Published: 2010-06-21 20:55:02 +0000 UTC; Views: 740; Favourites: 15; Downloads: 0
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The last new character I'm planning to introduce for a while. Be nice to him, people, he wants to make friends.This is Simon, who I have mentioned already to a couple of people - he is Lindsey's bodyguard, originally from Ireland, though he's been in London since he was a teenager. These days Simon is an affable, modest, very down to earth, take-each-day-as-it-comes kind of guy, with a mild sarcasm people often find disarming. He is loyal, discreet and very capable at what he does. However, he has a violent past, one he's afraid even now he may not have entirely overcome...
Simon also has a less shady secret. He's a novellist... of romance novels! The bodice ripper kind you find in charity shops for ten pence, set in palaces and castles in made up European countries with Mary Sue heroines being seduced by wicked yet devilishly attractive counts and barons. The kind Melody reads^^ As for how Simon came to this strange career path, that's another story for another day. He writes under the pseudonym "Savannah Temple" and finds it all highly amusing.
PS - I don't think he really carries a gun around. This is England after all. But he does know how to use one.
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Comments: 57
Larissa-Bright In reply to ??? [2010-08-24 09:12:01 +0000 UTC]
I'm glad you like Simon He seems to be quite popular in my gallry
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geralin In reply to Larissa-Bright [2010-08-25 14:56:25 +0000 UTC]
Oh no Others like him, too? He's miiiine
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Larissa-Bright In reply to geralin [2010-08-25 19:54:05 +0000 UTC]
Haha, if you want him you might have to fight others. He's quite popular (not sure why, but he is!).
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geralin In reply to Larissa-Bright [2010-08-26 15:37:56 +0000 UTC]
Noooo... I'm not good at fighting.
But that won't mean I won't try
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LisaTelramor [2010-07-28 17:36:02 +0000 UTC]
Somehow you managed to make him appear both laid back and a tough guy. The smile is a bit disarming, I suppose. Posture proclaims confidence and the knowledge that he could beat you up. Face shows amusement at whatever situation he might be in. I have a feeling I'm going to really like his character.
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Larissa-Bright In reply to LisaTelramor [2010-07-29 10:18:04 +0000 UTC]
That's a fairly accurate summary of Simon, I think. It's just the angst that doesn't show through in this picture^^
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ErinKerr [2010-07-07 03:42:57 +0000 UTC]
With a face like that...he'll have plenty of friends in no time. XD *squees*
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Larissa-Bright In reply to ErinKerr [2010-07-08 22:29:05 +0000 UTC]
Good. I like Simon so I want for him to have friends
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ErinKerr In reply to Larissa-Bright [2010-07-09 23:48:53 +0000 UTC]
Well count me in as one.
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Ardanae [2010-06-27 12:15:55 +0000 UTC]
He has the face for a romantic novelist, if you ask me^^. I quite like his features and I think they match in nicely with this character.
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Larissa-Bright In reply to Ardanae [2010-06-29 08:31:32 +0000 UTC]
Thank you! I was trying to differentiate his features a little, so I'm glad you like them.
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suzux [2010-06-26 12:50:42 +0000 UTC]
An Irish man that writes romance novels...? Be still my heart! lol
A handsome design, both with features and the casual appearance. It's amazing how smooth and rich this piece works.
:3 Plus colored outlines! Woo! What mediums did you use for this?
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Larissa-Bright In reply to suzux [2010-06-26 21:36:22 +0000 UTC]
It is indeed a bit of a killer combination.
This is all done in Letraset Promarkers, with the lineart done in Faber Castell PITT pens. Most of my pieces are done this way^^
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calicokatt [2010-06-26 11:45:28 +0000 UTC]
*giggles* I personally love romance novels. Well, I love romantic comedies, sometimes romance novels get a little dry, mostly because they have the same plot all the time lol XD Awww but I love him so far! Can't wait to see more of him! I totally love his outfit here! Great job here as always Your colouring always makes me go EEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!! Great job!
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Larissa-Bright In reply to calicokatt [2010-06-26 21:35:38 +0000 UTC]
The outfit's a bit temporary as I'm yet to figure out his style, but glad you like so far!
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1Rusty [2010-06-23 15:59:36 +0000 UTC]
ooooh I LIKE. *joins the simon fanclub as well*
also this pic is very well-done symbolizing his past and present or something, with the dark background that reminds me of some kind of shady red-light club in a back alley contrasting interestingly with his nice, honest, sweet face... if I passed this guy on the street I totally wouldn't think bodyguard.
his eyes look so calm and gentle... and I just wanna fluff his hair
savannah temple...
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Larissa-Bright In reply to 1Rusty [2010-06-24 21:00:19 +0000 UTC]
I had a feeling people might like Simon
Simon relies on his general friendly vibe and inocuousness to be the perfect bodyguard. He can get less nice when required^^
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Merenwen-luinwee [2010-06-23 10:01:39 +0000 UTC]
he looks edable *noms*
I love the hairdo and the whole feeling you created with the background and such. He looks like the friendly bouncer for that club in the background anyway.... beware Hugh, this one might over trow your populairity
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Larissa-Bright In reply to Merenwen-luinwee [2010-06-24 20:59:34 +0000 UTC]
Simon does have a bit of a friendly bouncer vibe, yeah!
Hugh can cope with some competition, I'm sure. He's had it easy way too long
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Merenwen-luinwee In reply to Larissa-Bright [2010-06-24 23:00:57 +0000 UTC]
I agree
hugh is getting spoiled.
