Published: 2008-01-13 22:35:07 +0000 UTC; Views: 58563; Favourites: 633; Downloads: 1899
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Comments: 136
mindCollision [2010-02-11 23:23:30 +0000 UTC]
This is one of the nicest designs I've seen. Lovely colours, and it's so smooth and seamless! Awesome
👍: 0 ⏩: 1
Zortje [2008-11-28 01:28:53 +0000 UTC]
This is properly the prettiest forum layout/theme/style or whatever its called i have EVER seen, it's amazing,
Instantly went into my favorites...
Love the color composition, and green/blue is really fitting well and the semi white transparent menu's/topics are awesome
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Mitnickk [2008-07-14 21:01:00 +0000 UTC]
aahh sehr schön
farben sind klasse, einfach und übersichtlich, deswegen auch gut benutzbar und endlich mal was das nicht so ausssieht als wär es überhaupt nicht möglich das so zu implementieren, im gegenteil, dürfte nicht schwer werden
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EliteByDesign [2008-07-02 16:37:35 +0000 UTC]
The colors are amazing and the transparency really works for this design. Great job!
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niklas [2008-05-31 07:31:36 +0000 UTC]
This is the best looking forum I have seen in ages! The colours are splendid and it looks simple and clean. Truly amazing!
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L-a-m-p-E In reply to Kewell07 [2008-05-22 10:46:45 +0000 UTC]
thanks, but you forgot the fav
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incarnateddevotion [2008-04-19 22:15:37 +0000 UTC]
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L-a-m-p-E In reply to incarnateddevotion [2008-04-20 08:20:55 +0000 UTC]
haha, war zur rechten zeit am rechten ort
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puayen [2008-02-29 15:26:37 +0000 UTC]
Wow, the subtle green, blue, overlaid with white really works. It has a very soothing and eye-catching sort of Window Vista feel to it.
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cambss [2008-02-24 21:04:54 +0000 UTC]
pretty sure there's a website called gamerenders already
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PanniL0 [2008-02-20 14:16:37 +0000 UTC]
Als gamerenders style gefällts mir jetzt nicht so gut aber sonst mal abgesehen dass es für gamerenders ist ist es wirklich ein sehr schönes design...die farben, der header einfach klasse....
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icefreak [2008-02-18 19:07:17 +0000 UTC]
Pretty sweet design for not such a sweet forum.
Sorry to say that, but one year ago I was a member for some time but the community was a bit behind, is it better now speaking in general?
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L-a-m-p-E In reply to icefreak [2008-02-18 22:18:25 +0000 UTC]
ist teilweise sogar weniger los mittlerweile, trotz genau so vieler anmeldungen wie früher .. gibt einfach keine bereitschaft mehr zu posten :/
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icefreak In reply to L-a-m-p-E [2008-02-19 13:13:46 +0000 UTC]
Aber sonst? Ich meine so vom Skill her, also staunen die noch immer über Gloss tutorials? ^_^
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freakin-cherry [2008-02-18 13:45:49 +0000 UTC]
Haut mich glatt um.
Schöne Farben und tolle Übergänge - genial.
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philbstv [2008-02-18 12:52:03 +0000 UTC]
Bleibt ihr nun doch beim wBB?
Da ich vor einigen Tagen jemandem von GR den Header und die Navi dieses Styles gecodet hab, bzw. Hilfestellungen dazu gegeben
Schöner Style, würde mich freuen ihn auf einem wBB2 zu sehn
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L-a-m-p-E In reply to philbstv [2008-02-18 15:35:47 +0000 UTC]
hin und her der gefühle - ja, stimmt
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GardeAlpin [2008-02-11 16:28:51 +0000 UTC]
*hust* vom wbb auf bulletin umzusteigen ist ja, nja......
Aber das Design gefällt mir gut.
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L-a-m-p-E In reply to GardeAlpin [2008-02-11 22:00:49 +0000 UTC]
Ich habe keine Ahnung von sowas, weiss also auch nicht was du damit sagen willst. Aber so oder so, es hat organisatorische Gründe.
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GardeAlpin In reply to L-a-m-p-E [2008-02-12 16:05:30 +0000 UTC]
wbb ist besser aber ihr werdet schon einen Grund haben^^
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Oh-Blue-Eyes [2008-02-02 18:43:49 +0000 UTC]
this rocks ! like the glass look like... vista style
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Doowbert [2008-02-02 05:35:21 +0000 UTC]
The logo is so great that I tried a similar style on my own. I couldn't come up with anything near as good as it though.
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xdreamer [2008-01-30 19:41:29 +0000 UTC]
Hübsch, nicht gerade Zielgruppengerecht aber fresh! Viel Spass deinem vB Template Coder
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L-a-m-p-E In reply to xdreamer [2008-01-31 13:42:19 +0000 UTC]
Inwie weit hättest du es zielgruppen gerecht gestaltet? Stocks von Games in den Header packen, wäre wohl kaum ideallösung
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cyborg-gurl [2008-01-30 08:46:40 +0000 UTC]
Very unique, and a design you rarely see as a forum design. Very surreal and easy on the eyes, a plus since most people are reading lots of small texts.
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Nicola-B [2008-01-30 07:24:45 +0000 UTC]
I really like the wavey header and the colour, but otherwise it's a pretty average looking message board theme, to be honest.
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queenlili888 [2008-01-30 07:22:45 +0000 UTC]
I'm loving this forum theme. So fluid and light. And I mean both light as in brightness and density. The colours work beautifully and the frames are just perfect
Very nicely done
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ghostfly [2008-01-30 05:49:40 +0000 UTC]
I really like the background. Curious to see what this looks like with a slightly larger, narrower sans serif font, though. Helvetica, maybe.
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L-a-m-p-E In reply to ghostfly [2008-01-30 12:56:17 +0000 UTC]
wanted to use sth. alternative
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shilin [2008-01-30 04:13:11 +0000 UTC]
wow, this is like an orgasm of my favourite things all put together, great job
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