Published: 2010-10-04 12:18:14 +0000 UTC; Views: 9883; Favourites: 239; Downloads: 0
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This is another "done a while back but forgot to post" piece, this is my character design for Galvatron for the upcoming "Transformers: Bots of Honor" fan comic project coming in 2011 (I am doing a 5 page chapter in it myself which Galvatron features in).This was based on the Megatron character design for this project done by and the idea was for him to look more based on Megatron's body and not a completely different robot like he was in G1.
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Comments: 57
KaijuDuke [2014-07-20 03:21:25 +0000 UTC]
If you ever have Megs become Galvatron in your comic someday in the far, far off future, you should consider introducing Beast Wars Megatron as a personal creation of his (& leader of the Predacons). You know, like a proud, & arrogant, father naming his son after himself, passing on the torch so to speak (or perhaps more like how Firelord Ozai passed the title of Firelord over to Azula only after he made up the new title of Phoenix King for himself lol). Be a nice way of bringing both iconic Megs into the same story without confusing things, since one will have moved on to being Galvatron by then & the other can carry on his old name & legacy.
P.S. Galvatron as a Cybertronian tank? Awesome
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KrisSmithDW In reply to KaijuDuke [2014-10-01 02:18:03 +0000 UTC]
I'm still figuring out how to introduce Beast Wars characters into the mix (I may have stumbled on to my solution though, just have to think it through, make sure it all jibes with everything in the backstory stuff) but I definitely want to use them in the "here and now" and not as an offshoot or a sequel or something like that, I want them to be usable with the current characters, a lot of my design choices are specifically so that any character will fit aesthetically with the others, specifically when more "rounder" characters like beasts come into play. I have to make sure my ideas for the Dinobots work and if they do it makes it way easier for other beast-like TFs to be introduced.
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chemicalzone97 [2011-03-22 20:51:01 +0000 UTC]
this is awesome, if u made it a bit more cartoony and less boxy it would be perfect for tf animated
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happymonkeyshoes [2011-03-03 11:05:09 +0000 UTC]
WOW!!! Love how you've given him a touch of arrogance.
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KrisSmithDW In reply to happymonkeyshoes [2011-06-19 16:39:27 +0000 UTC]
His personality in the script was definitely not crazy so I figured this would fit the BoH Galvy and I guess it did
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BoggeyDan [2010-10-15 13:11:02 +0000 UTC]
This, my man, is a rather frikking great design of Galvatron, nicely blending together aspects of both Megatron and Galvatron (with a small hint of Universe/Classics) - absolute brilliance in my book.
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KrisSmithDW In reply to BoggeyDan [2010-10-20 01:51:07 +0000 UTC]
Thanks dude, glad ya like it! Hopefully it'll look as good in "action" when my pages are posted in 2011
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KrisSmithDW In reply to hauke3000 [2010-10-07 10:04:55 +0000 UTC]
Thanks dude, glad ya like it!
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channandeller [2010-10-05 08:31:11 +0000 UTC]
he looks so proud to be a decepticon lovin it man
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KrisSmithDW In reply to channandeller [2010-10-07 10:04:42 +0000 UTC]
Thanks dude! He definitely is proud of it!
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channandeller In reply to KrisSmithDW [2010-10-07 11:51:34 +0000 UTC]
btw. I'd love to this version of him as a toy too,
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KrisSmithDW In reply to channandeller [2010-10-20 05:57:31 +0000 UTC]
Oh man, I'd sell the souls of my annoying neighbor and her kids for that to happen One day someone will randomly dump money in my lap and I'll get to design a toyline of my own. ONE DAY!!!!
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channandeller In reply to KrisSmithDW [2010-10-20 08:28:22 +0000 UTC]
I'll donate the souls of my annoying neighbor and her annoying kids to the cause as well
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KrisSmithDW In reply to channandeller [2010-11-01 08:44:05 +0000 UTC]
Done and done, hopefully it works
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Brithe-Avannee [2010-10-04 22:59:23 +0000 UTC]
I first saw this on Bots of Honor's page about a month ago, and the moment I saw the thumbnail of it I knew it was your doing!
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KrisSmithDW In reply to Brithe-Avannee [2010-10-07 10:04:19 +0000 UTC]
lol I don't think I can hide that something is drawn by me if I tried, lol I do hear this a LOT
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GalvatronPrime [2010-10-04 19:58:32 +0000 UTC]
As you may tell Galvatron is one of my fav TF. This is an AWSOME pic of him. Great job!
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KrisSmithDW In reply to GalvatronPrime [2010-10-07 10:03:56 +0000 UTC]
lol yes I can
Glad ya like it!
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BHS-ArchetypeRex [2010-10-04 18:38:35 +0000 UTC]
HNNGNngngngng So very very awesome! I'm about to just fly through and attack/fav your uploads, but I must make comment on this one as he really looks friggin' amazing. I love it! I really love your designs for TF so very much, and normally i'm not super crazy about Galvatron (though over the course of the passing months it's been altering and I find him more likeable...when I pretend he isn't the evolved form of Megatron at least LOL) and yeah. I will have to check out he comic when it comes out!!
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KrisSmithDW In reply to BHS-ArchetypeRex [2010-10-07 10:03:44 +0000 UTC]
LOL not a problem
I like Galvatron enough as a crazy character that he should be his own character and not an evolved Megatron, cuz I'd rather have BOTH because if you use one, the other is non-existant.
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BHS-ArchetypeRex In reply to KrisSmithDW [2010-10-08 12:50:30 +0000 UTC]
And I agree. So very much. That is my big thing, really...guh. I really just like the idea that Megatron IS still around, and Galvatron can do his own thing over here or something. I hope they keep with that though, like IDW, the two are completely separate - unless there is going to be some weird story twist and i'm going to cry forever at it.
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KrisSmithDW In reply to BHS-ArchetypeRex [2010-10-20 04:57:25 +0000 UTC]
I wouldn't mind a connection between them, just as long as they can exist together. And without the tired "alt universe" or "future version" thing, try something new and inventive to tie 'em together!!
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BHS-ArchetypeRex In reply to KrisSmithDW [2010-10-21 00:16:19 +0000 UTC]
Yes, sounds good to me! Hehehe.
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Ignatz20xx [2010-10-04 18:09:02 +0000 UTC]
I will rip open Ultra Magnus, and every other autobot! Until the Matrix has been destroyed!
Great job!
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memorypalace [2010-10-04 16:55:34 +0000 UTC]
Megatron? Is that you?
Galvatron never looked so good, awesome job
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KrisSmithDW In reply to memorypalace [2010-10-07 10:02:21 +0000 UTC]
Thanks, dude! Glad ya like the design
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AleximusPrime [2010-10-04 16:30:45 +0000 UTC]
Very nice Galvatron pic! Much better than the G1 version!
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JennWestberg [2010-10-04 15:37:52 +0000 UTC]
I like the redesign. He's still easily recognizable. Does he transform into a tank?
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KrisSmithDW In reply to JennWestberg [2010-10-07 10:01:54 +0000 UTC]
Yeah, some sort of weird Cybertronian one.
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