KT-ExReplica — -Ridiculous- (preciousmetalshipping)
Published: 2012-11-25 11:59:29 +0000 UTC; Views: 8178; Favourites: 67; Downloads: 4
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Description Silver scoffed, that was ridiculous. He couldn't love. That was impossible. That was like trying to make a square circle or invent a new colour.

Curling his lip in a small snarl he turned away from Green who raised his perfectly sculpted eyebrows as if to say: 'well?' and the redhead with as much dignity as possible, tossed his long hair over his shoulder irritably and raised his head a little higher than necessary. No.

Love was not an option in his life.


"He loves you."

Green said simply as he pressed the final and 16th badge into Silver's hand his verdant gaze calm and searching as he waited for the other male to respond. Snorting Silver pocketed the badge and recalled back his Feraligatr who bayed his victory before disappearing in a blaze of crimson red light.

"So what? I don't care."

Silver snapped and Green looked rather amused by his hot response.

"Really? You don't actually care for him?"

"No. He's annoying, stupid and with a crapload of uncessessary luck, he should be thankful he even made it this far."

Silver hissed his mercury eyes narrowing and Green tapped his foot against the floor his Umbreon padding up beside him to sit neatly before the redhead washing its black paws.

"Haven't you ever stopped to consider that he actually might be talented?"

Green mused quietly his voice, low, smooth, charming and Silver actually laughed bitterly. Gold? TALENTED?! Those two words together made a bitter taste flicker in his throat and mouth. The taste incredibly vile on his lips.

"Talented? The boy is worthless. I have no time for petty rivalry with him."

"Yet you still challenge him."

"Fuck off. He and I have nothing. Nothing. I think he's a pathetic, worthless actually, the only reason he beats me is because I doubt I could even bother with defeating such a weakling! If he loves me, then he's fucking retarded."

"You say that now. Perhaps you should tell him that."

Green with a small smile nodded and lifted a hand to gesture lightly behind the redhead. Turning slightly Silver caught the stricken expression of Gold, his large honey coloured eyes glossed over with a soft shimmer of hurt and Silver felt as if he had been winded by a particuarly violent tail whip from his Gyarados. Green watched Gold, over dramatic as always, turn tail and flee before with a small smile on his lips arched an elegant  chestnut eyebrow at the seething redhead before him.

"I think… you've made a grave mistake. That badge I just gave you Silver, is the mark of a brilliant trainer. Gold earned his two days ago. But not only does it symbolise guts, hard work, sheer nerve and determination, it also means you have the maturity to care, love and help others as well as yourself and pokemon alike. The 16th badge is the last trophy if you like in becoming who you are. So tell me Silver. Who are you? Where did you come from? Why do you hate Gold so much? Why…?"

Green tilted his head to one side. Silver spat a curse at the gym leader and Green sighed.

"I saw your team. Ready to fight, they trust you, they actually love you. Do you love them? How would you feel if one of them died? I lost my Raticate when I was 14 to my rival. Red. He killed it. But I didn't hate him for it. It was through my innocence, my stupidity that I challenged him to such a battle- I paid the price knowing there was no Pokemon Centre or medical care nearby. I buried him in the Lavender Town Graveyard. You know Lavender town? The ghosts? Silver, don't become a ghost to Gold. You'll regret it… as I have."

Now thoroughly surprised Silver felt all the anger in his being disappear. Green looked calm as ever but his emerald eyes held a deep aching sadness. Longing.


Silver wanted to know who had caused this handsome young man so much pain.

"Who did you lose?"

Silver asked quietly his fists clenched at his sides and Green thinned his lips and gave a wry smile, the corners of his lips tight as his smile became fake.

"Red. I have become a ghost to him. A gym leader. He resides upon the top of Mt.Silver never to come down again. I have become a memory and he has become my dream. Chase yor dreams Silver. What is it that you want?"

Silver didn't know.

"I don't know."

Green chuckled, relaxing visibly and the atmsophere lightened immediately. Green poked the redhead in the chest, Silver scowled lightly and the Viridian gym leader crossed his arms over his chest, his Umbreon sensing Green's distress rubbed its dark head up against his leg.

"I think deep down in there you know what you want and it's written across your face plain as day. Find Gold , tell him what he means to you. You can't push him away forever."

Silver shocked stared at Green speechless at how the brunette had just broken down his walls and shatter his thoughts. Now that he looked at it he did rather enjoy battling Gold, the amber eyed male was powerful, and creative in battle, his crazy typhlosion was an inferno, hot and passionate like his trainer. Silver reflected that whilst Gold pissed him off to no end, it was those same things about the other teen that he… liked?

"The border between love and hate is very thin Silver. Almost transparent."

