LeoZURC2210 — Android 18

#akira #akiratoriyama #android #android17 #android18 #azul #ball #blue #dragon #dragonball #dragonballfanart #goku #kaioken #kale #saiyajin #saiyan #son #songoku #songokudragonball #super #supersaiyajin #supersaiyan #toriyama #vegetto #veggito #vegito #vegitto #son_goku #songokusupersaiyan #akira_toriyama #dragonballsuper #supersaiyajingodsupersaiyajin #supersaiyanblue #dragonballsuperfanart #supersaiyajinblue #supersaiyanbluegoku #veggitos #supersaiyajinazul #supersaiyanbluekaioken #dragonballsuper2016 #2017newyear #vegettodragonball #vegettodragonballsuper #vegettossgblue #vegettoblue #vegittossgss #vegitosupersaiyangodsupersaiyan #vegitoblue #dragonballsuperakiratoriyama #universesurvival #universesurvivalarc #universe_survival #universe7dragonballsuper #toppodragonballsuper #fasedios
Published: 2019-08-07 09:27:44 +0000 UTC; Views: 4883; Favourites: 48; Downloads: 0
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Description Android 18 (人造人間18号 Jinzōningen Jū Hachi-Gō, lit. "Artificial Human No. 18"), Lazuli (ラズリ Razuri) when she was an ordinary human, is the twin sister of Androis 17 and Dr. Gero's eighteenth android creation, designed to serve Gero's vendetta against Goku. While her interests do not initially deviate from this expectation, her curiosity to activate Android 16, in spite of Gero's orders not to do so, leads Android 17 to take it upon himself to murder Gero. Eventually, Android 18 becomes a member of the Z Fighters, as well as the wife of Krillin and the mother of their daughter Marron.
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Comments: 4

BlueNose1982 [2020-01-14 16:40:40 +0000 UTC]

I forgot to mention she was in an episode of 'DEATH BATTLE'

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BlueNose1982 [2020-01-11 22:58:00 +0000 UTC]

Krillin is one lucky sod having Android 18 as his wife.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

LeoZURC2210 In reply to BlueNose1982 [2020-01-12 09:06:44 +0000 UTC]


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BlueNose1982 In reply to LeoZURC2210 [2020-01-13 11:55:09 +0000 UTC]

But Android 18 is somewhat tricky to play as in Dragon Ball Fighterz.

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