Published: 2011-04-11 03:22:27 +0000 UTC; Views: 1045; Favourites: 24; Downloads: 11
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well lol here I amthis was an assignment for my digital colour class, a self portrait with textures and custom brushes.
this was a traced photo a friend took me a year ago, I have changed a bit since then, I´ve lost a few pounds and my hair is not awesome, red and curly anymore u,u but I like that picture lol. but well, as I said this was a traced photo and coloured in photoshop.
this was a little complicated to do on a personal level, a year ago I was working on another (also schoolwork) self portrait with a picture of the same photo session, and around the same time my grandmother died, she didn´t even remembered my name anymore but she always called me "my little artist" she was very supportive and caring. I started this a few days ago and it was this drawing what made me realize a year has already passed and how fast it happened, it also made me realize how much I miss her and how life still goes on even when our most beloved friends and relatives die, well, enough of this emo crap lol, I hope you guys like it (: and have an amazing weekend
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Comments: 30
Bezmo [2011-08-16 03:02:43 +0000 UTC]
beautiful!! love the texture and feel of the painting too
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lasuricata In reply to Bezmo [2011-08-16 21:28:28 +0000 UTC]
thank you (: I am glad you liked it!
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Kaernen [2011-05-02 09:11:56 +0000 UTC]
I think it's SO beautiful. There is such emotion in the pose and the downcast eyes.
I'm sorry to hear about your Grandmother, but I imagine you'll always feel a special bond to her through your art, which was something special between you. That's not emo. That's remembering.
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lasuricata In reply to Kaernen [2011-05-02 21:39:37 +0000 UTC]
it wasn´t like a special bond because she never had an especial interest in art, but she was very supportive and it made me feel good that she remembered me, maybe not by name but she knew who I was (:
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Kaernen In reply to lasuricata [2011-05-05 08:19:07 +0000 UTC]
I didn't mean a shared art interest was the bond, but that that was how she remembered you, and how you now remember her remembering you. So your art triggers thoughts of her and that's the bond.
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lasuricata In reply to Kaernen [2011-05-05 16:13:55 +0000 UTC]
ahhh kk I dind´t understand it the first time lol, I think I´m not as good in english as I thought, but yeah, you´re right (:
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Kaernen In reply to lasuricata [2011-05-05 21:30:09 +0000 UTC]
Propably I'M not as good at English as I thought It was a looong weird explanation.
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lasuricata In reply to Kaernen [2011-05-31 04:21:08 +0000 UTC]
sorry for replying late, you know how school is, and don´t worry, your english is great, it´s me the one who gets confused every once in a while
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olimto [2011-04-11 20:45:31 +0000 UTC]
Osea como agarraste una foto y le pusiste cosas mágicas encima o pintaste aparte, ya sabes ke uno ke no es letrado pues no sabe jajajaja
Se ve bien shido
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lasuricata In reply to olimto [2011-04-11 21:16:33 +0000 UTC]
jeje no, has de cuenta que tomas la foto, en un layer encima trazas el contorno y luego ya lo coloreas, usando la foto como referencia
como te fue en el vive?
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olimto In reply to lasuricata [2011-04-12 17:50:48 +0000 UTC]
No manches esta entonces excelente!!!
Pues shido, muy entretenido, vi a Caifanes, ya no canta nada, no tocan tan chido, pero la huella ke han dejado es lo ke prendió a la gente jajaja mis favoritos:
Los Daniels y Los Bunkers
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lasuricata In reply to olimto [2011-04-15 18:51:21 +0000 UTC]
aaaa los bunkers!! cuales tocaron??
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olimto In reply to lasuricata [2011-04-15 19:53:01 +0000 UTC]
mientele, ahora que no estas, ven aqui, quien fuera jajajaja tuvo chevere jejeje
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athenapallas87 [2011-04-11 07:34:12 +0000 UTC]
There's a very sweet sadness to this that I like--both in the expression and the choice of textures and colors. Also, really wonderful detailing with the shirt and jewelry.
The only thing I can see that isn't quite right is the hand seems to have much less texture/color/detail than the rest of the portrait. There should be more shadows, particularly on the fingers.
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lasuricata In reply to athenapallas87 [2011-04-11 19:36:23 +0000 UTC]
thanks for the comment and critique, also I am glad you liked the colour selection because I wasn´t sure if I made the right desition
about the hand I think you´re right, to tell the truth I didn´t had a clear idea about how to finish it and I guess it´s quite obvious that I got frustrated halfway and didn´t end up good at all, I will add more shadows to see if it can help, do you have another advice?
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athenapallas87 In reply to lasuricata [2011-04-12 00:05:34 +0000 UTC]
I understand. There are times when I get very frustrated with doing a small piece after spending hours and hours on the rest, but it is important to finish thing as much as you can. But, it's okay to take a break from it, too! I think it'd be good if you worked on adding more shadows and light for more realism in the fingers and on the hand.
The only other advice that comes to mind would be to add in a little more highlights into the hair, to better distinguish the strands, and to create more sense of movement. They don't have to be a lot. A little bit of light can go a long way in dark hair! But, since the light feels very strong on the body, it feels like there could be more light in the hair to show it off a little more.
Again, me gustan los colores y las texturas! They were good decisions.
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lasuricata In reply to athenapallas87 [2011-04-15 18:54:43 +0000 UTC]
wow do you speak spanish?? I didn't knew that! kewl (:
about your advices you are right, leaving a work unfinished just because you get frustrated it gives it an unprofessional look, the best thing one can do is leave it for a while and finish it later, and I think that's what I am going to do, now that my spring vacations are about to start I have enough time to finish and re-upload this c:
thank you!
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ThereminStudio [2011-04-11 05:56:16 +0000 UTC]
Quedo bien, y sip se se te notan los kilos menos en la actualidad,
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Conejita-Ginny [2011-04-11 04:25:18 +0000 UTC]
Aún recuerdo cuando hace años me mostraste una foto tuya abrazando a un Kero, que tiempos aquellos, ahora eres toda una mujer hermosa
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lasuricata In reply to Conejita-Ginny [2011-04-11 19:37:56 +0000 UTC]
uuuuu esa foto es de la secundaria!!! ya llovio jeje, hace como 7-8 años que me la tome O_o jaja gracias (:
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Aiko-Setsu [2011-04-11 03:41:15 +0000 UTC]
ya te lo dije pero neta me gusto un buen!!!!!!! me gustan los colores, las texturas (again no estoy segura del brush de la piel) peor me gusto un buen!!!!!! siento que tambien como nos conocemos esta se me hace muy personal y le tengo cariño te quiero manta
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lasuricata In reply to Aiko-Setsu [2011-04-11 19:37:11 +0000 UTC]
awww manta, yo tambien te quiero (: me emociona que te haya gustado q
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Aiko-Setsu In reply to lasuricata [2011-04-12 03:16:34 +0000 UTC]
jaja emocionese manta! a mi me gusto un chorro!
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lasuricata In reply to Aiko-Setsu [2011-04-12 16:23:08 +0000 UTC]
yeyy!!!!, by the way la q era por que iba a decir algo pero el internet se puso loco y ya no se que iba a decir xD se me olvido
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Aiko-Setsu In reply to lasuricata [2011-04-14 19:13:22 +0000 UTC]
jajaja super lol con tu memoria...pero tmb asi es la mia ;B
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lasuricata In reply to Aiko-Setsu [2011-04-15 18:48:57 +0000 UTC]
lol que bueno que no soy la unica!
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