Silver looked at Green and then mumbling a thanks ran out the Gym, hell bent on finding Gold. Sending out his murkrow he got the bird to scan the area with its clever eyes. Shrieking harshly the dark type fluttered off in the direction of the Pokemon Centre. Silver followed unsure if the mischevious pokemon was just leading him on a joytrip.

After several minutes Silver leant against the wall of an alley, sighing before looking down at his Pokegear.

Somehow… he had Gold's number. He would be anonymous on Gold's. Flicking open the text screen Silver sent the golden eyed teen a message- knowing the naive male would come no matter who had sent the message- but knew that Gold would know instantly who had sent it.

-I need to talk to you.-

The reply was so fast Silver blinked in surprise.

-… Where?-

-Viridian Park opposite the Pokemon Centre.-


Snapping the device shut Silver pushed off the wall to stalk over, back straight to the gates of the park, it was getting late and the streelamps were beginning to flicker on. Silver went over what Green had told him, the brunette had gone through some shit. Silver actually didn't think he could handle the death of one of his pokemon. He knew he had been scared when his sneasel had taken a fatal blow at the Lake of Rage when he had caught the shiny gyarados. Leaning against the fence the redhead blew his dark crimson bangs out of his eyes and looked up a shea heard Gold approach, his typhlosion trotting beside him, upon seeing silver the pokemon bared its teeth having heard the conversation Silver had had with Green and everything he had ever said about Gold. Gold didn't look like he had been crying.


Gold when upset didn't cry.

He trained.

He trained till he dropped from exhaustion and his pokemon collapsed beside him.

Sweaty and solemn faced Gold stood before his rival unsure what he wanted. Taking a deep breath Silver met the passionate golden gaze which was so guarded and hard.

"I'm sorry."

Silver said quietly and Gold laughed.

"What. Are you kidding me?"

The honey eyed male whispered still guarded, wary and Silver shook his head.

"No. I was angry that Green was butting into my business and I know said some horrible things. But he gave me some advice. That I could become a better trainer if I tried and that perhaps… I should tell you how I feel. I know sorry might not, actually won't be enough..."

Gold was silent now, his typhlosion sniffed the air and rumbled in his throat before turning away to give them some privacy. Gold frowned and crossed his arms.

"How do you feel about me? Am I really that annoying Silver? Am I really that bad? What did I ever do to you!?"

Gold hissed his eyes burning slits and Silver had to admit it was strange and different to be on the recieving end of another person's anger and hurt and hatred. Was this how Gold always felt when he did this to him? Perhaps he did.

"You were pathetic and it just irked me that you seemed to catch my attention all the time. You stole my mind Gold. That's what you've done to me."

Silver pushed off the fence and strode over and up to the slightly shorter male, backing him up into the brick wall that neatly cut off the main road and the park. Gold swallowed as he  hit the hard wall, no where to run.

"You've made me think of ridiculous things Gold. How much I want to hurt you, how much I want to hurt you and then hold you afterwards because I know I can."

Silver growled and Gold glowered up at him through thick dark lashes.

"I'm not your plaything."


Silver mused and then grasped Gold's chin in his gloved hand.

"You're not."

"Why do you hate me?"

Gold muttered looking away his cheeks stained a dark pink in the muted pale glow of the nearby streetlamp.

"I don't."

Silver murmured and Gold looked up his golden eyes flickering with surprise, hurt, uncertainty, love, passion and distress. Silver liked it.

"Then… if… if you don't hate me… What?"

Gold was fidgeting now, unsure if he would called Typhlosion to help him. Silver looked down at his captured rival quietly. Gold was cute. He was handsome in a soft way, the girls he knew for sure would flock to him by the time they were 18. Gold looked up at him pleadingly and Silver couldn't put it into words so he leant down and captured the other trainers' lips in a bruising hard kiss, nipping the plush lower lip of Gold, their teeth clacking together and overall it was rather unsexy but… Silver thought it was the best possible way he could've shown Gold…

What he meant.

Gold broke away first wiping his mouth looking confused.

"Silver… I-"

"I know."

Silver said softly and Gold's lower lip trembled, bruised and slightly bloody and Silver kissed him again, pulling away to feel Gold's tears on his cheeks.

"I hate you."

Gold mutter thickly, grabbing the redhead into a tight suffocating, wonderful hug, his hands knotting into dark long redhair his tears soaking into the fabric of the mercury eyed trainers' jacket front. Silver cautiously slid his arms round the other trainer, cradling him gently.

"I hate you so much I love you."

Gold whispered and Silver had to admit … it was quite ridiculous he had fallen for such a person like Gold.
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Comments: 50

WinstonLoess [2012-12-10 08:06:48 +0000 UTC]

I love your stories so much! Write more for me please??

