Kuroo-Ryu — Atlantean Syndra

Published: 2014-03-25 19:25:46 +0000 UTC; Views: 2491; Favourites: 31; Downloads: 19
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Description Finally finished! didn't count the hours accurately, but I'm way over 20 I guess...

Anyway, my best digital painting so far I'm really happy with it

A wallpaper of Syndra's new skin, from the pc game League of Legends

Syndra (c) Riot games
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Comments: 18

arteater1 [2015-03-22 14:59:20 +0000 UTC]

How are you? Is everything okay because I haven't heard from you in a long while. Let me know how things are going and I hope they're good.

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Kuroo-Ryu In reply to arteater1 [2015-03-23 10:20:17 +0000 UTC]

I'm so sorry! I've been thinking about you lately...
I'm not in a relationship anymore, and really trying to cope with it, so I've left the internet completely because I need to focus.

I'll be back soon, I hope you are allright?

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arteater1 In reply to Kuroo-Ryu [2015-03-26 03:32:40 +0000 UTC]

Okay about the not writing....it's never nice having such a low priority in someones life you grow to like but hey.....I should be used to that kind of world by now but somehow I never am......never.

I hope things go well and this is for the best and something good comes out of it as I KNOW will happen.
Something good can and usually does happen in most painful events if you don't close your eyes to the world and look for it.
At your age...nothing but good things will happen from this and you'll see in time perhaps this was a really good thing.
I know this happen for you.
All the best..denn

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Kuroo-Ryu In reply to arteater1 [2015-04-23 19:32:49 +0000 UTC]

I'm sorry, I never meant to let you down, but I am suddenly very busy and I don't get anything from this website exept you...

I now exercise 3 times a week, I have 2 shifts a month at the organisation who help young people who are lonely, girl scout leader once a week, spent time with my friends, or just enjoying doing the things I like whenever I'm not busy...

Leaving my boyfriend was.. sad to say it... good for me!

I can't remember the last time I felt down the way I used to!

I CAN do this! I can change things for the better! Both for me and the people around me!!
It IS possible!! And I swear I'll keep trying!

I owe so much of this to you! Please try to understand how grateful I am for having met you! You made this possible!
I pray, hope and wish things are going well for you and your dear pets, I'm sorry you've been prioritised so low, there's just so many things for me to attend to all of a sudden, I'll try to adjust to it and spend more time here too.

All the best for you my friend, Ulrikke

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arteater1 In reply to Kuroo-Ryu [2015-04-24 05:21:56 +0000 UTC]

My eyes became moist from reading your note again this time. I told you so many times how much you mean in this world, and how great you could be and powerful you are, if you just saw through that shroud of doubt and disbelief that most all of us have to deal with. The wonderful thing is that you beat it!! I beat it too, only it took me a lot longer than you to figure it out finally, so I salute you as well. So now we both see the lies that this whole world seems to unload on us all; that we're just a number that doesn't count, and we're all alone and un-loved, with no talent and can't change anything at all, much less our own lives, so whats the point of trying.

It's so odd that two spirits like ours, should not only cross paths in life, but be attracted like magnets at the same time and stick with each other, and that in itself is very unusual for both of us I'm sure. I just was sooooo POSITIVE that somehow I knew you, and that your were a beautiful, wonderful, kind soul that simply needed what we all need, and that's some kindness in your life and a bit of direction from someone you had some confidence in. In physics it's called the "Entanglement Principle" where all things are somehow connected, and can be in different locations in the universe at the exact same time and yet what one particles knows now.....it's TWIN particle will also know NOW, even if it's on the other side of the universe. Somehow we both communicated deeply, though split apart by thousands of miles of distance. I sometimes smile at this and how it all worked out.

I gave you nothing of course....I didn't re-make you, nor add to you or save you. I only tried hard to make you see what I saw in you, and what I read in your words and the art you produced. Those things spoke to me and told me a great deal about who you were.

I mean, I've read your note twice in the last three minutes because I love reading it so much, and I'm now seeing you taking CHARGE of your life, and MAKING things happen and calling on that un-stoppable courage and strength of yours and not letting things get you down as you once sometimes did.

Now I clearly see you, NOT wanting to be the victim or not playing the roll of the weak, defenseless person that the world just beats down. Instead, I see you on the wings of an angel, and flying and soaring high above  and away from many of the dangers, and flying toward the light with a smile on your face  and a happiness in your heart. I see kindness infecting the world from you to those around you that will leave your mark for lifetimes to come. You were always destined for great things though, and I merely pushed you out of the nest I guess would be a way to put it.

