so she'd a little protective at the moment."

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Ewarriorcat In reply to LunaConner [2019-06-12 15:21:05 +0000 UTC]

“Weird?” He pauses and looked at a passing butterfly, before meeting her shimmering eyes, “I like weird.” He added with a flirty wink.

“When cats date, they sort of hang out, Hunt, explore, get to know each other for a little while before they becomes mates and... well...” he suddenly turned red, “uh... Well.. mate.”

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LunaConner In reply to Ewarriorcat [2019-06-12 15:55:45 +0000 UTC]

-Peppermint giggled at his flirting wink and she liked it-

"I am glad that you do like weird."

-Peppermint listened to what he was saying and blushed just as much as he did when he mentioned mating-

"I see, w-well I like the sound of everything you just said," she looked down shyly. "it sounds like fun and wonderful~ so w-when would you like to start the date? I-I am okay with anytime when ever you are~"

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Ewarriorcat In reply to LunaConner [2019-06-12 17:09:25 +0000 UTC]

“W-would you like to be my girlfriend? My date?”

He was very nervous but warmly smiled at her

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LunaConner In reply to Ewarriorcat [2019-06-12 17:11:58 +0000 UTC]

-the young calico mix she-cat blushed more when he asked her to be his mate and she looked so happy-

"I would love to be your mate!" she nuzzled him lovingly and happily. she had never felt so happy in her life.

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Ewarriorcat In reply to LunaConner [2019-06-12 17:28:28 +0000 UTC]

Samuel’s eyes shimmered brightly, “r-really!?” He purred loudly and licked her forehead.

“I love you so much!”

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LunaConner In reply to Ewarriorcat [2019-06-12 17:30:20 +0000 UTC]

-Peppermint giggled when he said that- 

"yes!" she purred loudly too and smiled as he licked her head. "I love you so much too!" she looked up at him with a happy smile. "at least we don't live too far from each other." she giggled.

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Ewarriorcat In reply to LunaConner [2019-06-13 23:28:05 +0000 UTC]

"Would you like to visit my territory? There's an abandoned Chapel that I live in... its not much.. but maybe you'd like it?" He seemed shy but kind. kind. honest

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LunaConner In reply to Ewarriorcat [2019-06-13 23:32:11 +0000 UTC]

(i was going to ask you actually, im glad that he reminded me to ask X3 when she and him mate and have kits where will she have them? in the abandoned chapel? i mean Vanilla has her kits in the barn and i dont know where Splashshine had her kits and i think having her have the kits and her getting pregnant at the Chapel is a great nesting area for Peppermint and its half way from both their homes and when do you think they'd mate? i mean i can make her go in season any time )

"I would love to! I have never seen a Chapel before, not even an abandoned one!" she seemed very up for it and keen to see it with him. "my mother told me that our twolegs get married and stuff there." she blushed and shy at this time.

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Ewarriorcat In reply to LunaConner [2019-06-14 01:34:27 +0000 UTC]

(Lol yeah that's what I was thinking!)

Samuel's ears perked up happily, "follow me!" he meowed happily, padding towards his home. "Ah yes.. twolegs get married in them and-" He stopped as he realized what she was hinting at, he nodded his head and purred 

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LunaConner In reply to Ewarriorcat [2019-06-14 01:41:08 +0000 UTC]

(really? wow lol where about's could she have them in the abandoned chapel? it has to be somewhere where the kits will be safe lol and when will they mate? lol)

-she had a smile on her face as she meowed happily too as she followed him- "and what else do they do?" she asked curiously. "she told me that they can put special water on a baby twolegs head? but what else do they do Sam?" she smiled at him as her eyes were fixed on him all the time as they headed towards his home.

