LudvikSKP β€” Garrett

Published: 2013-03-10 16:42:18 +0000 UTC; Views: 4530; Favourites: 95; Downloads: 0
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Description Garrett, the master thief
this one turned out quite dark, so I presume I'll look like shite printed or on older monitors, sorry.
I love the thief games, and the recent reveal of a new game got me inspired to finally draw Garrett

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Comments: 24

catnip513 [2014-02-18 12:59:49 +0000 UTC]

Nice picture.

I'm hoping that Thief 4 will turn out to be a good game.

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LudvikSKP In reply to catnip513 [2014-02-18 20:22:37 +0000 UTC]

I hope so too. they fixed a lot of stuff fans didn't like, I believe it would be a fine game.

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Maehedrose [2013-11-05 08:42:43 +0000 UTC]

Very cool image, it catches the atmosphere of the setting well. Β The new game can go die in a ditch so far as I'm concerned. Β They've taken out pretty much everything that made the world unique, (I'm downright flabbergasted as to how they could remove the three Orders and still call it Thief) and even turned Garrett into some kind of teenage ninja while removing Stephen Russell as Garrett's voice - though after seeing the travesty they've created I'm almost glad they did; I might have still bought the game if he'd remained. Β 

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LudvikSKP In reply to Maehedrose [2013-11-05 10:13:16 +0000 UTC]

Thank you!
About the game... well, i have mixed feelings about it
at first i liked the new face, namely this image www.entertainment-focus.com/wp… , but in the latest gameplay trailer Garrett looks way too much like Romano, so it's changed again. Also Russell's voice acting is iconic, thats maybe the only thing i just can't forgive them for chaging. replacing some shadows with mist makes sense, i think... and so on, there are too much changes I guess.
on the other hand i'm willing to give the game a chance. i really loved Human Revolution. I'm also a huge DevilMayCry fan and i couldn't stop ranting about how awful DMC was when it was announced. Ninja theory of course changed the emo design, and the final dante version was, well not cool, but certainly agreeable. and the gameplay was superb. So, i was wrong after all. I would have liked more a game with the previous style, but DMC was undeniably a good game.
And after all, we haven't played Thief yet and as you know trailers are very often misleading nowadays. consider giving the game a chance

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Maehedrose In reply to LudvikSKP [2013-11-05 12:07:19 +0000 UTC]

The picture you linked *is* cool - too bad that doesn't seem to be the design they went with. (though it still wouldn't be right without the voice - Garrett *is* his voice in the series, it defines him to the player)

And I will agree that Human Revolution was awesome. Β 

My big issue is, it just isn't a Thief game anymore - they've changed too much. Β It might still be a good stealth game, (though it bothers me that you're better at combat now, part of the charm in the series was the fact that - being a thief - you avoided combat because you sucked at it) but they really should have called it something else. Β Or rebranded the whole series by calling it something like "Thief: Out of the Shadows" and been very clear it wasn't "Thief 4". Β And they should have either changed the protagonist's name or perhaps suggested that the name "Garrett" had become a moniker used by master thieves in The City in reference to an old, legendary, figure in the underground.Β 

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LudvikSKP In reply to Maehedrose [2013-11-07 14:32:44 +0000 UTC]

its not really thief 4 since it's a complete reboot, but yeah, i see why you're frustrated
I guess we'll have t just wait and see.

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Ninjanucklesamwich [2013-06-17 05:20:12 +0000 UTC]

Great job! Love how you made him blend with the wall!
And here I was thinking I was the only person who plays this game, yay!

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LudvikSKP In reply to Ninjanucklesamwich [2013-06-21 11:59:57 +0000 UTC]

aw thank you so much!
the games all three of them are pure gold imo . the graphics may be dated but the gameplay and the atmosphere is still great
what do you think about the reboot, so far?