Of course none of us enjoy these good times forever,  and no doubt there will be times of suffering ahead once more for both of us, just like everyone else also has.  However, now you can face that suffering knowing it's simply a part of life, and not because you caused it, or that your a screw-up or a failure or you deserve it, or any of those old lies we all get sucked into from time to time.
Difficult times are simply the normal natural rhythms and cycles of life, supplying us with some pain at times to teach us lessons, or simply make us see that the good times are to be savored and enjoyed like the beautiful gifts they are in life.
For without the pain and some heart break...w'ed never, ever know or be thankful for the joy and happiness that walks with us at times as well. Unless we know what emptiness feels like, we'd never feel all the joy of the times of plenty don't you think?
 It's a hard concept to understand that we all live in a different universe or different world, and that world is almost all constructed from the thoughts and ideas of the way we interpret and see things. It's clear now you see things in a much healthier way now, and the benefits of those positive thoughts shall follow and comfort you all the days of your life my love.

I get the feeling that today your exactly where you should be at this time, exercising and lending a hand to the lonely and broken, for we all sit at that table at times as both of us know, and perhaps the suffering you've experienced made this possible in the first place, preparing you to be able to relate to others having tough times. That's in part why I never ever gave up on you, because I know so well what it feels like to have an ache in your heart and emptiness in your spirit. I love everything you said and are doing, and never give up......ever.

May all the goodness in this world be your constant companion...
With love and respect.....your friend , dennis

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Kuroo-Ryu In reply to arteater1 [2015-08-02 17:56:20 +0000 UTC]

Hello Dennis, my friend

I'm sorry for leaving you hanging for so long. deviantArt seemed to be a stress factor to me apparently, and so I left it be, I didn't even realize it till recently.

This summer has been the worst yet, bad weather, no sunshine which I've been craving all winter, no warmth... And wort of all, I missed the travel of a lifetime to California because of my exams...
Life have really given it's best shot at beating me down it seems.

But despite all this, I'll soon be in an internship and my very own apartment! I'm getting away from my negative loaded parents, and the boring school. It's been tough but now there's only a few weeks till I'll be moving out. As an independent adult being.

Because I now believe that I can actually do it, I can be responsible and I can handle my life on my own!

I believe we met for a purpose, we think a like a lot, we see the same world, and thanks to you, I now see it all more clearly! I'm so grateful for the kindness you've shown me, and the confidence you had in me, I've really encouraged me to move on and fight the bad thoughts I had. And even better, I can now use it to help my fellow beings who are in pain too. Helping them see who they really are, how much they mean and how valuable they are in the world.
Thank you!

I'm done being the victim, I'm done being silent, I speak up when I see injustice, and I reach out to those who seem in need. That's what I can do for this world, just a small effort in trying to make it a better place for all of us. I can't save it, I can't help everybody, I know that now, but I also know that by helping a few, they might be encouraged to help others too, and that's a chain reaction I would be proud to have started. Even if no one knows I did.

I can see past the illusion that I was nothing now, all thanks to you! I know how bad one can feel, so I can now appreciate all the good times even better, letting the joy fill my heart and pass it on to those around me. And hope that people around me will do the same for me when I’m down. That is how life must work.

I truly hope you are doing alright, I know you’ve been through some indescribeable rough times. I hope your health is only getting better. How’s your legs doing? Still able to ride your bike?

Hope your cute pets are doing great too! All of you only deserves the best!


    -        Your friend Ulrikke

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arteater1 In reply to Kuroo-Ryu [2015-08-10 16:50:49 +0000 UTC]

I'm so sorry about the exams and you missing that trip. California is perhaps our most beautiful state over here and the weather is hot all the time with ocean breezes bathing the coast everyday. Surfing is the top sport and anything to do with water is what all the people do, so I bet you'd have just loved it. I don't think you'ed like most of the people though as many of the cities are polluted with smog and filled to the brim with foreigners that don't even speak English and yet live off our system and get most things for free that we built. Crime is off the charts with black and hispanic gangs being one of the largest problems. 
Hollywood is where all the movies are made so you'd love that and Disney World is the best thing ever as well, so it does have some good things but also property is the most expensive in the land there, and only the rich have anything that's nice. Four years of dramatic drought has made it a fire hazard and everyday they get thousands of people fighting fires there now so that part isn't so good as you know. It would have been a nice trip for you I bet.

But my dear...I swear to you ....you can't handle your life on your own. WE ALL need others to help us make it in life so make sure you have a bunch of friends you can count on to help, and you help them as well and then maybe you have a chance. "NO man is an island unto himself" that's the quote that comes to my mind as we are social beings us humans, and we all need social support to help us make decisions and do things and stay alive. It would be great if you had that with your parents but at least get some relatives or friends that you can talk to and explore ideas with.
Why make all the mistakes every other young person makes when if you have good people around you to learn from and avoid the things that ruin your life. Listen to some of the older wiser people and they can change your very life to a wonderful one rather than making all the same mistakes all the losers make out here everyday, because they won't listen to their folks at home. They may act like jerks but they know more than you'd ever guess and are right on many things, unless they're just mental cases.

Your paragraph about helping others and not being a victim anymore just makes me so happy to hear, and see that you are all that I kept saying you were. I gave up on helping this world too because I can't help it all or anything close to it. Millions still don't even have clean drinking water or electricity so what can you and I do?? NOT much of course. But we can still help those in need that we come into contact with and help every animal in need and that WE CAN DO. We can help our friends and relatives as well and and perhaps something good will come out of that so we keep trying anyhow, right? I'm very proud of your beautiful attitude and wonderful choice.

