Kuroshiro-Ki — Music Meme of utter sketchyness by-nc-nd

#akihiko #death #fan #hana #howl #itou #ka #meme #moving #music #nanase #oc #saku #soul #utter #wa #usami #castle #eater #fox #free #fun #ghibli #glasses #haruka #hiroki #humanised #kazuaki #kazui #kenichi #kid #kim #megane #minagawa #mocha #ocs #ryuko #sakurai #sayuri #shinogu #sketchyness #sophie #studio #swim #utaite #yasui #youichi #junjouromantica #kashitarou #fuyuhiko #iwatobi #kuroshirokey #art #itoukashiratou
Published: 2014-08-28 06:31:55 +0000 UTC; Views: 1592; Favourites: 7; Downloads: 1
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Description I found this and since I'm really feeling stressed out with recent happenings and because I'm still working hard on my other projects, I thought I should release some steam and do a meme because I absolutely love procrastinating completing them.   

So instead of lunch, I just decided to draw and I'll be going back immediately to work after this   

... Taking such an unnecassary hiatus now oh gosh   

Going to tag , , and but feel free to not do it if you guys don't want to   

Mocha Kim ©
Other OCs ©

P.S. Sorry if the real characters don't really look like who they're meant to be... Quality art to hopefully come out in the next 3,4, or 5 days
P.S.S. Such a weird combo of characters I know don't judge me //shotshotshot

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Comments: 13

Lineora [2014-08-30 10:28:56 +0000 UTC]

No need to blame yourself dear ! Yes, the characters are not perfect. But it's a sketch you made in a short time each of them for FUN. That's all.
And eating is important ! D:

Keep courage on your big work, i'm sure that we are all with you ! )o)

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Kuroshiro-Ki In reply to Lineora [2014-08-30 23:15:47 +0000 UTC]

Oh gosh... Thank you, really... ; A ;
Your support really helps me a lot especially when I lack the confidence in myself.
So really, really, thank you Q////Q

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Lineora In reply to Kuroshiro-Ki [2014-08-31 11:43:46 +0000 UTC]

I'm happy that my words help you my dear. And really really no problem ~ 

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KoYu-Latte [2014-08-29 21:19:01 +0000 UTC]

x//D yas i am so much lazy
wanna do this but idk !! i will try that, thanks for mention deary Q//w//Q
they are so much cute aksldjlfag;;

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Kuroshiro-Ki In reply to KoYu-Latte [2014-08-30 23:16:47 +0000 UTC]

Ahahahha don't worry, you really don't have to do it ahahaha O v O
It's just that if you're stressed, then I think it's a good idea to relieve your stress ahahahaha >//v//<

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Shyriet [2014-08-28 20:49:02 +0000 UTC]

omg so many cool charas
amazing job with this meme btw <3333

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Kuroshiro-Ki In reply to Shyriet [2014-08-29 03:00:48 +0000 UTC]

Ahhhh seriously thank you so much for thinking so!! >///<

Maybe you should do it as well?? O v O

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Shyriet In reply to Kuroshiro-Ki [2014-08-29 16:52:11 +0000 UTC]

You're welcome

I have no time QwQ gyaaaa

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Hitomisuko [2014-08-28 14:17:23 +0000 UTC]

You did a good job sweetie~ much more better than I can ever do~ so, yeah~ Don't stress yourself too much~ >w<

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Kuroshiro-Ki In reply to Hitomisuko [2014-08-29 03:01:54 +0000 UTC]

But don't think like that!!! Q A Q
Saya encourage you to cuba buat hahahaha XDD

Rasa macam syok because kejar masa hahahahah

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Hitomisuko In reply to Kuroshiro-Ki [2014-08-29 06:36:37 +0000 UTC]

but it's true though~ Ada la al-kisahnya sorang budak yg kiter kenal kat dA nih dier x caya kiter budak U kot~ biler tanya kenapa dier kata art kiter mcm beginner and budak sebaya dgn dier~ meaning to say that my art level is equal to high schooler level~ lol =3=

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Kuroshiro-Ki In reply to Hitomisuko [2014-08-30 23:21:02 +0000 UTC]

Ahhh, jangan kisah pasal orang cam tu because not worth your time!!!!
Just buat apa saja untuk kasih improve your drawing!!! Show them that you are awesome!!! O v O

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Hitomisuko In reply to Kuroshiro-Ki [2014-08-31 14:42:12 +0000 UTC]

trust me my dear~ they're not the only one~ *wiggles my eye brows* 
haahaahaa~~ Thank you my dear for the motivation~! XDD

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