LechuguitaReverde — Bayushi Paneki

Published: 2008-10-15 23:19:30 +0000 UTC; Views: 3257; Favourites: 37; Downloads: 0
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Description Here you have a sexy vision of Bayushi Paneki, the champion of the Scorpion clan in the role playing card game "Legend of the Five Rings".

He's like saying "I'm too sexy for your deck"

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Comments: 30

AshielNeronamyde [2011-09-18 09:17:32 +0000 UTC]

Good art. )

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LechuguitaReverde In reply to AshielNeronamyde [2011-09-18 12:36:18 +0000 UTC]

thanks so much my dear!

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NobodyPowersNothing [2010-07-12 20:50:08 +0000 UTC]

This makes me even happier to be a Scorpion.

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LechuguitaReverde In reply to NobodyPowersNothing [2010-07-12 21:37:38 +0000 UTC]

you'd like to be the one he's making the show for, ain't I right??

thanks for the comment and I'm so glad you like it

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NobodyPowersNothing In reply to LechuguitaReverde [2010-07-12 21:43:19 +0000 UTC]


But I have my eye on a different scorpion and I have a Crab warrior who does what I ask.

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LechuguitaReverde In reply to NobodyPowersNothing [2010-07-12 21:50:56 +0000 UTC]

I play a sexy crane that is all yumm!

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NobodyPowersNothing In reply to LechuguitaReverde [2010-07-12 21:54:11 +0000 UTC]


I usually LARP, but not as often as I want and I will admit, I'm still a noob when it comes to L5R.

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LechuguitaReverde In reply to NobodyPowersNothing [2010-07-12 22:53:43 +0000 UTC]

I'm a complete noob as well... I have the character created, but never had much the time to play it....
sigh how I wish I was able to...
by now my poor Hiro sure is covered in ages of dust and cobwebs...

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NobodyPowersNothing In reply to LechuguitaReverde [2010-07-13 00:47:10 +0000 UTC]

I had to change characters for this year because I was given a Shugenja character sheet, and I kept it for once.

But my friends helped me design my character and I helped design theirs, hopefully we'll cosplay them soon. :3

My friend actually has to keep hers, since she's now the Lily Champion, no joke.

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LechuguitaReverde In reply to NobodyPowersNothing [2010-07-13 14:17:20 +0000 UTC]

Mine is an artisan of the crane clan, specialising in origami that he can bring to life.
I choose crane mainly by aestethics XD 'cause that was a clan that let me have a white haired character rofl

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NobodyPowersNothing In reply to LechuguitaReverde [2010-07-13 18:43:21 +0000 UTC]

Wow. I only chose the Scorpion clan because I can use their backgrounds to my advantage.
and Lol. I like white hair, but not that much to be in the crane clan.

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LechuguitaReverde In reply to NobodyPowersNothing [2010-07-13 20:48:56 +0000 UTC]

white long hair... I think it's one of my fetishes lol

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NobodyPowersNothing In reply to LechuguitaReverde [2010-07-13 21:02:00 +0000 UTC]

I prefer darker hair

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DomoVentriloquist [2009-12-02 10:52:41 +0000 UTC]

Oh my, and here I was thinking he couldn't get any more sexy.

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LechuguitaReverde In reply to DomoVentriloquist [2009-12-02 22:37:46 +0000 UTC]

a sexy man can always be sexier!
I'm glad you like it!

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Dunkelarie [2008-12-09 17:28:19 +0000 UTC]

Pos no se quien es xD pero ni falta que hace saberlo pa ver lo wenorro que te ha quedado jejeje me gusta el volumen que le pones a las lineas, aun sin sombras queda muy muy chulo.

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LechuguitaReverde In reply to Dunkelarie [2008-12-09 23:18:52 +0000 UTC]

es volumen de las líneas es simplemente gracias a la sensibilidad de la wacom...
ala, babéalo un ratico que seguro se deja XD

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Noe-Izumi [2008-10-20 15:23:05 +0000 UTC]

Me gusta como lo has coloreado, que contraste mas chulo hace

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LechuguitaReverde In reply to Noe-Izumi [2008-10-20 22:00:26 +0000 UTC]

me gusta mucho que te guste!

