Jetfreak-7 — A Time for Vengeance

#darkside #dreadnought #futuristic #oldrepublic #sciencefiction #scifi #sith #sithlord #spacecraft #starwars #starwarsfanart #starwarswallpaper #star_destroyer #harrower #imperialstarfleet #sithempire #starwarstheoldrepublic #stardestroyerstarwars #stardestroyer
Published: 2016-12-27 14:26:46 +0000 UTC; Views: 21261; Favourites: 694; Downloads: 84
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Description "The true Sith have spent centuries building their strength in the depths of unknown space. The Sith Emperor patiently planned for the day when his Sith Empire would repay the Jedi for the humiliating defeats of the past. In that time, generations of Sith have come and gone, working hard and devoting their lives to the dream of vengeance."

Model ported from SWTOR
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