Libertas268 — Bolts of lightning

Published: 2021-05-31 16:23:22 +0000 UTC; Views: 1806; Favourites: 27; Downloads: 1
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When I started this image - and still, when I finished it days ago - I didn't think how much they will show my current anger LOL But let's skip this, I just find it funny haha 

Trial 2: Ease of Handling

 Horse: ASRC Highly Classified
 Rider: Sean Reid
  Team: Sapphire Stags


Uncertainty never left the air. But as the months passed and Sean could spend time with his teammates and other Camp members, life... Just got a bit easier? He didn't know, it just felt right to be somewhere else for a bit.
Don't get him wrong. He called his family every day - well, almost every day - and missed them, yet spending time with others, on kinda the others side of the world certainly left some positive effects on the man.

The second stage arrived faster than anyone thought. It felt as if they blinked one, and it was there. Surely, the weather changed by the time, yet for Trial two, the weather forecast showed some unpredictable changes.
"Storm during the afternoon? Well, without knowing they chose a very dramatic time for this. I like it. " The man on the other side of the line chuckled. Sean could almost see how his father shook his head after hearing about the weather.
"Good thing Stroud got used to those. Hell, you always managed to get a storm above your head when it comes to competing or training. " The other man added.
"Yeah, but I trust him in this matter. If it looks too dangerous, surely the hosts will change the date or do security measurements. They do their job perfectly." Sean replied, as he put the phone on a table, switching to his earphone, as he tried to get his T-shirt, so he could finally start preparing for the day. It was still early morning, yet he was always the first to wake up. The stress of competing or just excitement, who knows. Always the well-known *who knows÷.

"Now, let this weather topic rest. What's the matter home? I talked to Diane two days ago, yet Leen hadn't answered my calls. Is she okay?" Sean asked, almost showering his father with questions. Such a normal thing when someone is away from home for a long time.
"Yeah, but you know how things are right now for her... Exams." John added, scoffing at the end. Aileen was notorious for her anxiousness.
"I could tell from who she got those nerves... And first I thought you were a nervous kiddo. But she is even worse." Joh continued, chuckling at the end.
"Well, she almost finished all, right? I think she will be a bit better after that. Could you maybe invite her for some outdoor races?" Sean tried, shrugged, almost making the earpods falling off from his ears.
"And you would be laughing at your old man for losing to the youngsters again? Thank you, son!" the older man added sarcastically, without any effort to hide his laugh.
"But, sure thing. Just in meantime, you should send more texts to her. You know she won't mind getting messages late at night. Hell, I don't even know how she manages without sleeping enough."
"Maybe because you were in your twenties, like... 50 years ago, Pops?" Sean added, smirking when he said this out.
"Oh, you are so nice."

Some minutes later Sean was already at the stable, getting Stroud ready.
"So... bareback riding?" Sean's father asked suddenly, almost making Sean throw the earphone away.
"Yeah. Figured out we could try it. We did it many times home and I don't think that we will have problems." Sean explained shortly, checking the reins for another time.
"And the rain? I already hear the raindrops falling on the building. And checked the weather forecast for you - no need to thank me - and it says there will be a storm." John pointed out at last, without any thoughts of his son changing his decision.
"Hopefully no problems. And thanks for checking. But I hope you won't tell these things to Diane... Or mom. Damn, they would tear my head off when I get home."
"Or worse, they would fly there AND tear your head off, even before you get home." The older man added, even making his son's thoughts better.
"Yeah, that too, thanks. But I see no problems. Stroud is not a skittish one, and you know..." Sean couldn't even finish as he already heard his father's laughing.
"Your first Expo, with Amber. I remember now, those comments about how dare you to take the poor horse out to the rain. Okay, it was a good season for sure."  The older man explained and Sean could almost see how his father was shaking his head.
"Yeah, it was a different world for sure. And what are your plans, Pops? We are always talking about how am I and how things go, but you are holding infos as if they were classified." Sean asked curiously.
"Well, I figured out I might get Smokie out for some competition. Aaaaand  before your blood pressure jumps up to Mars, let me clarify the things. It's all fine and I will be aware of the safety protocols. Last year I felt that some easy competitions are good, and Smokie is ready. Hopefully my old ass still manages as well." John explained, but he had to wait a few minutes for answer, so he had to break this awkward moment.
"Maybe try to say something, I thought you died. I don't want a zombie to ride such a prized horse like Stroud." The older man added, before he head Sean sighing.
"Okay, you are not a kid for sure. But please, I wanna be sure you won't turn into a zombie before I get home. Or I would be the one to shake you back from the dead." Sean added, letting out a small, forced chuckle.
"Now now. You wanted to hear something. Now chill down. You said it right, I am not a kid. But I promise it will be okay. Just be careful and don't fell off because of me now. Or else I will shake you up from the dead." The older man added before he said goodbye and good luck.

Sean led Stroud out to the open air, nodding towards his teammates and other participants.
"Looks like the storm is almost here." He shook his head and gently stroked the Zlesdin's neck. They still needed to wait a few minutes before they could start their ride. At that time the storm was already above them and only the lanterns and the bolts of lightning iluminated the dark sky...
(1065 words)

Pose: WorkingEquitationWM 2014_86  (not traced)
Background: any resources added in discord chat and ideas from the inspiration images

And still, I have to say SORRY - even more, bc if I had started the story later, it would be even bigger crap haha
but I am alive - yes, I guess the Reids came and shook me back from my Zombie state LOL

Sean is still mentally crap, but I guess he is just a big worryworm - so as Aileen. And John, well, I guess he is my newest victim who has to endure this stupidity xD

But about the image! I saw there are storms after 5pm so I jumped on the possibility and boom, this happened! XD

I hope you are all okay my guys, and a big hugs for everyone!  

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Comments: 6

KimEnLie [2021-06-01 19:45:41 +0000 UTC]

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Zoubstance [2021-06-01 05:13:50 +0000 UTC]

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Rising-Star-Farm [2021-05-31 18:10:39 +0000 UTC]

👍: 1 ⏩: 1

Libertas268 In reply to Rising-Star-Farm [2021-05-31 18:14:43 +0000 UTC]

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OwlieOwl [2021-05-31 17:19:01 +0000 UTC]

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Libertas268 In reply to OwlieOwl [2021-05-31 18:14:26 +0000 UTC]

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