Leia1987 — Fairies of Elements - Moon

Published: 2009-01-24 09:19:15 +0000 UTC; Views: 1190; Favourites: 12; Downloads: 71
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Description Hi there dears,

My 6th Fairy and fully done, the fairy of the moon(light).
She will watch over us, while we are sleeping and guard the innocent.

Pose: I used a resource found on internet, link does not excist anymore srry..
Colours: Several moon / starlight pictures found on internet + DA.
Tutorial: None
Brushes used: Scully7491 -> Star brushes.
The rest is done all by myself

Time taken: About 15 hours
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Comments: 26

darknessrisingabove [2009-03-18 22:43:59 +0000 UTC]

very beautiful, I like the background and the color's, its well drawn ^^

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Leia1987 In reply to darknessrisingabove [2009-03-18 22:47:44 +0000 UTC]

Thank you sister Yea its a good experiment on purple clouds and stars.

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darknessrisingabove In reply to Leia1987 [2009-03-19 23:26:16 +0000 UTC]

yah ^^

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sarah-reed-richards [2009-02-28 15:36:23 +0000 UTC]

oooh its pretty...and those are my fave colors too!

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Leia1987 In reply to sarah-reed-richards [2009-03-02 01:23:03 +0000 UTC]

More faries will come, i have 12 ideas from which i drew only 6 so far.

Its good to hear your compliment about the colours, i might go do something in those same colour range again.

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sarah-reed-richards In reply to Leia1987 [2009-03-17 05:00:37 +0000 UTC]

yay! keep up the good work

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Leia1987 In reply to sarah-reed-richards [2009-03-17 11:13:51 +0000 UTC]

"Wind / Air" is being made atm Can take up some days / week. But i do my best.

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Seriacles [2009-01-24 19:56:07 +0000 UTC]

I really like this! Nicely done!

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Leia1987 In reply to Seriacles [2009-01-25 02:10:51 +0000 UTC]

Aww thanks dear i hope you're doing still good in there too

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josesephiroth [2009-01-24 18:17:06 +0000 UTC]

very good job ^^

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Leia1987 In reply to josesephiroth [2009-01-25 02:10:37 +0000 UTC]

thanks dear i really appreciate it

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Leia1987 In reply to josesephiroth [2009-01-24 19:34:13 +0000 UTC]

aww thanks its finished at last!

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Jen-Foxworth [2009-01-24 13:29:54 +0000 UTC]

ooo how very pretty!

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Leia1987 In reply to Jen-Foxworth [2009-01-24 13:34:41 +0000 UTC]

Aww thanks dear I really appreciate your oppinion

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Jen-Foxworth In reply to Leia1987 [2009-01-24 13:42:07 +0000 UTC]

np. hows the rp on the starwars chat room going? I've been so busy with commissions I don't have much time for rp anymore, I miss it dearly

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Leia1987 In reply to Jen-Foxworth [2009-01-24 19:34:58 +0000 UTC]

It goes really good, i only wished myself i had some commissions too. How about we trade huh?

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Jen-Foxworth In reply to Leia1987 [2009-01-25 12:51:01 +0000 UTC]

hmmm sure sounds good. trade okeydokey. I only do pencil work in trades, is that alright with you?

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Leia1987 In reply to Jen-Foxworth [2009-01-25 13:45:19 +0000 UTC]

Yea sounds good i do both pencil and digital arts. But only my pencil arts do screw on me, thats why i switch to digital.

So go ahead and make the offer, you can note me too if you feel more comfortable or search me in the DA chatrooms.

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Jen-Foxworth In reply to Leia1987 [2009-01-25 13:52:01 +0000 UTC]

either way doesn't matter to me lol. If you want to make the one you make me digital or pencil either way is fine. If it's digital I'll work mine to a higher quality and shade the pencil into detail more. What would you like?

I was thinking for me... This red bunny dressed all sith like, with red lightsaber, and evilness. Heheh is a joke me and him have going lol. BTW his hair is in a braid, not a ponytail. He doesn't have to be sega style, if you aren't comfortable with seganess. He can be humanoid anthro if you wish.

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Leia1987 In reply to Jen-Foxworth [2009-01-25 15:30:07 +0000 UTC]

Allright i give it a shot, digital

For my art trade, yea ony of my Jedi Chars (Leia, Shii or Mayu) would be prefered to make. All are human but Leia and Shii have tails, Mayu has 2 horns on top of her head.

[ Mayu
New Year Leia + SHii
[link] ]

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Jen-Foxworth In reply to Leia1987 [2009-01-25 15:37:13 +0000 UTC]

alrighty then I'll give it a go.

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tyrannusBE [2009-01-24 11:18:56 +0000 UTC]

I see how you did the part realistic, part more manga-ish here, it really pays off
love the suggested moon's face, oh and the dress xD

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Leia1987 In reply to tyrannusBE [2009-01-24 11:23:38 +0000 UTC]

Thanks a lot dear . IN fact i tried to draw her less manga in here, i even made the eyes way smaller as i planned them to be .

And i tried to 'lay' around with the clouds and dress too ad some more details and push some level behond. Thanks a lot dear

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tyrannusBE In reply to Leia1987 [2009-01-24 11:28:29 +0000 UTC]

any time

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warui-shoujo [2009-01-24 09:30:49 +0000 UTC]

Nice job Leia! The background is great, I can tell you used layers! Your shading is coming along rather nicely and your choice in colors matches nicely! I like lighter outlines on her wings, its a nice touch. And I like how you created the clouds! That's pretty cool! I never thought to use the smudge tool in such a way.

Just 2 things, I noticed that you are trying for the flowing effect with her hair, I think that the portion of her hair on the top left (the top part waving in the wind) seems to have too much hair there. Perhaps erasing some of it away in a curved portion to still show that her hair is in the wind but also it flows nicely with the shape of her head. Lastly the moon: it seems a bit soft on the edges compared to the fairy and the background. Perhaps using a smaller brush and painting the edges a bit "harder" in terms of opacity and the shape of the brush.

Other than that, awesome job!

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Leia1987 In reply to warui-shoujo [2009-01-24 11:22:21 +0000 UTC]

thanks a lot for your comment. I'll certainly work on it.

I didnt seen those things you suggested, its cool to see some other point of view. many thanks dear

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