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Ewarriorcat In reply to LunaConner [2019-06-14 17:44:43 +0000 UTC]

(There’s a little nook in the old bell tower part of the chapel where he has collected feathers and fur from prey to make a cozy nest. They can mate in the chapel if you want)

“When I was a kitten, and I lived in a different chapel that was still used, they’d sing music and a big twoleg in the front would give out these little white food things to the other twolegs, I never knew what it was. But two legs get married and their young get the water, and they all wear bright things called clothes. All different colors too!” Soon they made it to the chapel, it was white, some of the paint was chipping off though, birds seemed to be nesting around it. “It may look a little spooky from the outside.” He started, “but it’s really pretty inside, there’s old paintings and the windows are made from colorful stuff that shines colorful light on the ground.”

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LunaConner In reply to Ewarriorcat [2019-06-14 17:58:24 +0000 UTC]

(i see, i wonder why he'd been doing that? do you think he subconsciously knew he'd find a mate? and sure, i think she'd like that as i know she'd be at ease there and send me a note when they're gonna mate ^_^ also where did Splashshine and Raven have their kits? )

-Peppermint listened intently to what he was saying, she had never heard this before but then again her family had not been here long in her current territory so listening to this fascinated her-

"oh wow! this is very interesting! I have never seen anything like it! my mother hasn't either but it was what she was told anyway. twolegs are so fascinating sometimes with the little things they do and the things they do to get other things done, like what you told me for example, I don't understand the purpose or meaning behind them and the reason for giving white food or having water, I mean are they hungry or something?"

-when they made it to the chapel, Peppermint stopped to take in the view of it and her jaw dropped- 

"oh WOW! this is amazing!" she didn't seem to care for the paint chipping off and it was spooky, for some reason she felt it was home. "for some reason, I feel like this is home. I-I can't explain it. l-like something drawing me inside and sleep here!" she followed him with a smile on her face. "oh wow! I can't wait to see it inside!" 

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Ewarriorcat In reply to LunaConner [2019-06-14 18:23:26 +0000 UTC]

“I don’t understand why they did those things either, my mother said that there are clans in some of the woods called Warriors who believe in star clan, maybe two legs have a star clan too?” He seemed confused as he thought about this before shrugging, “who knows.”

When she gasped about the chapel he smiled brightly, “follow me!” He purred, crawling inside the chapel through a hole in the wall, inside sunlight shimmered through the colored glass, making a rainbow of light on the ground. White Doves sang as they huddled in the rafters of the old chapel, nesting. There was strange old things on the walls, but it was cozy and warm. “Welcome to my home!” He purred

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LunaConner In reply to Ewarriorcat [2019-06-14 18:33:21 +0000 UTC]

(hey are you okay?)

"or something like it?" Peppermint asked curiously. she smiled at his words. "yeah twolegs are so weird, but hey as long as I get fed and have a warm place to sleep, I won't question anything!" she chuckled.

she looked at him and smiled. "alright!" she followed him through the hole in the wall. when she saw this, she gasped in awe as she saw the sunlight shimmering on the coloured stained windows making the beautiful light on the ground and she ran over to it. "oh wow this is... this is beautiful!" she looked up as the white doves sang a song as they huddled up in the rafters. she looked at him in awe and happiness. "you live here? wow you're so lucky!" she purred happily.

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Ewarriorcat In reply to LunaConner [2019-06-16 14:13:51 +0000 UTC]

(It’s been rough I fainted and have had a bit of a fever, but I’m starting to feel a lot better, thank you so much for asking, no one has *hugs*)

Samuel smiled, “I hope one day... you will live here too.” His eyes shined as he looked at her kindly, his fur being different shades of color as he passed under the window. “My mother said these windows were called stained glass, but I like calling them the rainbow lights. They are beautiful... like you.”

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LunaConner In reply to Ewarriorcat [2019-06-16 14:36:49 +0000 UTC]

(yeah i know the feeling aaaww i am so sorry to hear that! i am glad you're feeling a lot better now and you're welcome, i could tell that you werent yourself because a few times you didnt answer a question i asked then you stopped talking and i just sensed from the way you were typing that you werent happy or something so i was worried )

-Peppermint looked at him when he said that and she blushed but she smiled as she stayed at the spot she was before she walked up to him-

"I hope so too, I don't know why but.. I feel.. drawn to this place? like I want it to be my home. like something is calling me here, I can't explain it." her blue eyes shined back at his kindly but lovingly, her calico fur colour danced in the sunlight and the different colours of the glass window. she didn't look at the glass when he spoke as she kept her gaze at him at all times with a gentle but loving smile. "and you're so handsome and sweet."

