Published: 2010-12-29 12:12:53 +0000 UTC; Views: 16871; Favourites: 1011; Downloads: 207
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The strongest chains are thoseyou forge yourself.
Heya everyone
Hope you're all feeling well and you had some wonderful Christmas days.
I got six new copics for Christmas and had to use them directly but when I drew the lines I had a pretty bad mood. :/
Well but nevertheless I like the dragon.
He's drawn on a A3 paper, sorry for bad photo.
Since I've nothing to do today I decided to use this day to draw. >3
So I'll start a stream soon, hope some of you are interested in watching me drawing the last parts of a digital dragon.
Happy late Christmas.
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Comments: 143
MenrowSpirit [2013-01-14 20:59:06 +0000 UTC]
Wow, I cant belive u do all this by hand, its amazing.
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Poetic-Pirates-Inc [2011-09-15 15:22:46 +0000 UTC]
Awesome! I especially like the detailing on the wings.
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varjon [2011-07-27 10:40:33 +0000 UTC]
und mit den wenigen Copics machst du gleich solch Werk? waaaaahhh sieht toll aus (wie immer XD) Schönes Design, auch die Farbkombo mit dem rot in den Flügeln. Hut ab wie immer!
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Leundra In reply to varjon [2011-07-27 10:42:53 +0000 UTC]
Man brauch gar nicht viel Copics um gut malen zu können, du brauchst halt möglichst viele Abstufungen einer Farbe um schöne Farbverläufe erziehlen zu können.
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varjon In reply to Leundra [2011-07-27 10:54:07 +0000 UTC]
und gutes Papier, sonst gibts streifen. hab mich auch mal daran versucht und meine Sammlung an Stiften weit voran getrieben T.T
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SpartanMandy [2011-05-13 16:19:38 +0000 UTC]
wow, you draw very well! Have you invented a race of dragon?
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Leundra In reply to SpartanMandy [2011-05-14 20:31:34 +0000 UTC]
Nope it's not a race.
Just some nice colours. ^_^
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SpartanMandy In reply to Leundra [2011-05-16 13:02:03 +0000 UTC]
do I use the google translator, and he translates what I mean ... I try to say what the breed, species. for example, the horse is a kind, and Clydesdale is a breed.
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Leundra In reply to SpartanMandy [2011-05-16 13:18:52 +0000 UTC]
It's not a special breed, just a random drawn dragon.
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SpartanMandy In reply to Leundra [2011-05-16 16:06:42 +0000 UTC]
I create breeds of dragons, I love to invent and renew. My current set up is the race Cloud Sky, which I made last year.
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Leundra In reply to SpartanMandy [2011-05-17 04:34:35 +0000 UTC]
I only have the lightdragons as breed. My Leundra belongs to them.
But I never made a sheet for how they should look like or so.
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SpartanMandy In reply to Leundra [2011-05-17 16:11:59 +0000 UTC]
I did a drawing of my Sky Cloud Dragon, only the scales are very large, I messed up because my species has small scales, and short pontudinhas, talking on the drawing page because they are so ... Check please, and I Tell me what think of the dragon; [link]
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Dagger-Kitsune [2011-03-04 18:33:10 +0000 UTC]
The detail on this is amazing. I love the coloring too.
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Dagger-Kitsune In reply to Dagger-Kitsune [2011-03-04 18:34:06 +0000 UTC]
I find that you can take a lot of meanings from it.
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scharkaan [2011-01-02 11:25:58 +0000 UTC]
Fantastisches traditions art bild. Ein drache in ketten ist auch nicht so schön anzusehen, doch ich denke der reisst sich demnächst wieder los. *g* Man sieht dass du die copics im griff hast wie du den drachen darstellst. Auf A3 muss ja das sehr imposant aussehen. Einfach beeindruckend. ^^
Wünsche dir noch ein frohes neues. ^^
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Leundra In reply to scharkaan [2011-01-02 13:37:14 +0000 UTC]
Die Ketten sind ja sehr klein, wenn er es will kann er sich los reißen.
Dir auch ein frohes Neues. ^^
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DemonDragonSaer [2011-01-01 16:52:57 +0000 UTC]
Woah, das ist toll Ich hatte erst gedacht das wäre mit Wasserfarben gemacht xD Aber deine copic colo ist echt beneidenswert xD Mir gefällt auch das Farbschema und die markings :3
Achja und Frohes Neues Jahr xD
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Leundra In reply to DemonDragonSaer [2011-01-02 13:36:21 +0000 UTC]
Frohes Neues!
Echt mit Wasserfarbe? :3
Müsste ich eigentlich auch mal wieder was damit malen...
Vielen Dank! Nun fehlen halt noch so einige copics um mal nen richtig bunten drachen zu malen. ^^"
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Petradactyl [2010-12-30 22:58:21 +0000 UTC]
The colors look so pretty! 8D This is very gorgeous, nice work!
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Drangelu [2010-12-30 21:13:58 +0000 UTC]
amazing, love the meaning of your work, and of course your work itself, is awsome!
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TheInvisibleof94 [2010-12-30 12:08:09 +0000 UTC]
Really Amazing!
I wish i could draw like you...
But i can't -.-
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Leundra In reply to TheInvisibleof94 [2010-12-30 14:25:23 +0000 UTC]
Just take your time and be patient while practicing.
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Rhydal [2010-12-30 06:36:10 +0000 UTC]
Very nice! I like the stretches on the wing membrane. How did you get the cloudy blue effect in the corner?
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Leundra In reply to Rhydal [2010-12-30 14:27:00 +0000 UTC]
Thanks ^^
Unwanted shadow while taking the photo.
I just deleted the shadows on the left side so the paper structure looks a bit like a cloud. ^^"
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LaceyCheshireGrin [2010-12-30 04:34:01 +0000 UTC]
soooooooooooooo coooooooooooooooooooool!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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