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Ninjanucklesamwich In reply to LudvikSKP [2013-06-21 14:45:30 +0000 UTC]

haha, the crappy graphics are all part of the charm! And it was a one of a kind game, especially for it's time.
I haven't played the newest thief, its not out yet (is it already out were you are?!)
none the less, I'm very excited!

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LudvikSKP In reply to Ninjanucklesamwich [2013-06-21 21:22:53 +0000 UTC]

nooo of course it's not out, I meant what you think of what we've seen so far ... on E3 there was even gameplay, i watched it on Gamespot

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Ninjanucklesamwich In reply to LudvikSKP [2013-06-22 02:08:18 +0000 UTC]

Ah yes that, sorry I was tired, haha
I'm really not sure how I feel about it yet. It (from what I've seen) doesn't seem very... thief like. and it's not Stephen Russell for Garrett's voice!
but I will definitely be willing to try, even though the original games will always be my favorite

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LudvikSKP In reply to Ninjanucklesamwich [2013-06-28 17:17:52 +0000 UTC]

I agree with pretty much everything you said

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Ufekkk007 [2013-03-18 13:26:34 +0000 UTC]

All game's atmosphere here on one drawing. This is amazing how you catch it and put on your work.
Background is so detailed and smooth - looks like it's raining or something.
I really like Garrett's posture. It has something magnetic and it's amazing how he is hardly to see through those shadows. Wonderful effect.
This is masterpiece

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LudvikSKP In reply to Ufekkk007 [2013-03-19 06:12:37 +0000 UTC]

nah, hardly a masterpiece haha. i'm flattered though thank you so much!
the atmosphere is probably the most important and unique thing in those games, i'm pleased you think i managed to capture it. the first 2 games are especially strange, you know, the graphics are now considered ancient and yet it's more atmospheric than lots of present day games it's like watching real magic. as for the shadows, it would be very strange if Garrett is not in the shadows (that's why some screenshots from the upcoming game worry me a bit )

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Ufekkk007 In reply to LudvikSKP [2013-04-06 11:40:44 +0000 UTC]

It was a real pleasure for me to comment your work
Yes, you captured it really good. I can say we feel all the atmosphere the same like in game.
I know, graphic is so old, but I can say that a few games today has an atmosphere truly magnificent like Thief I and II. You can't stop after one mission. Story is so great that you want to end rest of them because you want to know what's next
I agree with your words, today when I sometimes play old, good Thief I, I laugh when I see some things there

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Octorin [2013-03-13 18:22:54 +0000 UTC]

Oh, mystical and nice

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LudvikSKP In reply to Octorin [2013-03-14 04:41:09 +0000 UTC]

glad you like it!!

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Glowsydoodles [2013-03-11 06:57:19 +0000 UTC]

Really great! I love how Garrett is barely to be seen in the shadows!

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LudvikSKP In reply to Glowsydoodles [2013-03-12 06:24:20 +0000 UTC]

thank you It's his proper place, isn't it. i think i overdid it a bit though

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Glowsydoodles In reply to LudvikSKP [2013-03-12 09:21:18 +0000 UTC]

no I think it's just perfect! You did a very nice job!

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Futural [2013-03-11 01:51:26 +0000 UTC]

It's great so see good old Garrett again. You really did a great job here creating the atmosphere!

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LudvikSKP In reply to Futural [2013-03-11 04:42:50 +0000 UTC]

thank you! glad you like it

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CSupernova [2013-03-10 22:07:14 +0000 UTC]

Beautiful! It reflects the game's atmosphere very well.
Not sure if it was intended, but the background looks as if it is raining in the City, which is awesome as it is raining here at the same time. It's like hearing the soundtrack to your picture.

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LudvikSKP In reply to CSupernova [2013-03-11 04:48:59 +0000 UTC]

thanks!! it's raining here as well haha. I used this sort of effect because it gives the City texture and makes it a bit more gloomy, it can be interpreted as rain, smoke or whatever, either way it makes it more interesting than if it was all smooth as in the cutscenes, i think

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