Published: 2009-08-13 19:32:30 +0000 UTC; Views: 736; Favourites: 36; Downloads: 22
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My late-night crack drawings are always so emo. >>; Anyway, I hate this thing. Hatehatehatehate. I'll probably drag it into scraps later, but for now, Zennilynn is to blame for its submission. |D; Yay for AUs? I got tired of this way too quick, so...Hence why it's so sloppy.Art and Iden (C) Shannon Ashley (Luckysquid)
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Comments: 15
wake2Z [2009-08-17 05:17:52 +0000 UTC]
gaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aah... why are you so amazing? >:U
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Seryia [2009-08-15 03:35:42 +0000 UTC]
My inner color freak is blissfully angsting along with this picture ... O_o
I don't know what you don't like about this, cuz I love it. The colors spear my brain. And even though I don't think it looks enough like Iden, I really like the pose and the blotchyness of the color job. That thing you did there with the opacity? That's some good stuff.
I think going off the deep end like this every once in a while is good for one's artistic health. <3
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LuckySquid In reply to Seryia [2009-08-17 17:59:35 +0000 UTC]
Haha, yeah, it was a good stress reliever, but like I said, there's so much about this that I hate. .__. I think the only thing about it that I DO like are the colors I selected, even if they've got a DC comics kind of feel to them. XD; Anyway, people seem to like this one the best of that art spam, but I'm still not sure why. It's sloppy and gross, in my opinion. 8D;
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Seryia In reply to LuckySquid [2009-08-18 03:30:10 +0000 UTC]
I think it's the concept more than the execution that everyone loves about it. Personally I love the combination of the pose and perspective with the color and type of coloring. It leaves a lot of positive and negative space for the brain to chew on, along with the blaring color.
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Gulstab [2009-08-14 00:54:08 +0000 UTC]
The colours, sketchiness in odd places, perspective, MOOD.
Gloriouss fff <3
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LuckySquid In reply to Gulstab [2009-08-14 06:30:03 +0000 UTC]
Everyone seems to like this thing. >w>;;; I don't like it at all. |D The only thing I like is the concept and colors, but none of the execution. .3.;
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superspacebunny [2009-08-13 23:02:31 +0000 UTC]
this is cool
the lighting is so awesome
and yah!!
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3712 [2009-08-13 21:44:15 +0000 UTC]
I seriously love this drawing though .____. Seriously. It's really full of emotion D: You awesome artist you D;
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RoseVictoria [2009-08-13 21:25:29 +0000 UTC]
I don't see what there is to hate... soo jealous T-T *cries self to sleep*
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Seven--VII [2009-08-13 21:00:36 +0000 UTC]
I love the prespective you used * w*. Its a really nice image <333 stop hating silly, its lahve
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LuckySquid In reply to Seven--VII [2009-08-13 21:26:56 +0000 UTC]
B'aaaaw, well, I'm glad you like it. :>
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ZenniLynn [2009-08-13 19:34:56 +0000 UTC]
I am to blame? 8U <3
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