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

EifiHanaki [2012-11-28 18:09:12 +0000 UTC]

So many wise words <3
this is lovely, really niiice

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

KT-ExReplica In reply to EifiHanaki [2012-11-28 22:40:25 +0000 UTC]

<3 thank you! hehe~

Green has many words of wisdom to say~

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ReinFalling [2012-11-26 23:51:59 +0000 UTC]

green!!!! poor baby

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KT-ExReplica In reply to ReinFalling [2012-11-27 14:02:56 +0000 UTC]



I aim to write a huge ass multichapter fic on GreenxRed- it'll be my next big fic after Clockwork

and ... it'll be the most heartwrenching fucker ever. <333 ;;w;; *ill try to make... but idk if i'll succeed*

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ReinFalling In reply to KT-ExReplica [2012-11-28 05:05:42 +0000 UTC]

oh i can't wait for it!! i shall definitely read it!

okay atleast i'll know before hand so it won't devistate me or anything

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

KT-ExReplica In reply to ReinFalling [2012-11-28 22:39:05 +0000 UTC]

<3 it wont be until summer at least XD

But I'll make the the craziest thing ever <3

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ReinFalling In reply to KT-ExReplica [2012-11-30 07:43:01 +0000 UTC]

until summer? okay i have something to look forward to then

i can't wait to read it

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KT-ExReplica In reply to ReinFalling [2012-12-01 01:40:54 +0000 UTC]

hehe ^^ i can't wait to start working on it.

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ReinFalling In reply to KT-ExReplica [2012-12-01 01:51:13 +0000 UTC]

i shall be waiting impatiently

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KT-ExReplica In reply to ReinFalling [2012-12-01 10:19:51 +0000 UTC]

XD that's good?

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ReinFalling In reply to KT-ExReplica [2012-12-02 01:53:29 +0000 UTC]


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creepyeevee [2012-11-26 02:23:28 +0000 UTC]

just,just OMG That was so cute.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

KT-ExReplica In reply to creepyeevee [2012-11-26 14:38:02 +0000 UTC]

<3 thanks X3

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AudInk [2012-11-26 02:22:19 +0000 UTC]

Wow you write wonderfully! Loved it!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

KT-ExReplica In reply to AudInk [2012-11-26 14:37:56 +0000 UTC]

aww thank you very much ^^

I have a fanfiction.net account under the same username if you're interested ^^

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AudInk In reply to KT-ExReplica [2012-11-27 02:24:58 +0000 UTC]

Omg YUS!!

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Nyuu-tan [2012-11-25 23:35:34 +0000 UTC]

This is so perfect..
And Green, "Red is his dream" whyyyyyyyyyyy ;u;
-gets cannon to throw him to Mt. Silver-

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KT-ExReplica In reply to Nyuu-tan [2012-11-25 23:39:23 +0000 UTC]

;;w;; thank you <3

Yes Red is Green's dream, poor Green bby can never get Red back though, not until Red decides he wants Green u.u

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Nyuu-tan In reply to KT-ExReplica [2012-11-27 22:05:12 +0000 UTC]

I hope Red and wake up ;u;

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KT-ExReplica In reply to Nyuu-tan [2012-11-27 22:33:59 +0000 UTC]

yeah~ ;;w;; Red and Green in my opinion always have a rocky relationship :3

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SkyeBlitz [2012-11-25 21:27:50 +0000 UTC]

Awwwwh that's so sweet~
a little angsty and I has super feels for Green but sweet none the less.

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KT-ExReplica In reply to SkyeBlitz [2012-11-25 23:38:44 +0000 UTC]

<3 I love giving Green super feels time <333

He's such a happy charming guy I like to believe deep down he has a wounded hurt side that longs to turn back the clock so he can change some things ^^

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SkyeBlitz In reply to KT-ExReplica [2012-11-26 02:02:53 +0000 UTC]

Silver should climb up the mountain and bring Red down for Green to thank him! Or Gold. Or both. Nothing says I love you more than risking your life for each other and cuddling to stay alive. XD

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KT-ExReplica In reply to SkyeBlitz [2012-11-26 02:13:44 +0000 UTC]

that is an excellent idea <3

but this fic unfortunately will never have a happy ending for green or red...

it has a tentative one for silver and gold but it wont be for red or green...

poor bbys <3

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SkyeBlitz In reply to KT-ExReplica [2012-11-26 02:20:12 +0000 UTC]

They deserve some happiness damnit! ;-;

Don't get me wrong. I'm glad Gold and Silver have a happy ending but Red and Green get a lot of short sticks sometimes. XD course a good story can't always have happy rainbowcupcakesparkle endings but even so.

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KT-ExReplica In reply to SkyeBlitz [2012-11-26 14:36:20 +0000 UTC]


yeah i know... but i feel like thats how red and green go for real...

but! one day ill write the cutest fluffy originalshipping sdkdnksjdn ever!

