Published: 2022-06-09 16:15:05 +0000 UTC; Views: 991; Favourites: 19; Downloads: 0
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♦ Lead: Phoenix 43
♦ Featured Horses: Phoenix, Nina and Cedrik
♦ Responding to: COMMENT
♦ Tracker: HERE
♦ RNG Rolls: Yes
♦ Healing: No
♦ Ageing: No
* Extra:
Wordcount: 1546
It was just a mirage... JUST. A. MIRAGE. Not a real oasis. Phoenix mentally hit himself with each otehr step he took, with the mare and her newborn son behind him. He looked behind him many times, checking if they were still following or any of them needed some stops. The little colt was still a bit unsure on his feet, tripping over some rocks and getting spooked by small lizards sneaking under his tiny, tiny hooves. They spent quite a time walking, possibly most of the afternoon. In meantime, the young stallion managed to get some short conversation with the mare, getting to know that her name was Nina. She did not really tell anything about her, her heard that might existed or not or why she was all alone with no one in sight, when it's been only a short amount of time after giving birth to her colt.
The sky started to get dressed in several colors of yellow, painting itself with some clouds, in dark blue and orange hues, when something caught the little band's eyes.
"A watering hole?" The mare asked, walking almost beside Phoenix, who glanced at her, and then back at the waterhole, making sure it wasn't another illusion. But it wasn't. The little band finally had a place to rest and get refreshed by some clean water after such a tiring and long day.
While the mare tried to make all her efforts to ensure her son was beside her all the time, not even letting him to get a bit closer to the stranger stallion, in one moment the young lad just sneaked away, as his mother was drinking. He immediately ran up to Phoenix, sniffing the stallion, nudging his side, trotting around and under him. Phoenix knew that if the mother will see this, he gonna loose his head, so he just stayed in one place, facing the mare, trying to show with his body language that he meant no harm to that little energybomb. And it was true, he did not even think about hurting this little guy. Somehow, even if he knew nothing about him or his mom, the young colt seemed to be much alike him when he was a young, reckless colt, driving everyone crazy around him.
"Mama!" The young foal called out, as he was walking right under Phoenix. Uhoh...
The mare shot her head up as she heard that her son was not right beside her, as she thought he would. It was just a few seconds, really, so she was shocked how he managed to get away so soon. Phoenix in meantime, just lowered his head, unsure what to do. But instead of running right into him, like a tank, the mare just took a few steps closer, and gently called out for her son.
"Baby, leave the gentleman alone, and come here. Let him get some rest, it's been a long time." Wow, Phoenix had to blink a few at this. He was so sure of loosing his head, but somehow Nina did not even appeared to be attacking. The young colt however, let out a long awwwwww.
"But mamaaa, must I? He seems to be nice!" he squeaked, shaking his little head, while he pranced next to Phoenix.
"Can I keep him??" The colt asked, looking up at Phoenix, who was just as shocked at this, as the mare. But for some reason, he started to laugh at this. Hell, this young fella was too adorable.
"Sweetie, this is not that simple, okay? He might have a family, his kids somewhere around, we just cannot keep him." The young mare tried to explain in a way that her son would understand, but the young colt was more occupied with chewing the end of Phoenix's mane.
"Well, if he wants, he can keep me. I have no one around if you ask, so I don't mind company. Of course, if YOU wouldn't mind sharing space with me." Phoenix butted in, trying with this offer, but only receiving a frown from the silver seal bay mare.
"As... a member of your herd?" the mare started, trying to figure out how that sounded... Her voice was unsure, as if she had an unknown fear, worry in her tone.
"Nina, I-"
"Don't be mad, but this is really not that simple. You don't know anything about me, my son, and I do not know anything about you. If you had a herd, a mate, your kids, or anything... I don't know who you are, how do you behave, what you would do with my son..." she added, almost showing her teeth at Phoenix at the end. Clearly, this mare had some not-so well hidden concerns about trusting a full stranger, and for Phoenix, who never really had trust issues, sounded weird, but understandable. There were dangers everywhere in the world, and even he himself could be one. Especially for a lonely mare with a foal around.
