Leygo — Draco Stryx - Fall Ghost by-nc-nd

#ap #arpg #autumn #bird #draco #dragon #fall #harpia #hunt #raptor #wisp #stryx
Published: 2019-10-03 19:00:37 +0000 UTC; Views: 719; Favourites: 26; Downloads: 0
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Description I'm SURVIVALIST

Tracker: Tracker
Ascension: Omega
Activity: Wisp Hunt
Applicable Bonuses: Grinning Harpy

Stryx: Morrigan
Tracker: Tracker
Ascension: Omega
Activity: Wisp Hunt
Applicable Bonuses: 

Stryx: Zoltan
Tracker: -
Activity: Wisp Hunt
Applicable Bonuses: 

Stryx: Kia
Tracker: Tracker
Ascension: Alpha
Activity: Wisp Hunt
Applicable Bonuses: 

Stryx: Delta
Tracker: Tracker
Ascension: Alpha
Activity: Wisp Hunt
Applicable Bonuses: 

Look at those little dump babies. They are supposed to hunt together as team but they all want the reward for catching a wisp themself.
Silas is so helpless.
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Comments: 6

Pigeon-Blue [2019-10-16 20:18:43 +0000 UTC]

Ich liebe es soooo doll!
Diese Farben und wie unterschiedlich die Hintergründe sind ♥♥♥
Es ist so toll, kann garnicht genug davon haben.
Und diese kleinen süßen Gesichter haha.
Ich liebe Delta die kopfüber hängt und doof ist.
Und Kia die so schön glitert.
Und Morrigan, sie ist so toll und schon aktiv, obwohl sie noch aufs hochladen warten muss xD

Luv luv.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Leygo In reply to Pigeon-Blue [2019-10-16 20:26:45 +0000 UTC]

Jaaaa Morrigan. Sie soll ganz doll schnell sehr toll werden :>
Ich freu mich dass es dir gefällt.
Ich will dass unsere babys viel eigen gemalte bilder haben.

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Nataku [2019-10-11 15:56:17 +0000 UTC]

Rolled for Marvolo 8619
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VireeArt [2019-10-05 10:12:23 +0000 UTC]

How funny. I know all these birds and like  them a lot xD ♥ 
Great job!!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Leygo In reply to VireeArt [2019-10-16 20:27:37 +0000 UTC]

Thank you so much
Do you have a favourite?

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VireeArt In reply to Leygo [2019-10-17 06:23:01 +0000 UTC]

I know Kia for a long long time now. I think since Chaluny designed her. She is such a pretty emo birb! 
I love to see her around in the group.

For Delta I know I was part of the event when he was the price of the event. I tryed my luck on winning him but sadly I didnt got him u.u I fell in love with his design as I saw him the first time. After some one els got him I tryed tomake my own midnigh crested raprot and got Ice. I love Ice a lot but still think Delta is more pretty than Ice uvu" ♥

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