Published: 2013-03-06 23:24:16 +0000 UTC; Views: 9690; Favourites: 555; Downloads: 67
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Tumblr - [link]I just finished the game OFF. Oh my, I just loved this game. I don’t understand a part of it but it was cool and I’ll play it again because it appears I don’t have seen some things (like, hu, a giant whale ? How did I do to not see it ?) and the history is just so sad. The child, Hugo, seem to be an important character though, but we can only makes theories about it. If you have some, please tell me, because I want to know more about the characters and I’m curious to know what other fans think about it. (btw my fav character is Zacharie -like majority of people??-, his voice and all miaou made me laugh for hours)
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Comments: 21
deerpilot [2014-12-12 15:22:31 +0000 UTC]
This video explains the whole game m.youtube.com/watch?v=y_LjI8mz…
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artlover44433 [2014-12-12 12:48:37 +0000 UTC]
I've heard the theory that the whole story is a representation of someone's (probably hugo's) last days of being in a coma and all the zones being purified are his organs being shut off one by one as they pull the plug.
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valkyrieryan13 [2013-08-15 19:51:14 +0000 UTC]
Giant whale ... I guess they were in the basement, from zone 2 .. ...
Zacharie is cute ... Dedan looks awesome, but I always consider him scary >w<
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talesofthechameleon [2013-04-24 02:49:26 +0000 UTC]
I personally feel as if the batter was one of the common people himself that had suffered from a lack of sugar, that is why he is acting all like he was sent on a quest and..and.. Yeah.
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Star--Stuff [2013-03-27 05:56:55 +0000 UTC]
Personally, to me, I kinda think that he was another part of the Batter. For a while, I thought "The Room" was actually another thing you figured out about Zacharie (since the calender page said his name), but I learned that the whole level was like a blast into the Batter's old memories. It just broke my heart to kill the Judge, and to figure out what Batter/I was actually doing to the world. (As much as I like destruction, that world was too badass.) So I did both endings, because I wanted to be on Judge's side first. But I enjoyed the game, and Zacharie is my favorite, too, next to the Judge. I loved his voice. XD
Thanks for reading my musings, if you did. I just love Off.
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silenced-echo [2013-03-14 19:16:38 +0000 UTC]
<3 j'adooooore tes dessins comme ça !!!!!!!! >w< Dis, tu veux vraiment pas poster quelques pages de ton carnet? même en scraps ? *o*
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Laureth-dk In reply to silenced-echo [2013-03-14 23:20:14 +0000 UTC]
Merci ! >w< Ah, en scraps, j'y avais pas pensé! C'est une bonne idée x3
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silenced-echo In reply to Laureth-dk [2013-03-25 13:09:05 +0000 UTC]
Owiiiiiiii plus de dessins!!!!! ^^
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Laureth-dk In reply to silenced-echo [2013-03-25 22:19:08 +0000 UTC]
Mon dieu tellement de messages %)
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silenced-echo In reply to Laureth-dk [2013-03-28 10:21:10 +0000 UTC]
Wii ! Je suis en retard dans mes alertes, je me rattrape ! ^^
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legarsraide [2013-03-07 03:14:28 +0000 UTC]
jamais entendu parlé de ce jeu, mais le boulot est la en tout cas
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KrowLethal [2013-03-07 01:24:57 +0000 UTC]
Amazing sketches. O_O I especially love everyone you did here and how you've portrayed the Queen.. I almost can't understand what she looks like in the game because of her add ons.
My favorite has to be Dedan. He looks so stubborn& mad here, though he's vulgar I still like him. XD
I think the theory I had for Hugo is that, everyone in the zones(mainly the Queen, the Guardians and their "children" aka Elsens), they've all created these places just for him but Batter ends up screwing it up.(what was suppose to be required for him was to get rid of spectres, but he takes everyone is impure to him and he goes on a killing spree), Hugo was kept in his room because besides being ill, everyone else was busy setting up the zones for the party(the queen mentioned this) to surprise Hugo.. even if they got a little bit corrupted, but maybe it's because of too much stress in creating the zones.
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Laureth-dk In reply to KrowLethal [2013-03-07 23:09:22 +0000 UTC]
I'm glad you like it. ^^
I think the Queen is really beautiful, and her
add ons are cools during the battle. <3 Dedan is one of my
favourite too (he scares me at first but.. xD)
Yes I think it's an interesting theory, I just had to think about the party.. did
the batter appears to "purifies" people only because the child was alone due
to everyone just busy about it ?
Also it just broke my heart when the batter needs to kill Hugo (his son?)
I have to re-play it, need some informations >w< thank you for your comment !
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KrowLethal In reply to Laureth-dk [2013-03-08 01:05:28 +0000 UTC]
Of course.
Yeah, I mean Batter did procreate with her, so there's something that Batter felt BEFORE. ;u;
Haha, I wasn't scared much of Dedan, I knew he was starting to gain my interests the further I play.
The big party was suppose to be set on Zone 2(especially the ones with the roller coaster and the pedalo ride). No, I think the Batter just had some mental disorder, and I suppose what triggers him to purify everyone was because he views them as impure. He was suppose to purify the spectres ONLY, but he sees the zones as impure and the only way to have it his way is to kill off the guardians..(FFFF- Batter, how could you do this to Dedan. >8C)
Yep. That's his son. ;A; When I realized that the boy was harmless I couldn't execute an action to kill him, I left it to Auto instead..
And you're very welcome~!! ;;v;;
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TheBatter In reply to KrowLethal [2013-03-17 21:16:26 +0000 UTC]
It was all necessary. I, the most impure of all. In the end, i fixed it. I needed to. With the switch, i purified the last thing that needed to be pure. Myself.
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KrowLethal In reply to TheBatter [2013-03-18 02:54:08 +0000 UTC]
I guess... it's for the good of everyone, isn't it?
But dude.. we've all done it for the damn space apes. T_T
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