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SkyeBlitz In reply to KT-ExReplica [2012-11-27 02:45:37 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Bluestarsapphire [2012-11-25 20:19:02 +0000 UTC]

Ahha I knew that I stumbled upon this one shot some where, so it was your piece of work great job.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

KT-ExReplica In reply to Bluestarsapphire [2012-11-25 23:37:47 +0000 UTC]

aha~ yes it was indeed my work~

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

w0lf--61 [2012-11-25 18:10:42 +0000 UTC]

QAQ I--I loved this

It was so perfect to there personalities i cant--cant even

I hope that you "falling only hurts" Gold is a bit like this one~ because he was just too innocent and cute and sweet and yet perfectly determined and brave at the same time~

And poor Green BB....

kshbvndskdbfudnsdhskbfdshvbc nd I wish i would have read this on your tumblr sooner!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

KT-ExReplica In reply to w0lf--61 [2012-11-25 23:37:27 +0000 UTC]



Falling only hurts Gold will be a presh bby <3 he'll be adorable, this Gold was a little too innocent and tiny for my liking XD


Green <333

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larssson In reply to KT-ExReplica [2012-12-12 14:47:44 +0000 UTC]

Omgyesclockwork XD
I frickin loved that story omg ;v;

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KT-ExReplica In reply to larssson [2012-12-12 21:36:14 +0000 UTC]

;;w;; I aim to finish that last chaptervery very soon I've just had SO MUCH WORK it's impossible for me to write. *DIES*

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larssson In reply to KT-ExReplica [2012-12-12 23:36:31 +0000 UTC]

awhhhh eAe

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KT-ExReplica In reply to larssson [2012-12-13 08:14:18 +0000 UTC]


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larssson In reply to KT-ExReplica [2012-12-13 14:24:33 +0000 UTC]

My cat followed me into the bathroom and now he's purring and grabbing my foot. eAe I need my foot to walk, Sheldon!

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KT-ExReplica In reply to larssson [2012-12-13 21:47:14 +0000 UTC]

aww! I want a cat so much! My parents son't like animals at all so I can't have a cat...

he's called Sheldon!? <3 cute!

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larssson In reply to KT-ExReplica [2012-12-13 22:00:43 +0000 UTC]

aww ;;
Yeah my family has two cats ;v; Emma and Sheldon.
Emma likes to meow alot and Sheldon is a scaredy-cat =v=;
This is Emma: [link]
she's all gray :3
and this is Sheldon. [link]

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KT-ExReplica In reply to larssson [2012-12-14 22:16:11 +0000 UTC]

aw cute! <3 That's... ;;w;; ohtheyre LOVELY~

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larssson In reply to KT-ExReplica [2012-12-14 23:06:06 +0000 UTC]

I know right? ;v;
My sister is such a lovely photographer <3

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w0lf--61 In reply to KT-ExReplica [2012-11-26 00:32:49 +0000 UTC]

XD lol~ awww.... well ok~ i will love it no matter whaT!

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KT-ExReplica In reply to w0lf--61 [2012-11-26 00:41:59 +0000 UTC]

falling only hurts gold will be a oblivious cutie who oozes sex appeal and doesn't know it.

unfortunately everyone else does. Silver definitely does and annoyingly enough, so does Red's half brother- Fire.

Even worse?

Fire just became Silver's worst enemy.

XD Fire is gonna be the annoying-est little shit ever. Youngster Joey will be that awkward bff.

Volkner will just sulk.

Giovanni will be the coolest troll dad ever.

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w0lf--61 In reply to KT-ExReplica [2012-11-26 00:45:51 +0000 UTC]


i--i just cant see it but i know i will love it. XD LOL

Giovanni... lollolololol amg~

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KT-ExReplica In reply to w0lf--61 [2012-11-26 00:46:57 +0000 UTC]

gonna make gio the best dad ever.

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w0lf--61 In reply to KT-ExReplica [2012-11-26 00:54:18 +0000 UTC]

XD oh man~

Gold can have a cool mom right?

Hes always that character with a cool mom...

Even in Clockwork *coughGreencough*

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KT-ExReplica In reply to w0lf--61 [2012-11-26 00:56:20 +0000 UTC]

Gold's mother will be cool.

He did learn from the best after all.

Green's a stripper what are you on about XD

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w0lf--61 In reply to KT-ExReplica [2012-11-26 01:04:59 +0000 UTC]


I mean Clockwork Gold had a cool mom because it was Green!!!!

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KT-ExReplica In reply to w0lf--61 [2012-11-26 01:47:06 +0000 UTC]

XDD Green was cool.

In a silly OCD way <3 gonna miss that bby smuch...

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w0lf--61 In reply to KT-ExReplica [2012-11-26 01:49:40 +0000 UTC]

;A; me too... shet... dont remind me

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