LADAlbarran2001 — Carrillo Puerto Formation

#carcharhinus #draw #drawing #megalodon #miocene #paleoart #prehistoric #seacreatures #shark #galeocerdo #pliocene #carcharhinusleucas #prehistoricshark #hemipristis #carcharoclesmegalodon #cosmopolitodus #otodusmegalodon #xenosiren #xenosirenyucateca
Published: 2022-10-31 08:16:59 +0000 UTC; Views: 9394; Favourites: 194; Downloads: 21
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Description La Formación Carrillo Puerto es una formación geológica localizada en la Península de Yucatán, que comprende los estados de Quintana Roo, Campeche y Yucatán, la cual está situada en el Neógeno, durante Mioceno y Plioceno: entre hace 10,3 y 3,6 millones de años antes del presente. Esta formación está conformada por 2 localidades fósiles situadas en el estado de Yucatán; el Cenote Kambul al Norte de Mérida y Rancho Chapas cercano a Tizimín, en estos sitios se han encontrado restos fósiles animales marinos, que incluyen 4 tipos de dientes de tiburones y restos fragmentados de 2 sirenios descritos por primera vez así, así como otros 2 previamente conocidos:

Xenosiren yucateca
Rancho Chapas:
Corystosiren varguezi 

Galeocerdo sp.
Carcharocles megalodon // Otodus megalodon
Isurus hastalis // Cosmopolitodus hastalis
Carcharhinus leucas

Rancho Chapas: 
Dioplotherium sp. 
Nanosiren cf N. garciae

Esta formación se encontraba en un mar poco profundo durante el Mioceno y Plioceno, el cual se secó con el inicio de la era glacial durante el Pleistoceno temprano. 

The Carrillo Puerto Formation is a geological formation located in the Yucatan Peninsula, which includes the states of Quintana Roo, Campeche and Yucatan, which is located in the Neogene, during the Miocene and Pliocene: between 10.3 and 3.6 million years ago. of years before the present. This formation is made up of 2 fossil localities located in the state of Yucatan; the Cenote Kambul north of Mérida and Rancho Chapas near Tizimin, in these sites marine animal fossil remains have been found, including 4 types of shark teeth and fragmented remains of 2 sirenians described for the first time in this way, as well as 2 others previously acquaintances:

Xenosiren yucateca
Rancho Chapas:
Corystosiren varguezi

Galeocerdo sp.
Carcharocles megalodon // Otodus megalodon
Isurus hastalis // Cosmopolitodus hastalis
Carcharhinus leucas

Rancho Chapas:
Dioplotherium sp.
Nanosiren cf N. garciae

This formation was found in a shallow sea during the Miocene and Pliocene, which dried up with the onset of the ice age during the early Pleistocene.
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Comments: 9

VergilGoblin [2024-07-08 01:07:42 +0000 UTC]

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Cerberus-Chaos [2023-11-11 13:20:44 +0000 UTC]

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vycanisthingy [2023-07-31 08:44:46 +0000 UTC]

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KingOfCopper16 [2022-11-02 07:22:50 +0000 UTC]

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LADAlbarran2001 In reply to KingOfCopper16 [2022-11-03 03:20:34 +0000 UTC]

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creodont [2022-10-31 14:47:24 +0000 UTC]

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LADAlbarran2001 In reply to creodont [2022-10-31 15:09:37 +0000 UTC]

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PyroRaptor315 [2022-10-31 13:20:20 +0000 UTC]

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LADAlbarran2001 In reply to PyroRaptor315 [2022-10-31 14:26:03 +0000 UTC]

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