Lenika86 — Nepenthes by-nc-nd

Published: 2013-06-30 16:00:53 +0000 UTC; Views: 10093; Favourites: 412; Downloads: 0
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Description Название: Dangerous
Цветок: Nepenthes robcantleyi savepic.org/3765264.jpg х Nepenthes hamata savepic.org/3755024.jpg

На конкурс от Alsares alsaresnolynx.deviantart.com/ "Herbal Horses" в игре Лоwади
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Comments: 32

Geoff57 [2017-07-03 04:06:16 +0000 UTC]

Hi. Great works. This is amazing, you are very talented. Do you have a print or similar available for sale? Thank you.

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Hesperyda-san [2015-11-30 22:45:23 +0000 UTC]

Wow. It is the best of ever... ever i seen.

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TenicPhoto [2015-09-14 03:30:28 +0000 UTC]

WOW!! Amazing talent!!

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latent-ookami [2014-06-15 14:06:06 +0000 UTC]

The design is absolutely amazing. A venus fly trap and another carnivorous plant? Very awesome.

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Sashoke In reply to latent-ookami [2014-11-16 01:46:03 +0000 UTC]

Actually it doesnt have any Venus Flytrap in it, this is purely a Nepenthes, also known as a tropical pitcher plant. The part you might be mistaking as a Venus Flytrap are the "frills" along the stomach and chest of the horse. These are actually what are called "wings" on Nepenthes. look up "Nepenthes Robcantleyi" as Im quite sure that is the species this art was based off.  The tail of the horse is the tendril on the pitcher which leads to the plants leaf. The "collar" of the horse is the peristome on the Nepenthes' pitcher, and the hat of the horse is the pitcher's lid. If you look closely, there is even a distinct Nepenthes flower wrapped around the horses neck as a necklace. 

Excellent work Lenika, the design is extremely creative and original.

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Reilune [2014-05-12 18:28:16 +0000 UTC]

YOU ARE AMAZING! This is beautiful!

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Vawpire [2014-03-30 20:08:01 +0000 UTC]

Simply amazing...

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Aedaen [2014-03-03 16:49:33 +0000 UTC]

Great color, and definitely something that is out of the norm. I love it. lol immediately reminded me of what would happen if a horse and venus fly trap had.....bow chicka wow wow and this is what spawned from that coitus. haha

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happy-horse-for-life [2014-03-01 23:43:23 +0000 UTC]


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AprilSilverWolf [2014-02-28 18:58:38 +0000 UTC]

You have the most...unique ideas lol

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Glaiceana [2014-01-09 18:38:51 +0000 UTC]

Love this painting! Really unique concept, and the colours and surface effects are great!

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SashaGrowlen [2013-12-25 13:59:58 +0000 UTC]

I see it in howrse, too.

I is beautifell!

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xHybridus [2013-11-20 17:58:06 +0000 UTC]

Wow! Absolutely stunning!

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Tija86 [2013-10-14 10:27:34 +0000 UTC]

Ooo I saw this on Howrse, they are awesome

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Arlekin243 [2013-08-26 08:05:55 +0000 UTC]





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lbja728 [2013-08-16 06:39:12 +0000 UTC]


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DragonOfStars [2013-08-05 19:34:34 +0000 UTC]

Я как всегда поражена!   Невероятно, просто невероятно!

Леника, ты настоящий гений!  

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thetravelingbard [2013-07-11 00:39:28 +0000 UTC]

wow, your horses and all these imaginative designs are so cool! Very beautiful!

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AfricDaisy [2013-07-09 07:26:34 +0000 UTC]

Freakishly cool!

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Isadorra [2013-07-01 15:51:10 +0000 UTC]

вау!!! вы должны победить в конкурсе КСК!

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xVenLightChaser [2013-07-01 09:13:12 +0000 UTC]

Amazing work here. The texture is wonderful. Naturally if i see it, i'll vote for it.

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ArsanDasu [2013-06-30 21:01:31 +0000 UTC]

Очень ждал момента увидеть работу фулл...
Завораживает разглядывать детали образа и то, как очень хорошо передана блестящие, гладкие поверхности.

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Lenika86 In reply to ArsanDasu [2013-06-30 23:04:53 +0000 UTC]

Еще раз спасибо)

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VioletWhirlwind [2013-06-30 19:53:52 +0000 UTC]

pitcher plant horse! genius.

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I-psilone [2013-06-30 17:08:11 +0000 UTC]

Awesome! You touch the heart of the flower here <3

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Claire-Lcs [2013-06-30 17:01:34 +0000 UTC]

Soon on Howrse ?

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Lenika86 In reply to Claire-Lcs [2013-06-30 17:25:22 +0000 UTC]


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savage [2013-06-30 16:46:55 +0000 UTC]

i love how fantastically detailed every little thing is on all of your paintings. you are my favorite digital artist, without a doubt. i wish i understood russian as I'm sure you've written this somewhere, but where/why are all of your pieces themed? Are they for classes?

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Lenika86 In reply to savage [2013-07-06 15:25:08 +0000 UTC]

Thanks for kind words! It's really a great pleasure to know my artwork is interesting for other people.

Sorry, don't understand what you mean "themed". If you ask about horses (why most of my works are on them) - they are for a Howrse game. Somehow I concentrated on it...

Sorry if I misunderstood something)

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wszystkojuzzajetelol [2013-06-30 16:03:45 +0000 UTC]

hahaha I don't know why, but this is so hilarious to me!
anyway, grat job, jealous as usual !

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morteraphan [2013-06-30 16:03:13 +0000 UTC]

вот я не фанат реализма, но у вас он получается такой сочный и вкусный (: потрясающе!

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Lenika86 In reply to morteraphan [2013-06-30 16:26:08 +0000 UTC]

Спасибо большое)

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