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Lauralanthalasa [2008-10-19 17:58:08 +0000 UTC]

arf arff chechy chechy mami xD

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Froda-Stoney [2008-10-18 20:56:38 +0000 UTC]

Si t'he de ser sincera... no m'agrada.

Encara k l'entintat i els detalls són, he de reconèixe-ho, espectaculars (amb majúscules) i els acabats són molt bons, la postura és fluixa (tot i k s'intueix el que volies fer i només li trobo un parell de coses a reajustar. I no em diguis k la vas fer amb model i k "ja era així", perkè k la vas fer amb model ja ho sé, però entendre la postura no implica k s'interpreti bé ). Tot i k, individualment, pit i braços (per una vegada a la vida no m'he de queixar dels sobacos a prendre pel cul, k sempre t'ho dic xD) i tors estan MOLT bé, en conjunt no estan tan ben aconseguits. M'explico: el pit segueix una direcció i la panxa segueix un eix diferent. I el resultat és una postura estranya o un tio de goma.
M'agrada molt el braç del que es veu la mà, i la mà. Els colors són pocs però molt ben triats i posats, i la manera de pintar-ho li dóna un toc especial. Els cabells també m'agraden força. Però la part més fluixa és l'escorç de la cara, no està ben resolt (tot i k comprenc k és molt difícil, k t'he de dir jo...). La part de sota la cara es veu, o sigui k la té una mica aixecada, però la cara en canvi està dibuixada com si la miressis en un angle normal, i l'ull sembla vist des de dalt. Falta la tipica "deformació" facial que demana l'angle, ja saps, trets de la cara més junts, les fosses nasals vistes més bé, i l'ull amb una inclinació diferent.

Ho sento noia, però si no et comento també et queixes... i ja saps que jo, mentir-te, no ho faré

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LechuguitaReverde In reply to Froda-Stoney [2008-10-18 21:36:29 +0000 UTC]

l'home aquet val a dir que es un fràquesteinsensien.... el tors si que era propi d'un model... i si, l'home era una mica com bastant de goma... era el que hi va haver al cercle artístic de sant lluc mentre jo tenia la beca.
pro els braços, cara (que no coll) i potes... pos se l'hi han afegit per cirugia perque clar, si no el kemoño no li quedava ben posat i no lluia XDDDDDDDDDDDD
i la cara.... be, com diu la Cris.... te cara de Mario Conde XD

M'agrada que t'agradi l'efecte tot i que no t'agradi el dibuix (if yu nou uat ai mín)

P.D: en lloc d'entintat, al pruspipi del teu comment... no havia llegit tal qual i l'entintat a la meva ment de neurona rebotante.... he llegit ENTITAT XD i m'he quedat una mica... EIN?????

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Froda-Stoney In reply to LechuguitaReverde [2008-10-18 22:17:12 +0000 UTC]

Ai nou güat iú mín

T'entenc, t'entenc... Autopista/autòsia....

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Bayra [2008-10-16 14:04:04 +0000 UTC]

jajajaja que grande es el señor Pineki XD

ya sabes que me mola mucho como que ha quedao chula!!

esa cara que tiene de malvao "por que yo lo valgo" y que tiene un aire así como a Mario Conde... XD

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descanso In reply to Bayra [2008-10-16 14:24:32 +0000 UTC]

Que no lo propondremos para el próximo anuncio de L'Oreal?

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Bayra In reply to descanso [2008-10-16 14:33:37 +0000 UTC]

le falta algo mas de melena al viento para eso XDDD, pero no seria mal candidato eh?? XDDDD

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Shiuman [2008-10-16 12:18:49 +0000 UTC]

és gayer. obviament.

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LechuguitaReverde In reply to Shiuman [2008-10-16 18:59:44 +0000 UTC]

efestiviwonder, non podia ser d'altra manera!

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descanso [2008-10-16 10:44:07 +0000 UTC]

Genial, nena, et GENIAL. Et dec una samarreta (o vàries) i un sopar .. Gràcies, de veritat, t'ho has currat. Impressionant i violeibol

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LechuguitaReverde In reply to descanso [2008-10-16 19:00:52 +0000 UTC]

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