Published: 2013-08-07 23:06:22 +0000 UTC; Views: 1717; Favourites: 38; Downloads: 0
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|| Name ||- Nameerd Ali
|| Age ||22
|| Gender || Female
|| Height || 5'4
|| Class || outlaw
|| Kingdom || Qudra
|| Marine type || Asain sea otter
||Length from head to tail|| 2 – 3 feet (0.6 – 0.9 m); tail 8 – 12 inches (0.2 – 0.3 m)
||Weight|| 2.2 – 11 pounds (1 – 5 kg)
|| Personality ||
Most people’s first impression of Nameerd would be that she is cold and very distant, as if she is always ready for a fight, giving off a mysterious aura, but in reality she is actually quite plain, and simply doesn't like to talk much . Once you get to know her, she becomes very different, as she is actually very caring and kind, although only ever really shows this side to children, seeing as she has a soft spot for them. She misses her siblings greatly, seeing as she was left alone at such a young age. She if very cunning and smart, living on her own on the street had helped her learn a lot, increasing her ability to be quick on her feet. She has a lot of trouble trusting people, putting up a barrier and distancing herself because of past experiences. When she’s stealing from someone, she can get really up close, although only to brush against or bump into you. She gets into a lot of fights because she tend to glare at people without knowing, although she always tries her best to keep herself unnoticed, and attracted as little attention to herself as possible.
Her sea otter side is a different story, as she can be very playful, although she is very territorial and possessive with her things. Seeing as her sea otter self is very needy of attention, she will often do tricks to get others to notice her, sometimes even making high pitched bark-like sounds. She is always curious and getting herself into trouble.
|| History ||
Nameerd doesn't really likes to speak about her past, or rather, she doesn’t want to spend too much time remembering it, finding it a waste of time dwelling in the past, since it’s not as though she could ever change it anyways. Living in a big family with brothers as middle class citizens, Nameerds life was nice, food and water was plenty and there was never any need to leave their home. Her father worked hard, as her mother stayed home to take care of the siblings. Nameerd was the eldest, having 4 younger brothers.
Everything went well until the drought came, making finding businesses for her father much harder, causing the whole familys lives to become much harder in return. It became so bad that Nameerd was actually encouraged by her parents to start stealing in order to help out the family. Nameerd knew it was wrong, but she really didn’t have much of a choice, not to mention that she was actually getting quite good at, to the point where she couldn’t help herself.
One day Nameerds family finally decided to leave, and travel to see if they could find a better place to live. Nameerd had decided she would go out for one last steal in the town, promising she would be back before they had to go. She decided to challenge herself, going for something a bit more than what she usually stole. Everything had gone fine until she was caught, but by luck Nameerd escaped quickly and ran to hide, not wanting to bring the guards to her family.
Time passed, and when the coast was finally clear, she ran back to her family, finding that no one was there. Everything was gone, the talk in the town of a small thief being caught had traveled quickly, and they had known it was their daughter. Having no way to save her, knowing that going back would put everyone in danger, the family decided to leave. There was nothing they could have done.
She was 12, and all that was left was a light blue seashell that her mother kept dear to her. Somehow, Nameerd knew just by the shell that her family did think of her, even though she was now alone. Nameerd lived on in the street, continuing her life as a thief and stealing what she could, practicing on her skills till the age of 22. She never heard anything of her family again, but deep in her heart she hoped to one day see them again.
Until, a fateful day, she got news from a random traveler who had come from Tajar, saying that he had heard rumors of her family traveling by there not leaving there but had passed by there . With only that little piece of info, Nameerd decided to go and at least check it out, rather than staying back and possibly regretting it later. In the dead of night she had evaded into the Tajar territory, knowing she would be there just for a bit, not even that long that she would get caught.
She reached the home which the man had told her to go to, but no one seemed to be around. She decided to sneak up through the window and at least leave a note. Upon entering the home, it was silent, until she turned around and found someone looking right at her, and she stared right back.
Not wanting to start a fighter she had decided to just retreated for the night, but the other had a different idea, taking out his sword and swinging it at her, just barely missing her repeatedly, until the fight became more physical, as they left scratches and bruises on each other before hearing the owner of the home awaken and begin calling for the guards .
Nameerd quickly knew this was the worst place to get caught, getting to her feet quickly as she jumped out of the window. She had no escape plan, and so she just kept running, but she had ran right into the guards, getting herself trapped by them. Of course, she was ready to put up a fight. To her surprise, the other ran up behind them, slashing at one of the guards before he grabbed a hold of her hand, dragging her along till they were hidden in the shadows of an alley way.
Nameerd fought to catch her breath, confused and shocked to hear what he had said ‘that she owed him’. Well, she really did, and with no complaint for the moment, just giving him a murderous glare. She spent the night with the man, waiting until the coast was clear. She got to know the other, enough that they had promised to met each other again when their countries had their festivals.
|| Additional Info ||
-Wears a large cap she batman to attracted as little attention to herself as possible.
-Doesn't find herself attractive thinks she's manly
-Has a tendency to strip anywhere near water
- light blue seashell that her mother kept dear to her and left behind
-steal only as much is needed for her or for other who are poor around her
- Likes to cuddles with other in her sleep like she would with her younger siblings
- Sometime uses the rope around her cap to climb on
-Has scars from fights across her nose on her stomach and wrist
-Patches up her clothes
-Likes to keep her face covered
-wears a mask under the cap- is prepared
Used to keeping her face covered up not to get identified that she find its embarrassing if others see her face making her blush
- has a weird fin fetishes
- Friendor more with a guy named Zaki and he is a bullshark
-If you touch or mess with Zakir she'll kill you -coughs
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Comments: 10
Youkai-Meimi [2013-09-15 03:32:37 +0000 UTC]
...I want to hug her animal form..so cute but I'll ask first. *see's the warning about Zaki*
👍: 0 ⏩: 0
noeldragon [2013-09-10 02:40:10 +0000 UTC]
D'aaaww looket how cute her little otter form is ajsjkdf
👍: 0 ⏩: 0
Kay-de-ultimate [2013-09-07 20:34:05 +0000 UTC]
SO CUTE!!! QUQ *snuggles*
Congrats on getting in TTUTT I hope to see you around QWQ
👍: 0 ⏩: 0
mikiwii [2013-09-07 20:08:34 +0000 UTC]
Yay you made it in!!! I'm so happy for you!!!
👍: 0 ⏩: 0
BakaDollie [2013-09-07 17:01:49 +0000 UTC]
kslfhifafasfs so fluffyyyyyyy~ *hugs him forever*
👍: 0 ⏩: 0
Keikchu [2013-09-07 16:33:25 +0000 UTC]
Hnggh Nameer is adorable ; v ;
/pets her animal form
👍: 0 ⏩: 0
kuroneko-shi In reply to Aiohon12 [2013-08-14 07:02:49 +0000 UTC]
I love them too omg <333 YAY for otters thanks you so much QAQ i thought he came out borning --tear- but i like her ;v;
👍: 0 ⏩: 1
Aiohon12 In reply to kuroneko-shi [2013-08-14 20:50:04 +0000 UTC]
most favorite otter is the small claw asian otter.
your welcome
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