I'm going to give you a gift that I hope helps you at times. It's a Christian song but never fails to inspire me and make me feel better. It's all about people that are dirty and broken and yet Jesus makes them clean and "Flawless" and changes them into feeling good about themselves. I hope yo like this. I hope it will play in your country as well. This is one of my best songs.


Yes my legs are getting better but still not healed, but are doing much better. I'm  having pain and financial issues trying to pay for all this medical stuff that is making me go broke. $55,000.00 for one operations and I have to pay $11,000.00 out of my pocket. At times I wish I would have died to be honest, and let all the fighting alone. One day I'll be home with God I hope and be at peace for once in my whole life, and yes maybe even know for once what it's like to be loved. I've never felt that before except from animals and a couple of girls that turned out to not be the case I guess, or I fouled it up maybe too.
Anyhow...life isn't fun for me anymore and yet I don't give up and I keep going even if every single step hurts and breaks my very heart.

I'm so encouraged that your doing so much better, and I hope that is whats in front of you your whole entire life. Maybe your going to be that ONE to change this world, and I can say...Oh yeah...I knew that girl and always knew she was something special, because I do still say and think that today.
all my very best and all my love...dennis

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arteater1 [2015-01-01 17:00:46 +0000 UTC]

You're getting so good....can you possibly imagine how much work and how many hours it must take to do a movie????? No wonder they have companies with tons of people doing nothing but the graphics. I see some of the games I play on the computer and they have 50 or 60 people doing nothing but the graphics on a single game.

I wish you nothing but love and kindness in your life on this brand new year that I think will be one of your best years ever. 


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Kuroo-Ryu In reply to arteater1 [2015-01-02 18:45:51 +0000 UTC]

This is by far my best drawing so far

I have often thought about it, it's crazy how long time it takes, lots of hours every day for years working on the same movie, I guess you need some patience for that, or just an extreme love for what you do

Thank you! I wish you a wonderful year! I hope your health will get better, and that someone will show you some kindness every day!
Happy new year!

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arteater1 In reply to Kuroo-Ryu [2015-01-03 18:47:45 +0000 UTC]

I guess so but today they have programs that do it faster and better in some ways anyhow. I see some of the affects in movies that just LOOK like phony clones of soldier that now becaome a million on the field of battle but that's what people want these days.
Almost everyone in the U.S. is totally into violence and killing and parents aren't home or around to mentor anything else. this is by far the most violent world I've ever seen and just go to amazon or netflix and look at the popular movies and they're "ALL" violent movies of people killing people.
Here's where I lose some friends and yet I'm telling you the truth....It actually turns my stomach that I look for a good movie and nothing but serial killer, blow things up...torture people.....shot people in the face.....rape woman violent pictures are all their is and no one seems to care and IN FACT THEY LOVE IT!!

And almost all the comedies are so bad and have NOTHING FUNNY in them that I end up watching old classic movies and documentaries.

It should be a criminal offense for parents to let kids watch those movies like....EXAMPLE: "Silence of The Lambs" and "Hannibal" or "Red Rising" or whatever it's called. 

My kind of movies are like the list I posted in my journal and if you want to see the list it's here, but things like...."Cider House Rules" are simply stunning, wonderful movies to me.

My health is getting better all the time now and I'm grateful for that but my money account is in the worst shape of my entire life. Having health here is the most expensive thing you can get. Each one of my hips alone were $55,000.00 EACH! (341167.75 Danish Krone) And everyone that say how much they care is full of shit because they all hound you for every single penny of every dollar you owe!!!!

Anyhow thanks and the same things to you but more than that I wish you happiness and a good self-image for you this year and believing in yourself.
all my love and kindness...denn

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Reika-Rei [2014-04-24 22:42:40 +0000 UTC]

Oooh, it's the new official Skin for Syndra which I'm love with
Great Job ; I really love this champ, you made a wonderful Skin, I was waiting for that so long <3

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Kuroo-Ryu In reply to Reika-Rei [2014-04-25 06:10:24 +0000 UTC]

Yes it is
Thank you very much!  

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Hi-im-Manda [2014-04-13 22:26:16 +0000 UTC]

wow this is amazing!! I made an account just to tell you that ^^ 

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Kuroo-Ryu In reply to Hi-im-Manda [2014-04-14 09:27:29 +0000 UTC]

Oh my! Thank you SO much!  

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echo5017 [2014-04-11 21:02:48 +0000 UTC]

Awesome, i like everything from it !

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Kuroo-Ryu In reply to echo5017 [2014-04-12 09:49:14 +0000 UTC]

Thank you very much!

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CaptSoso [2014-03-25 19:44:35 +0000 UTC]

Awesome !

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Kuroo-Ryu In reply to CaptSoso [2014-03-25 19:51:41 +0000 UTC]

Thank you very much!  

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