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Ewarriorcat In reply to LunaConner [2019-06-19 01:23:44 +0000 UTC]

(Thank you so much, it really does mean a lot to know that you were worried.

Next week I’m going to this camp thing and won’t have my phone but after that I will be on a lot)

Samuel blushed, “I-I’d love for you to live here... i-if you wanted to. It gets lonely here, and now that you are here... I feel complete, like you were the missing piece that my heart was longing for.”

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LunaConner In reply to Ewarriorcat [2019-06-19 02:10:37 +0000 UTC]

(you're welcome! i always worry about my friend

oh yay! so when they mate you'd send a note right? )

-Peppermint blushed madly at this-

"r-really?! I would love that! of course I will let my parents know of course but I know they'd want me to be happy." she purred when he said that and she went up and nuzzled him. "I feel the same way, and maybe there will be tiny pitter patter of tiny paws to complete the picture." she blushed intensely .

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Ewarriorcat In reply to LunaConner [2019-06-20 00:08:24 +0000 UTC]

(They can mate now if you want)

Samuel seemed surprised but he purred, “i’d Love that so so much.” He meowed lovingly.

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LunaConner In reply to Ewarriorcat [2019-06-20 00:24:39 +0000 UTC]

(sure! just send me a note ^^)

-Peppermint nuzzled him lovingly purring- "me too Samuel, me too~" she meowed lovingly.

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Ewarriorcat In reply to LunaConner [2019-06-21 15:46:48 +0000 UTC]

(Maybe the week after next? Since I’m leaving for camp next week)

Samuel’s ears suddenly perked up, “oh! Follow me!” He meowed excitedly, quickly padding across a long beam that went from one side of the chapel to the other side and led to a small loft with an uncolored round window

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LunaConner In reply to Ewarriorcat [2019-06-21 15:57:59 +0000 UTC]

(aawww okay thats fine )

-curious, Peppermint followed him as he lead her across the beam, carefully not stepping on anything in her path as he lead her to the other side of the chapel to the other and she followed him into the small loft with the uncoloured window-

"oh wow! is this your room?" she asked him curiously as she looked around and she walked around the room. she smiled happily. "it's very nice if it is! very homely."

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Ewarriorcat In reply to LunaConner [2019-07-01 16:08:06 +0000 UTC]

He nodded his head softly, pointing to a bed of moss and little swirls on the ground that seemed to have been painted with berry juice. “From the window I can see the entire field, and if you look real hard you can even see your barn.”

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LunaConner In reply to Ewarriorcat [2019-07-01 16:19:10 +0000 UTC]

(will you be able to send a note when they're going to mate? )

-Peppermint went and had a look at the place before jumping up to the window he said and she looked out of the window in awe-

"this is so amazing! and wonderful! I can see why you want to live here!" she looked hard out of the window and she indeed saw her barn, which was close by but not that close. "this is a awesome place to grow kits!" she stared out of the window happily.

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Ewarriorcat In reply to LunaConner [2019-07-04 17:18:46 +0000 UTC]

(Sending a note!)

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LunaConner In reply to Ewarriorcat [2019-07-04 17:19:05 +0000 UTC]


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LunaConner In reply to Ewarriorcat [2019-05-15 18:50:02 +0000 UTC]

yes you named them Holly and Dash i think? yeah it was Holly and Dash but you didnt say what they'd look like

for Blade you had him as a ginger tabby with his dads white markings and green eyes

awesome! Happy Birthday

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Ewarriorcat In reply to LunaConner [2019-05-16 18:47:20 +0000 UTC]

Aww so cute!! Yes they will be done tonight when I get home, deviantart was being like really weird and
Messing up for me :/ but I think it’s fixed thank God!

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