He just sighed, that was the only thing he found reasonable to do.
"You are right. I only know your name, and that you had your foal all alone, in the middle of the desert, without anyone around. I wouldn't trust a looney either, who just passed by at that time. But to answer your question..? I have no herd, no mate, no kids. In fact, I just left my parents, or so my mom and step-dad, so I could find my own way. And even if it is hard to believe, I do not want to achieve this by keeping everyone away or close with terror. That is all I can say." he sighed again, glancing at the foal, who kind of listened to the conversation between the tall stallion and his mom. He let out a big yawn in meantime, and tiredly walked back to his mom, nudging her side. Most of the afternoon, sunset time was quiet, with no more conversation between the horses, as the young colt soon fell asleep, right next to his mom.
"Did you think any name for him?" Phoenix was the first to break the hours-long silence, gazing the stars not really far away from the mare and her sleeping son.
"Not really... I was wondering for a while, but no, I did not find anything suitable." She sighed.
"He came so unexpectedly, I did not even know first what to do with the sitation, with him and... Sorry, I was getting too far away with this." she huffed, turning her head towards Phoenix.
"It's fine. Is he your first..?" the stallion asked back, nodding towards the young colt.
"Yeah, and the last of his dad's. Or only surviving, hell if I know." she shrugged.
"I am really sorry for being a jerk towards you, you seem to be a nice man. But even the nicest ones can be just an evil bastards. Like his uncle." the mare added, fixing her glance on her son. "He became the new leader of our herd, taking care of us. Little did we know how a territorial bastard he was. It was just pure luck that I heard him chatting with his lead mare about his plans to... eliminate all the foals who weren't his." She explained. Not sure why, she did not fully trust Phoenix, but after a while, the urge to let this secret of her out was just too big of a desire.
"And that is when you left." Phoenix added, sighing at the end. His biological father might have caused a situation like this to his mom? His mom might left all alone, carrying him because she feared her son's life? He just stood there, now only glancing at the mare and her kiddo.
"I just want a safe life for him, you know? Raise him, to be a good soul. Not a lying son of a mare like his uncle." Nina finished, géancing back at Phoenix, who took a few steps closer to them, yet still keeping his distance. The tobiano mare just huffed one at this, kind of relieved that this complete stranger listened to her. And even if he did not say much more, she knew that he understood, or at least got why she was so concerned. He seemed to be a nice one after all. Not one to trust so soon, but still. He accompanied them, found her son adorable, even tolerated how the young colt disturbed his private space, and listened. So she was standing quietly, just as the stallion did, listening to the deep breathing of the little sleeping baby.
"Any name ideas for him?" she asked finally, with a small, unsure smile looking at Phoenix.
"I don't want to ruin the name choosing for you, i don't think that I am the best to-"
"If you have any ideas, I am listening." Nina interrupted, making Phoenix tilting his head a bit to glance at the sleeping roan boy.
"I think... Cedrik might suit him..?" He added, then sahking his head. "Nah, I du-"
"I like it." Nina interrupted again, making the stallion blink a few at this.
"Really. This seems to suit him. Cedrik. Yes, this is a great option." she smiled, and with her, Phoenix smiled too...
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Comments: 6
Desert-Whisperer [2022-06-10 07:30:45 +0000 UTC]
👍: 0 ⏩: 0
LadyLarking [2022-06-10 04:33:08 +0000 UTC]
👍: 1 ⏩: 1
Libertas268 In reply to LadyLarking [2022-06-10 11:22:58 +0000 UTC]
👍: 0 ⏩: 0
PoisonSoldat [2022-06-09 17:24:29 +0000 UTC]
👍: 1 ⏩: 1
Libertas268 In reply to PoisonSoldat [2022-06-09 17:25:02 +0000 UTC]
👍: 1 ⏩: 1
PoisonSoldat In reply to Libertas268 [2022-06-09 18:08:47 +0000 UTC]
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