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Larissa-Bright In reply to Merenwen-luinwee [2010-06-26 21:59:44 +0000 UTC]
Some healthy competition will do Hugh no harm. I myself will be delighted to be able to have some more male characters I can draw^^
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Merenwen-luinwee In reply to Larissa-Bright [2010-06-27 09:53:31 +0000 UTC]
haha, I have the opposite problem... I need more women.
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BecSparrow [2010-06-22 21:01:57 +0000 UTC]
Irish... Tousley hair... Romance writer.. oh man he's gorgeous! What's not to love? 8D
I really like his design (especially the hairrrrr) and I think he looks rather sharp in that jacket! Oooh looks like Hugh may need to move over as Gina's sexiest character |D <3
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Larissa-Bright In reply to BecSparrow [2010-06-22 21:27:00 +0000 UTC]
I haven't quite worked out his dress sense yet, but I figure if you're a lawyer's bodyguard you'd be required to dress smart.
Poor Hugh will be heartbroken if his Gina's sexiest character crown gets stolen! D:
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BecSparrow In reply to Larissa-Bright [2010-06-22 21:28:57 +0000 UTC]
*giggles* Awww Hugh... If only you too had a sexy irish accent <33
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Larissa-Bright In reply to BecSparrow [2010-06-22 21:30:23 +0000 UTC]
Sadly true! Though, Hugh would argue Irish accents are SORELY overrated. XD
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keh-arts [2010-06-22 17:14:40 +0000 UTC]
He's sexy. I like his gloves
I once heard that a lot or those trashy romance writers (like Mills & Boon books) are actually men writing under female pseudonyms!
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Larissa-Bright In reply to keh-arts [2010-06-22 21:25:50 +0000 UTC]
I really would not be surprised if those Mills and Boons writers are all men, or all strange people hiding under pseudonyms! I find it kind of fascinating.
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irinarichards [2010-06-22 09:23:14 +0000 UTC]
Hehe, every tough guy has GOT to have a soft spot!
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Larissa-Bright In reply to irinarichards [2010-06-22 16:19:58 +0000 UTC]
Ooh yeah, otherwise they're boring. Romance novels is a better soft spot than a tattoo saying "I love my mum" somewhere
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Chenria [2010-06-22 07:31:38 +0000 UTC]
He is AWESOME!!! I love him so much already and his "dark secret" is so so so adorable
(I must admit I read a couple of such novels in the past, too XDD so I think it's great XDD)
And he looks so cute his hair is awesome, and I like his face
he is really awesome and I'm curious to see more of him
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Larissa-Bright In reply to Chenria [2010-06-22 16:29:35 +0000 UTC]
I'm so glad you like him - I thought you might from our early discussions about the bodyguard character. I find those types of romance novel really funny - they're not "Good" litterature but loads of people get pleasure from them
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Chenria In reply to Larissa-Bright [2010-06-22 17:15:54 +0000 UTC]
you're most welcome
He is even more lovely than I imagined him to be :3
And I liked reading that kind of romance novels in exam times. They were not demanding and a happy ending was kind of guaranteed XDD and someone has to write them. So why not Simon
And my mother and my grandmother like to read these novels, too XDD
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Larissa-Bright In reply to Chenria [2010-06-22 19:41:15 +0000 UTC]
You are too kind!
I think loads of students read those kinds of romance novels - we sold many of them when I worked in a charity shop and apparently it was mostly to students. I don't mind them myself I think Simon enjoys writing the kind that have a bit more action and adventure and bodice ripping in them
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Chenria In reply to Larissa-Bright [2010-06-22 20:18:01 +0000 UTC]
Then Simon writes the kind I liked to read the most XDDD I think students need something "easy to read" in between all the uni papers and demanding books XD
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Larissa-Bright In reply to Chenria [2010-06-22 21:18:19 +0000 UTC]
Oh absolutely. Students are stressed enough without having to read difficult fiction!
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NuBearEull [2010-06-22 07:09:02 +0000 UTC]
I like him!! And his little secret makes him all the better. (He also makes sure Lindsey is around and I am very thankful for that!!) I'm looking forward to seeing more of him!
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Larissa-Bright In reply to NuBearEull [2010-06-22 16:28:28 +0000 UTC]
I thought Simon could have a harmless little secret you wouldn't expect to make him fun. Happy you like!
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Igloinor [2010-06-22 05:20:36 +0000 UTC]
He is so cute with this small pistol Tender smile and nice info about, I think I like him very much
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Larissa-Bright In reply to Igloinor [2010-06-22 16:27:53 +0000 UTC]
The badly drawn pistol I am really glad you like him!
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CarrieExMachina [2010-06-22 02:09:05 +0000 UTC]
He has a decidedly likable face. I also really like the way you did the pinstripes on his suit jacket :3
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Larissa-Bright In reply to CarrieExMachina [2010-06-22 16:20:42 +0000 UTC]
Thank you! I intended him to be likeable. The pinstripes are actually just done with the pen I coloured most of the suit jacket with.
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CarnelianKey [2010-06-22 01:58:21 +0000 UTC]
Oh, my - curly dark hair! Amber eyes! Disarming smile! Pinstriped coat! Good-natured sarcasm! Secrets! I think I'm in love. The juxtaposition between his friendly smile and outgoing pose and the gun at his belt does a really excellent job of summing up what you've told of his character. <3 I like him.
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Larissa-Bright In reply to CarnelianKey [2010-06-22 16:27:26 +0000 UTC]
Brilliant, you always read pictures so well! I wanted there to be this ooh-err kind of difference between the smile and the gun and you picked up on that.
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LtCloud9 [2010-06-22 01:39:26 +0000 UTC]
What a cutiepie!
It's interesting to see more characters in Lindsey's circle. And I find it amusing that he secretly writes romance novels! XD
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