Luminanza — Thirteen Dwarves and a Hobbit

#balin #dvalin #dwarf #dwarves #smaug #thorin #bifur #bofur #bilbo #bilbobaggins #fili #hobbit #jrrtolkien #kili #middleearth #thehobbit #thelordoftherings #theshire #tolkien #bombur #thorinoakenshield #battleofthefivearmies #desolationofsmaug #kilifili #thelonelymountain
Published: 2016-05-11 19:07:06 +0000 UTC; Views: 2062; Favourites: 32; Downloads: 0
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Description I actually painted this rather quickly, normally I would never have had the patience to put so many characters in one piece, but since it was loose and quick.. It was actually fun^^
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Comments: 1

Wynnifredd [2016-05-18 12:34:52 +0000 UTC]

I like!

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