LeoZURC2210 — Gohan

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Published: 2019-08-02 21:58:10 +0000 UTC; Views: 2089; Favourites: 34; Downloads: 0
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Son Gohan (孫そん悟ご飯はん Son Gohan) is the elder son of the series' primary protagonist Goku and his wife Chi-Chi, the older brother of Goten, the husband of Videl and father to Pan. He is named after Goku's adoptive grandfather, Gohan.

Unlike his father, Gohan lacks a passion for fighting and prefers to do so only when the need to defend his loved ones arises. Nevertheless, Gohan fights alongside the Dragon Team in the defense of Earth for much of his life.

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Comments: 2

el-maky-z [2019-08-03 19:55:10 +0000 UTC]

Muy chulo este Gohan Has cogido una imagen de Goku como base, no?

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LeoZURC2210 In reply to el-maky-z [2019-08-03 20:45:59 +0000 UTC]

gracias    , sí, busqué en google algunas, imágenes de goku y gohan como base.

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